Topical T gel to increase penis size


I have read many articles about this topic after a friend of mine said he has had success applying T gel on his member. Most articles and studies say it does nothing. Some swear it works.
My friend has been applying 1% gel to his member for a month or so and says while the length doesn't appear to be different yet, the girth when erect is definitely bigger. I'm waiting to get more input from him but so far it seems it may work. At least for him.

He did say it was somewhat irritating/red the first week, so then he stopped for a few days and resumed with every other day until his skin adjusted to it. Now he is using it daily with no issues.

It is a very successful therapy for kids with micropenis, but few studies have been done on adult men. Could be interesting. I'll report back in the coming weeks. If anyone else has info on this let us know.
I have read many articles about this topic after a friend of mine said he has had success applying T gel on his member. Most articles and studies say it does nothing. Some swear it works.
My friend has been applying 1% gel to his member for a month or so and says while the length doesn't appear to be different yet, the girth when erect is definitely bigger. I'm waiting to get more input from him but so far it seems it may work. At least for him.

He did say it was somewhat irritating/red the first week, so then he stopped for a few days and resumed with every other day until his skin adjusted to it. Now he is using it daily with no issues.

It is a very successful therapy for kids with micropenis, but few studies have been done on adult men. Could be interesting. I'll report back in the coming weeks. If anyone else has info on this let us know.

If your goal is increasing penile size/length after puberty you are shit out of luck!

Cosmetic/surgical procedure would be your only option and even then there is always a risk!

No amount of transdermal T let alone DHT is going increase the size/length.

If anything increased blood flow will make your skin blade appear bigger, daily cialis would be your best bet!

BTW, my friend is a doctor. If he says his experiment has yielded an increase I believe him. It hasn't even been 2 months and he notices a difference.
I have read other reports that say likewise. So who knows.
If I keep reading good reports I may try it and become the next John Holmes! LOL

Response of micropenis to topical testosterone and gonadotropin​

R C Klugo, J C Cerny


Five patients were treated with gonadotropin and topical testosterone for micropenis associated with hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. All patients received 1,000 units of gonadotropin weekly for 3 weeks, with a 6-week interval followed by 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily for 3 weeks. Serum testosterone levels were measured and remained equivalent for both modes of therapy. Average penile growth response with gonadotropin was 14.3% increase in length and 5.0% increase of girth. Topical testosterone produced an average increase of 60% in penile length and 52.9% in girth. The greatest growth response occurred in prepubertal male subjects with a minimal response in postpubertal male subjects. This study suggests that 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily will produce effective penile growth. The response appears to be greater in younger children, which is consistent with previously published studies of age-related 5 reductase activity.

Parenteral testosterone therapy’s effect on penile size before hypospadias surgery​

Sugam Godse1, Anuj Kumar1, Harmandeep Singh1, Gordhan Choudhary1, Mahaveer Kumar Chhabra1
1Department of Urology, Dr. Sampurnanand Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
*Corresponding author: Sugam Godse, Department of Urology, Dr. Sampurnanand Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. [email protected]

Received: 2022-04-30, Accepted: 2022-11-02, Epub ahead of print: 2022-12-17, Published: 2023-03-11
© 2022 Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
LicenceThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
How to cite this article: Godse S, Kumar A, Singh H, Choudhary G, Chhabra MK. Parenteral testosterone therapy’s effect on penile size before hypospadias surgery. Indian J Med Sci 2023;75:15-7.
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The purpose of this study was to see the effect of parenteral testosterone injection on penile length, glans diameter, and diameter at the base of the penis in hypospadias patients before surgery.

Material and Methods:​

The study was conducted from September 2019 to March 2021. This study comprised a total of 20 hypospadias patients. At a dose of 2 mg/kg body weight, an injection testosterone propionate was administered deep intramuscularly in three doses with a 3-week gap before reconstructive surgery. Before surgery, the penile length, glans diameter, and penile diameter at the base of the penis were all measured.


The mean increase in penile length, glans diameter, and diameter at the base of penis following parenteral testosterone therapy was 1.07 ± 0.23 cm (P < 0.001), 1.01 ± 0.46 cm (P < 0.001), and 0.92 ± 0.12 cm (P < 0.001), respectively. All three measurements were statistically significant.


