I personally will never try nandrolone. Too many anecdotes from people I know who have suffered either or both 1. Libido loss 2. "Numb penis" yet have libido (desire).
To me, deca dick seems to be neurological, affecting the dopamine reward circuitry. The elevated prolactin is just a side effect of the lowered dopamine in a depressed brain. Long after nandrolone containing cycles are done, protactin normalised, all hormones in range, the ED / and or loss of libido persists. All the estrogen/prolactin/DHN theories then can get thrown out the window. Sure caber / DHT (masteron) may temporarily help by raising dopamine, but anything that raises dopamine will for a while....hell, cocaine will probably help too.
Nandrolone is a toxic neuro steroid and theres no way in hell im touching it. Whats poison in moderate amounts is poison in small amounts too. As far as the neuro effects go.
Nandrolone increasing prolactin is incorrect. Nandrolone converts extremely little into E2 and prolactin. It’s an old old myth that nandrolone shoots up prolactin levels. However, as far as I know it does sensitive E2 and prolactin receptors, so whatever E2 and prolactin u have in ur system can become more “potent”. That’s why caution is required when concurrently using a compound that has a high conversion rate to both E2 and prolactin, like testosterone, for example