Testosterone Results came back with a 1450.


New Member
I have an appointment in a couple of days with my doctor. The nurse mentioned that my testosterone was high and asked if I had administered my injection before doing the blood work and I said no. I did workout that morning before going to get labs. I have not felt like this in years, sex drive and libido came back. Haven't felt like this since in my 20's, I'm currently 38. Just all around feeling great. I'm currently taking 200mg Test every 10 days with HCG 500ui EOD. My question, is my doctor going to tamper me down on the testosterone to get me to a more normal level. I would like to stay on this protocol. I was actually thinking of telling my doctor to change me to weekly instead of every 10 days. Has someone experience similar levels and what were the changes that were done? Thanks in advance
It was 7 days after my last injection. I usually administer my HCG in the morning but opted out until the afternoon to have accurate results. The only thing I did that morning was do some moderate weights and cardio. Thanks
7 days, that's a lot of time. Who mixes your HCG? Could be overdosed? HCG does add to test, but I don't know at what levels from your dose.
HCG does not add to test, in monotherapy yes but not with Exo T, if anything its a miniscule amount that is statistically zero.

You should only be drawing blood at your lowest point, the trough, which for you, morning of the 10th day. You're testing at 7 days and you're doing it wrong in that regard. If you like 200mg every 10 days, then by all means keep on, that's great report you have there but your testing routine needs tweaked.
Blood pressure, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, E2 ?
If all of these are in good shape, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with that level, although I think most Drs. would try to back you down a little.
I agree with Vince, labs should be at your lowest levels. Right before you inject. But as you probably know, you should be injecting every 3 1/2 days or at least once a week.
I'm not so sure why the doctor didn't order a full panel of tests. The only thing he ordered was the testosterone levels. I called the nurse again and mention most likely the doc will order more tests. I'm going to ask him if he could at least change it to every week. But since it is higher than normal I don't think he will go for it. I do notice a slight change at day 8 and so on. Mood and anxiety starts creeping up after day 7. I will mention to him If I can retest a day before my next injection to see if it makes a difference. For the HCG i received a 12000 units vial and added (4) 3ml of bac water. I think the mixture was correct.
Hard to say if your doctor will try to back you down some. Some are more conservative than others, and we don't know yours. But nothing wrong with that level if all other things (mentioned above) are monitored and fine.

One thought - you like the results at 200mg every 10 days. That's roughly 600mg in 30 days. You could move to 150mg every 7 days and you'd be injecting 200mg every 28 days...so about the same. And the weekly dose should level things out better and avoid the "lows" you are feeling at days 8-10.

(But if it were me, I'd explore going to twice/week. Every 3.5 days. Works very very well).
I echo all the good points made above, but if you're protocol is working it'd be hard to advise you to mess with it.
Having said that, it would be nice to see some other lab results with your total T, e2, Hematocrit, Free T, etc....
Are you not experiencing any "swings" injecting every 10 days?

I was able to squeeze in an appointment yesterday. He kept me at my current protocol which is 200mg every 10 days of test and 500ui of HCG EOD for one month. He gave me a referral for another blood test but this time I'm going to do the blood work the day of my injection so it will be more accurate. I won't inject or workout until after the test is done. He ordered total T, Hematocrit, and free testosterone. He mentioned depending on the results he will either tamper the HCG or the testosterone. I did let him know that I start a decline on day 8 and so on. I'm really new to all of this but man what a difference it has made in my life and that's because its only been around 2 months. I just hope we get to a more comfortable and healthy level.
Where is your estradiol via the sensitive lab test? I ask because large doses of testosterone can cause a spike in E2. Something to keep in mind as it's a key component of protocol management and easy enough to deal with if a problem presents.
Went back to the doctor and got my lab work done. Quick update I feel much better, since I started TRT, Sex drive and libido are coming back slowly but surely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Estradiol came back at a 72.6 and he said that is in the high side. My current TRT is Testosterone 200mg Every 10 days 500ui HCG EOD. He prescribed Arimidex 1mg Monday's and Thursday's for two months and I'm suppose to go back and get some labs done to see if my Estrogen went down. My question is, is this too high to start with, should I ask for smaller dosage and will I loose my overall progress. I have heard if my E goes down too low due to high dosage of Arimidex it can cause other problems. Again I would like to thank everyone for your help.

Here are my current results
Testosterone, Serum 771
Testosterone, Serum (Total) 710
% free Testosterone 2.1
Free Testosterone, S 149
Sex Hormone Binding 21.6
FSH, Serum <0.2
Prolactin 10.2
Estradiol 72.6
I would advise you against the 1mg twice per week....1mg is a very heavy dose that could take you too far the other direction (low E). Yes your E is very high but I'd suggest no more than .5mg twice per week, which may still be too much.
Went back to the doctor and got my lab work done. Quick update I feel much better, since I started TRT, Sex drive and libido are coming back slowly but surely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Estradiol came back at a 72.6 and he said that is in the high side. My current TRT is Testosterone 200mg Every 10 days 500ui HCG EOD. He prescribed Arimidex 1mg Monday's and Thursday's for two months and I'm suppose to go back and get some labs done to see if my Estrogen went down. My question is, is this too high to start with, should I ask for smaller dosage and will I loose my overall progress. I have heard if my E goes down too low due to high dosage of Arimidex it can cause other problems. Again I would like to thank everyone for your help.

Here are my current results
Testosterone, Serum 771
Testosterone, Serum (Total) 710
% free Testosterone 2.1
Free Testosterone, S 149
Sex Hormone Binding 21.6
FSH, Serum <0.2
Prolactin 10.2
Estradiol 72.6

Are you sure your estradiol was measured with correct test? If you aren't certain it was the sensitive lab test, please post the reference ranges as that usually gives the answer.
Are you not experiencing the high's and low's from only injecting every 10 days?
Even every 7 days was a little much for me.
Every 3.5 days has been the sweetspot for me.
Get a pill cutter for like five bucks and then you can easily cut those 1 mg Arimidex pills into quarters. 0.25 mg each. My 2-cents: I would do 0.25 mg twice a week instead of 1 mg twice a week as that is a HUGE dose.
If you are happy with your Test levels, then I would reduce the dose if you are going to every 7 days. Currently you are taking 200mg every 10 days, which is obviously 20mg/day. So 20 x 7 = 140mg if you went to a weekly dose. So you might do somewhere around 140-150mg every 7 days.

If you stick with 200mg every 7 days, your estrogen is going to peak even higher...
Wrong test. this is the standard test, designed for women. It simply is inaccurate, sometimes wildly so, for men. Your doctor could easily order the sensitive test - the fact that it wasn't requested is a concern. You are now going to be taking anastrozole on the basis of a test that you can't trust. It typically overestimates your estradiol. Please consider self-testing through Discountedlabs.com.

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