Intramuscular testosterone increased penis size, glans diameter, and penile diameter without causing any notable side effects. Development of fine pubic hair, acne, and aggressiveness is minor adverse effects.
BTW, my friend is a doctor.
One could argue that your doctor, a conduit for big Pharma, is just trying to sell a product.

This doesn’t give your doctor friend credibility, there are lots of doctors, some are mediocre, others average and a select few are exceptional.

I once had a female GP tell me that testosterone doesn’t increase muscle mass. It only makes a man feel like a man. When I questioned her about it, she said, did you know my entire family are doctors, my mother and father are a doctor. My brothers and sisters are doctors as if that gives her statement credibility.

It hasn't even been 2 months and he notices a difference.
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is and if this was for real, some pharmaceutical company would’ve bought it up and sold it for us a small fortune.

This is the most up-to-date men’s health forum, if there was something out there that actually increased penal size on a simple topical application, @madman would know about it.

Be careful believing someone else’s claims, including myself, do your own research.
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How many people have actually tried applying testosterone cream to their penis? Very few, I'm sure, since I've never seen any anecdotes about it. They've all been told it won't do anything, limiting what we can learn from the wisdom of the crowd.

The greatest growth response occurred in prepubertal male subjects with a minimal response in postpubertal male subjects. This study suggests that 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily will produce effective penile growth. The response appears to be greater in younger children, which is consistent with previously published studies of age-related 5 reductase activity.
Is the implication here that an age-related decrease in penile 5-alpha reductase is the primary reason topical testosterone is ineffective in growing the post-pubertal penis? Would that mean DHT cream might be effective then? It's available from UGL suppliers for the adventurous out there.

Also worth noting, a "minimal response" in post-pubertal subjects is more than no response. In other words, the topical testosterone did have a small effect.
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BTW, my friend is a doctor. If he says his experiment has yielded an increase I believe him. It hasn't even been 2 months and he notices a difference.
I have read other reports that say likewise. So who knows.
If I keep reading good reports I may try it and become the next John Holmes! LOL

I could name numerous top urologists that specialize in testosterone therapy and men's sexual health.

Any of them would tell you that applying transdermal T let alone DHT to the penis post puberty will not increase the size/length of the penis!

I am talking giants in the f**king field here who have treated 1000s of men over the decades!

Testosterone, AR (androgen receptors) and penile tissue!

*Androgen receptors are present in large quantities in the immature phallus, but they have been found to diminish markedly with age in the rat and to be present in low quantities in the adult human phallus [50]. This may account for the loss of penile growth response to testosterone after puberty [20, 47].

*Since penile androgen receptors diminish during puberty, growth will cease even under continued testosterone treatment (Shabsigh 1997; see Chapter 12).

Clinical use of testosterone in hypogonadism and other conditions (2012)

Eberhard Nieschlag and Hermann M. Behre

(pg.299) Phenotype

In patients who have not gone through puberty, penis growth will be induced by testosterone treatment and normal erectile function will develop. Since penile androgen receptors diminish during puberty,growth will cease even under continued testosterone treatment (Shabsigh 1997; see Chapter 12).

The effects of testosterone on the cavernous tissue and erectile function (1997)

R. Shabsigh

Developmental aspects

Given that the exact role of androgens in adult male sexual function remains unclear, considerable research has established beyond doubt that the development of the penis and the male genitalia are totally dependent on androgens. Furthermore, androgen disorders during development result in profound congenital structural abnormalities. In humans and mammalians the normal growth and development of the penis is completely dependent upon continuous androgenic stimulation from the differentiation of the external genitalia until the completion of puberty [14, 21, 62]. A deficiency of testosterone in utero may yield varying degrees of genital ambiguity, micropenis, and hypospadias. In such patients, preoperative androgen therapy may enlarge thepenis, facilitating the operative procedure [8, 22, 27].
Androgen receptors in the penis

