You would be just as suppressed from Prop as any other ester. Your sky high E2 is confirmation of that.
I'm not sure what you mean by that last part. There are actual studies showing less shutdown from Prop than from longer esters. My DHEA-S levels also come back closer to pre-TRT baseline on Prop vs on Cyp, which is significant.
I don't think sky high E2 is a measure of suppression, unless I misunderstand what you're saying.
Why not try 7.5mg Test prop in the morning and some trans scrotal cream at night if you want more DHT? You will need to experiment with the cream to get the right dose to give you a good blood level of T in the morning. Just 7.5mg Prop in the morning without the cream will likely result in an insufficient morning T level. 10mg of Prop may be too high a dose, giving you supraphysiologic levels at some point in the day.
This could be interesting, however I played with the cream in the past and never felt very good on it except initially. The main issues were that dosing and absorbption were inconsistent, and that it's hard to fine tune dosage because of the delivery system. I even bought miniature topiclick applicators to get 10mg/click instead of 50mg/click, but it was a mess and always looked like different amounts were coming out.
Also, on the standard dosage of 4 clicks/day (2AM/2PM) of 200mg total, my DHT ended up at 500 (can't remember the units, I think it's also ng/dL) on a range of 12-65.
Even on half that dose (100mg/day, 1 click AM, 1 click PM) my DHT ended up at 360ng/dL.
In comparison, a small dose on Masteron (50mg/week) even with Test Cyp greatly improved my mood and libido and with injections that protocol is infinitely fine tunable for all practical purposes, and dosage and absorbption consistency are never a problem.
If I could get my hands on some injectable bio-identical DHT I'd certainly give it a try, but I also think some of the DHT derivatives have a greater ability to block E2 at the receptor level (Masteron), or to reduce it systemically (Primo) without having to use ridiculous amounts.