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yes, 30mg/d is signed of by my doctor. i honestly don't feel good below 25mg/d. my free T cycles between 75 peak 30 low roughly on that protocol. I worked slowly to that level from 120mg/week over 2 years. I go purely by the way I feel and don't care about dosing and levels too much, as long as other markers are fine. my rbc/htc is elevated but there is no much difference between 120/210mg and there is a whole other discussion what levels are acceptable, different lab ranges etc.
my general doc thinks I do great. i look and feel great. BF% went from 30->20 (10 to go). libido sky high. i don't know what to tell the lab number chaser crowd here. get a life!
Love it. Keep doing what ur doing brotha. I learned years ago that in order to get my free T to where I feel my best, I need my total at least 1600, minimum! When on a test base, usually keep it between 1600-2000. At those levels I EASILY keep all my labs/ health markers where I like them, and keep my vital signs optimal. It’s comical to me when guys try to scare other guys into thinking they’re killing themselves by running total test levels above 1000, and/ or running 200-250mg/ week of test. It’s honestly a joke. Like what is supposedly killing these men that fall into one, or both, of these scenarios? Elevated HCT, high BP? I genuinely want to know. Keeping HCT under 54-55%, while using 200-250mg of test per week, for example, is extremely easy. Same with keeping BP within range. So what else is there that’s supposedly “killing” men that fall into on, or both of these groups?

People love to parrot things that they think are true, without researching the topic for themselves/ using common sense/ critical thinking skills. I see the same thing every day in my real life. People saying “don’t eat raw eggs cuz u’ll get salmonella and get sick” “don’t eat raw meat, u’ll get parasites/ get sick” “don’t eat a ton of saturated fat, u’ll have a heart attack” “make sure to eat veggies, they’re good for u”, etc, etc. Meanwhile, veggies are trying to kill us, I eat a ton of saturated fat each day, and cardiovascular health is top notch, I eat at least 4 raw egg yolks every day, and have done so without getting sick for 5 years now, and consume the liver and heart all the time, again without getting sick. Point being, people like to parrot things that they “think” are true, without actually knowing the truth/ being able to back up the facts. Not saying I know everything, js that instead of people just parroting things they’ve heard, like they’re facts, let’s have a conversation about the topic, and bring facts to the table, and use common sense, critical thinking skills, and figure out why both parties feel the way they do about the topic.

Ur currently using 210mg/ week of test, if my math is correct, which is absolutely nothing to be concerned about, health wise, imo, but even when u were using 280mg/ week, I’m not sure what the problem is, and why people think that dose is any worse for ur health than someone that eats processed foods regularly, or drinks soda regularly, or drinks alcohol regularly, or someone that doesn’t exercise regularly, or someone that doesn’t sleep well, or someone that is stressed out all the time. I’d take being on 280mg of test per week over any of those other scenarios, as far as my overall health is concerned, any day!!
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Take that Cortex Lab dude with a grain of salt. He has said some really wrong things in the past, and if you watch his podcast with VigorousSteve you realize he is a compete amateur in his knowledge. He tries to carve out a nootropic niche and sells private label products, and maybe he knows more about that, but he is terrible at TRT stuff. For example, he advocated keeping estradiol is a small range with AIs, I think 20-25, or else you get tons of side effects which is complete crap.
Idk, I’ve really appreciated his opinions on things, from the vids I’ve watched. He goes over a lot of anecdotal evidence, as well as some research based evidence, that shows that some guys do well within a fairly tight range of E2, on average. Does that mean that’s where every guy is going to feel and function their best sexually, of course not. Nobody should ever listen to someone’s info, or read a study showing certain results, or listen to anecdotes, and think that these things apply to everyone. We’re all way too different, in regards to our genetics, the states our bodies are in, what our bodies are exposed to on a regular basis, and what we are actively putting in/ doing to our bodies on a regular basis. So for me, I wouldn’t say what this guy has to say is wrong, or not worth listening to, I would just say that whoever is listening to him, has to realize the things I mentioned above, and not take what he’s saying as gospel. Same goes for listening to anyone putting out/ sharing info on things. So long story short, I guess I agree with u. I would definitely take what he says with a grain of salt. But I do that with anyone I’m receiving knowledge from, for the most part
He already switched to a new scrotal cream and proviron protocol to test the effects of maxing out DHT. I assume he's on a mission to lose his hair.
Interesting. Haven’t watched his vids in a while, I’ll have to checkout his rationale for wanting to try and max out DHT. Seems like he enjoys his hair quite a bit, so I wonder if he thinks he’s not going to experience significant hair loss, or if he just doesn’t care if he does or not. Either way, I actually appreciate the fact that he’s constantly experimenting and trialing and erroring with different protocols and different compounds, and different combinations of compounds. I think we can learn a lot from people like him, that are willing to experiment with their own bodies like this, and then share their findings/ experiences with so many people
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