testosterone side effects?


New Member
i've been injecting test 2 times a week, 125 each time mon/thurs, and i have been having some weird side effects that i cannot find another having online, the night of my injection i wake up in a gasp for air, and as i sit there in bed i get a uncomfortable feeling like my neck is tightening up, and stand up and am dizzy, lightheaded. i walk around the room in a jitter/panic state, and it keeps me up all night, the next day im fine, this only happens the night of my injection, would i be allergic? bad reaction? im 30 years old and am active
Hmmm, I knew someone that had similar things happening and it was an apparent allergic reaction with cottonseed oil, which is common with Test Cyp. He made the switch to sesame oil, which either his compound pharmacy provided or it was just standard Ethanthate (Delatestryl)? Talk to your physician and get his/her .02. A switch in suspension oil could be done rather quick.
Its been 3 weeks since i started, the reaction only happens after i fall asleep, and only happens in nights i inject, i inject around noon, fall asleep at midnight wake up at 2 in a panic
Maybe sleep apnea?

You're on an awfully high dose, most don't go above 200mg per week, and that's after trying lower doses. You went straight to a super high dose.

Is this prescribed?
All good questions ... OP, what does your doctor say? Is there anything else being administered at this time, e.g., HCG, AI, morphine (jk)? Are you seeing any fever during this time, erratic heart rate? I would suggest presenting this to your doctor ASAP.
Im not prescribed, im an athelet, lower the dose perhaps?

The problem is that it could be a myriad of possibilities when dealing with a non-prescribed compound. I presume you're using an UGL product? The allergy theory is still in play, but you don't know what suspension oil is being utilized? I would hate to think something else is in the mix that might be disagreeing with your body, but that can be the risk if it's not a trusted pharmaceutical source.

I would highly encourage labs and talking with a physician who will want to help you through this. Don't jump on any Arimidex until you can get a confirmation that it's needed.

It's a bit difficult for us to comment and provide suggestions when someone's hormone administration isn't being overseen by a qualified physician, so please don't take it too personally if we can't get overly detailed with suggestions and ideas on your current program.

I will say this ... You have noticed a pattern of some agonizing neck pain, gasping for air, panic-like sensations occurring consistently every evening that you inject 250mg ... I would say stop or change what I'm doing so that this does not happen any longer. If the path you're on is problematic, change the path.
ive had this when using "PED".. basically that dosage of testosterone causing you too much hormonal swings it should get stabilizied but, you shouldnt use that dose without monitoring labs very closely. too much testosterone isnt good long term it will put too much stress on your body if used long term if you are doing it for health be smart, dont overdose on testosterone 250 mg weekly will put you way above naturally attainable levels at your peak that can't be healthy long term
Lower your dose to half and skip A1 and start from there. 250 mg it´s a mega dosaged and in theory it should last up to 2-3weeks. I think you´re experience a testo rush. Without real lab work you´re saling a boat with compass.
Im not prescribed, im an athelet, lower the dose perhaps?

I'm not an expert and new as well.. but like others said .. try lowering and also.. since the issue only seems to happen on the night injection.. maybe just inject in the later afternoon .. just a thought..

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