The recognized mediator of androgen action in the penis, as elsewhere, is the cytoplasmic androgen receptor [50]. Androgen receptors are present in large quantities in the immature phallus, but they have been found to diminish markedly with age in the rat and to be present in low quantities in the adult human phallus [50]. This may account for the loss of penile growth response to testosterone after puberty [20, 47].
With regard to erectile function, it is note worthy that the smooth muscle in the rat penis expresses androgen receptors [61]. This expression may be integral to the mechanism by which testosterone exerts its influence, especially because smooth-muscle cells predominate in the erectile tissue of the rat penis [19]. Interestingly, there is an age-related disappearance of androgen receptors in rat penile smooth muscle, but not in penile skin or urethra [61].The reason for this selectivity of disappearance is not known.


The following conclusions can be drawn from this literature review:

1. Androgens, including testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, are absolutely necessary and highly important for the normal development of the penis in humans and mammalians, and their deficiency results in congenital structural anomalies.

2. Androgen receptors are present in the penis, including the erectile tissue. Levels of these receptors decrease after puberty but may not disappear completely.


I could name numerous top urologists that specialize in testosterone therapy and men's sexual health.

Any of them would tell you that applying transdermal T let alone DHT to the penis post puberty will not increase the size/length of the penis!

I am talking giants in the f**king field here who have treated 1000s of men over the decades!
Yes, and how many of their thousands of patients have they prescribed DHT cream to be rubbed on the penis? Is the number greater than zero? Or have they all cited the same couple of studies concluding it would be ineffective and consequently tried it on zero patients?

We live in a post-elite world now where appeals to authority have become ineffective. Citizen science is ascendant in this new era. If someone hasn't personally rubbed DHT cream on their penis, or hasn't prescribed it to someone and observed the results, that person's opinion on the probable outcome isn't worth much (mine included).
Yes, and how many of their thousands of patients have they prescribed DHT cream to be rubbed on the penis? Is the number greater than zero? Or have they all cited the same couple of studies concluding it would be ineffective and consequently tried it on zero patients?

We live in a post-elite world now where appeals to authority have become ineffective. Citizen science is ascendant in this new era. If someone hasn't personally rubbed DHT cream on their penis, or hasn't prescribed it to someone and observed the results, that person's opinion on the probable outcome isn't worth much (mine included).

Better yet ask any of the top andrologists Dr. Mulhall being one of them.

Put money on it they would tell you the same thing!

Both testosterone and DHT bind to the AR.

Testosterones metabolite dihydrotestosterone.

Testosterone --->5α-reductase--->DHT--->AR

Again post puberty.....key here being decline/lower number of ARs!

*Androgen receptors are present in large quantities in the immature phallus, but they have been found to diminish markedly with age in the rat and to be present in low quantities in the adult human phallus [50]. This may account for the loss of penile growth response to testosterone after puberty [20, 47].

*Since penile androgen receptors diminish during puberty, growth will cease even under continued testosterone treatment (Shabsigh 1997; see Chapter 12).

Go nuts, slap that transdermal DHT on your skin blade and get back to me on the results!

Kidding yourself her if you truly believe it is going to have any noticeable let alone a significant effect on your penile size/length post puberty!

Daily tadalafil is where it's at if you are looking for a fuller flaccid hang!


Response of micropenis to topical testosterone and gonadotropin​

R C Klugo, J C Cerny


Five patients were treated with gonadotropin and topical testosterone for micropenis associated with hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. All patients received 1,000 units of gonadotropin weekly for 3 weeks, with a 6-week interval followed by 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily for 3 weeks. Serum testosterone levels were measured and remained equivalent for both modes of therapy. Average penile growth response with gonadotropin was 14.3% increase in length and 5.0% increase of girth. Topical testosterone produced an average increase of 60% in penile length and 52.9% in girth. The greatest growth response occurred in prepubertal male subjects with a minimal response in postpubertal male subjects. This study suggests that 10% topical testosterone cream twice daily will produce effective penile growth. The response appears to be greater in younger children, which is consistent with previously published studies of age-related 5 reductase activity.
These studies are on children still developing. They don't translate well for adult males. That being said, there are people using DHT cream at 10% who report a size increase in their penis. Everything is anecdotal, no studies exist as to the efficacy of transdermal DHT (or testosterone) with regards to penile size increase.

