@RobRoy, that's a fair point. But, here I am getting ready to ask another question! I think you mentioned way back in the thread (or maybe I read this somewhere else), there is an occasional guy who needs TID dosing. How common is this? Rare?
I ask because I have been using cream for several months. I have varied dosing, but have mostly done twice a day - after AM shower and around 3-5 PM. But, I have been absolutely hitting a wall around noon consistently. Extreme fatigue around that time that lingers for hours or even the rest of the day. I have been trying to troubleshoot the cause and have not gotten a definitive answer yet (systematically eliminating one variable at a time).
One (admittedly unlikely) explanation is that between my AM dose and noon, I have absorbed, metabolized and excreted enough cream to feel the drop, which brings me to my question of considering TID dosing. I could simply try it, but was wondering how common it has been in your experience?