typically when I feel overstimulated, high work stress etc, i reduce it to 20mg. you can feel the change within 2-3 days. below 20mg i feel like shit, so there goes the low dosing for me. on weeks I do harder workouts (both weight/cardio) I tend to dose up, as it helps with recovery. been trying up to 40mg lately, and feeling great as well. and yes, please spare me the AAS cycle crap (not you, just the T police on this forum)
You clearly knew what the forum was about before you even set foot on here in 2022!
This is a men's health/HRT forum!
If you don't get the gist move on!
Where do you want to go with this one because I'm ready to pick this apart from the tip of the hair follicle on your head to the hangnail on your big toe!
Do you want me to pull up your labs when you were banging 25 mg TP daily (175 mg/week) or better yet 30 mg TP daily (210 mg/week)?
You remember the FT levels you were hitting and that is coming from a guy with low SHBG to boot.
40 mg TP daily a f**king whopping 280 mg TP/week (minus ester = 232.4 mg active T), therapeutic LMFAO!
That would be equivalent to banging 332 mg TC/week (minus ester = 232.4 mg active T )!
When it comes to cycling most in the know would consider 300 mg T/week getting your feet wet and even then 400-600 mg T/week is where its at.
If you want to play around with your Mickey Mouse dipping in that cycle territory go nuts!
Let's be very clear here banging 280 mg TP/week has absolutely nothing to do with HRT!
That's the problem with you sheep that pollute those so called men's health forums you know (FACEpalm, I just don't GEDDIT, BUMnation,GOOtube) loaded with all those blast n cruizzers preaching that more T is better mentality nonsense coming over here stinking up this forum!
I can pick off any one of you!
We have quite a few of them still lingering on here, some just poke their heads in once in awhile to talk gibberish but end up getting smoked and the others who know better got put in their place and left!
Excel is a different f**king BREED my man!
Next time just call me out by name instead of beating around the f***king wet bush!
Snakey f**king move!