The Trans community (FTM) has quite a bit of anecdotal information on this as they use it on the clitoris to promote growth and have documented, with pictures, evidence of serious growth. Does that mean it translates the same for adult men applying it to the penis? I don't know. I have seen (anecdotal) reports of size increase in males, with alleged pictures, which could be fake.

The effects of DHT cream on the clitoris are without any doubt genuine. There are multiple long-term blogs of females showing a major change in size and sensitivity of the clitoris. Testosterone, not as much.

This is a highly debatable subject as no real scientific proof exists. Some have stated that the window for DHT to have any effect on the penis ends at a certain time after puberty, but I personally have not seen anything that proves that.

Testosterone gel will not likely result in any growth, it simply isn't strong enough. It may give a good libido bump to some. I have personally experienced this.

As to DHT, the concentration needs to be higher than what was previously available. Andractim (which is now unavailable) was a 2.5% concentration. The new "standard" is 10%. This is a very hot topic in the FTM community and they share MANY pictures that would appear to validate the efficacy.

DHT is very hard to acquire anymore due to it being a less favored and "Old Dog" type of androgen. The best is now made in Germany, I would be skeptical of any Chinese products. I used to use Andractim and it does give a very good libido bump. I have recently acquired 100 grams of DHT from Germany after months of searching. I have a recipe for some home brewed, 10% DHT gel using PhloJel Ultra and a few other ingredients. I DO NOT have any sources to share however, and this is not the venue to promote that. So please, don't ask me for a source. I will however report as to the effects if anyone is interested.

EDIT: After a week, a nice libido boost and increased penile sensitivity. This is what I was after as I am an older guy and age takes its toll on sensitivity, I am happy with my current size, so that was never an issue for me. If there are any significant changes, I will report them.

@madman you are well within the boundaries of logic on this subject based on what we know thus far and proven by science. But as the researcher I know you to be, take a good long deep dive into the FTM community on this subject and report back to us on your findings.
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I am personally of the opinion that the anecdotal evidence of the effects of DHT on the clitoris are pretty much inarguable. Most people may not realize just how much alike males and females really are. This a very basic and easy to follow example:

"There are more homologues than I’ve listed, but those are the big five. So the next time someone tries to lord their gender over you, helpfully remind them that, despite looks, you’re pretty much the same."

Development of Internal Genitalia (or: Seriously, Our Anatomy Was Exactly the Same At One Point)​

There is a time in utero when a developing embryo doesn’t have a noticeable sex. Around 6 weeks, the internal and external genitalia develop, but it’s an in-between state of undifferentiated gender. Think of it like a caterpillar in a chrysalis, undergoing a big change.
An embryo in the early stages (around weeks 5–6) has reproductive structures, ducts, and gonads that can develop into a female or male system. Once the genes determining sex are activated, the appropriate structures will remain while the others degenerate. In the case of a female embryo, it is the paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts; for the male, it is the mesonephric ducts that develop. The gonads will develop into ovaries or testes.
Reproductive anatomy epididymis gartner's duct

Image from Human Anatomy Atlas.
These studies are on children still developing. They don't translate well for adult males. That being said, there are people using DHT cream at 10% who report a size increase in their penis. Everything is anecdotal, no studies exist as to the efficacy of transdermal DHT (or testosterone) with regards to penile size increase.

The Trans community (FTM) has quite a bit of anecdotal information on this as they use it on the clitoris to promote growth and have documented, with pictures, evidence of serious growth. Does that mean it translates the same for adult men applying it to the penis? I don't know. I have seen (anecdotal) reports of size increase in males, with alleged pictures, which could be fake.

The effects of DHT cream on the clitoris are without any doubt genuine. There are multiple long-term blogs of females showing a major change in size and sensitivity of the clitoris. Testosterone, not as much.

This is a highly debatable subject as no real scientific proof exists. Some have stated that the window for DHT to have any effect on the penis ends at a certain time after puberty, but I personally have not seen anything that proves that.

