following; been on week 2 of Tprop protocol. i tried various doses. from 20mg-40mg daily.
around 25mg/day i my sweet spot. at close to 40mg i feel agitated mid-day and a bit anxious. I have no idea how some can do T cycles at 500mg or so. My previous T protocol was 200mg/week. I am ultra low shbg (11 or so), and i don't feel well below 150mg. my labs at 200mg/cyp were like 500ng/total, 20/free on 3xweek protocol
I have been getting massive AM erections on T prop, where none of this on cyp.
my mood energy is better as well. libido went up, and is normal (EOD desire for sex which is the sweet spot for ne)
@tropicaldaze1950 sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I withdrew clonazepam years ago from a 1+ year use. its a rough ride but doable. i can prob write a book about it and what helps. benzos mess up sleep quality big time unfortunately long term and make you numb to just about everything
I really like prop. you can make quick adjustments and feel the different within a day.
higher peak and lower lows is probably a good idea within a 24 range, similar to a more natural cycle.
I too deal with intermittent sleep issues, and too high T somewhat is related to this. but it is only part of the picture. there is so many moving parts to this. I have been supplementing with PSerine as well which helps.
Overall I think that work/life stress is by far the biggest chunk of the sleep cake. I noticed that when on vacation I sleep like a baby, even when I ramp my T dose/caffeine and all sort of anti-sleep things. where on a stressful week the smallest variations like a cigar at night will mess it up big time.
my T has been UGL but i plan to work my provider/empower to get 'proper' T prop during my next visit.
thank you all for sharing experiences.