Never tried subQ in the 10 years I’ve been on HRT. Only IM. And ya before those labs I had tried 147mg of prop per week, as well as 122mg of prop per week. Just never felt great on prop for whatever reason. Just figured it was due to my test levels spiking and declining very quickly, and my E2 levels remaining elevated most of the time, and just not having the best test to E2 ratio a good portion of the week, or the majority of the week. Ran prop by itself for around 7 months totalSame. For comparison, on 100mg/week in E3.5D injections my trough Free T was 25ng/dL with trough E2 (sensitive) at 22pg/mL. Massively more skewed in favor in of Androgens than 9ng/dL and E2 32pg/mL.
FT:E2 ratio for that Cyp protocol was (ignoring the units) 1.14, while FT:E2 ratio for my current protocol is 0.28. That's 4 times the FT:E2 ratio in favor of the Cyp protocol.
That's my theory as well.
Was this subQ?
It looks like we have a fairly similar profile. My SHBG is also around 40nmol/L now (80 pre-TRT).
Have you tried lower doses of Prop? IM instead of subQ or the other way around? Same experience?