Testosterone gel will not likely result in any growth, it simply isn't strong enough. It may give a good libido bump to some. I have personally experienced this.

As to DHT, the concentration needs to be higher than what was previously available. Andractim (which is now unavailable) was a 2.5% concentration. The new "standard" is 10%. This is a very hot topic in the FTM community and they share MANY pictures that would appear to validate the efficacy.

DHT is very hard to acquire anymore due to it being a less favored and "Old Dog" type of androgen. The best is now made in Germany, I would be skeptical of any Chinese products. I used to use Andractim and it does give a very good libido bump. I have recently acquired 100 grams of DHT from Germany after months of searching. I have a recipe for some home brewed, 10% DHT gel using PhloJel Ultra and a few other ingredients. I DO NOT have any sources to share however, and this is not the venue to promote that. So please, don't ask me for a source. I will however report as to the effects if anyone is interested.

EDIT: After a week, a nice libido boost and increased penile sensitivity. This is what I was after as I am an older guy and age takes its toll on sensitivity, I am happy with my current size, so that was never an issue for me. If there are any significant changes, I will report them.

@madman you are well within the boundaries of logic on this subject based on what we know thus far and proven by science. But as the researcher I know you to be, take a good long deep dive into the FTM community on this subject and report back to us on your findings.

Main point being stressed here!

Both testosterone and DHT bind to the AR.

Testosterones metabolite dihydrotestosterone.

Testosterone --->5α-reductase--->DHT--->AR

Again post puberty.....key here being decline/lower number of ARs!

*Androgen receptors are present in large quantities in the immature phallus, but they have been found to diminish markedly with age in the rat and to be present in low quantities in the adult human phallus [50]. This may account for the loss of penile growth response to testosterone after puberty [20, 47].

*Since penile androgen receptors diminish during puberty, growth will cease even under continued testosterone treatment (Shabsigh 1997; see Chapter 12).

You are overlooking the significance of the AR!

Key point here..... the clitoris also maintains androgen dependency in adulthood because it continues to express significant amounts of AR,

Throw sensitivity of the AR in there too!

The clitoris is well established as an androgen responsive organ during embryonic development but it also maintains androgen dependency in adulthood because it continues to express significant amounts of AR, although most tissues in the developing female genital tract cease to express AR after the 1st trimester of pregnancy.96, 97, 98 Clitoral hypertrophy or clitoromegaly is considered one of the most sensitive markers for increased androgen production in women.99 Yet, even in this androgen-sensitive organ, estrogen is functionally important. In healthy eumenorrheic premenopausal women, basal clitoral volume and blood flow varied during the menstrual cycle. In the absence of sexual arousal, estradiol levels were positively correlated with clitoral volume and negatively correlated with vascular resistance.100 In ovariectomized female rats, treatment with testosterone was associated with increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation of the clitoral corpora cavernosa, a critical event for clitoral tumescence during sexual arousal.101 This effect of testosterone was not due to conversion to estradiol because co-administration of testosterone and letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, did not abolish the response. Ovariectomy also impaired clitoral vascular smooth muscle contractile signaling pathways involving RhoA and RhoA-associated protein kinase and this was reversed with estradiol treatment.101 Thus, estradiol and testosterone are necessary for maintenance of clitoral tissue morphology and signaling pathways that regulate vascular responsiveness of the clitoris during sexual arousal.
Not the first time this topic comes up. For all we know scientifically there would be no more growth.
BUT speaking as a scientist, I would also say let's go nuts with that DHT cream if someone really needs to do this experiment. Looking forward to your results. Proper measurement is crucial. pics required ;)

There is proof that penis extender can make a penis grow to some extent. Growth is possible. Other mechanism though. Combining this with HGH and/or DHT... nice experiment.
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Testosterone --->5α-reductase--->DHT--->AR

Again post puberty.....key here being decline/lower number of ARs!
We have one study attributing lack of post-pubertal growth to reduced 5 alpha reductase in adult penis, and others saying it's the reduced AR number.

DHT cream bypasses the first obstacle. The second, you might be able to compensate for with locally massive, supraphysiologic doses of DHT, which should occur with an effective topical formula.

Only one way to find out boys.

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