Omg I need to pay more attention. I swear I didn’t realize madman was referring to me either until I read ur comment about my triglyceride to HDL ratio lol.
im definitely not currently using 500mg of total androgens per week. I am still on a hefty amount of androgens tho. But I like to show other guys how important, and how much of an effect other lifestyle factors play a role when it comes to being optimized on HRT. Whether that’s subjectively how we feel, or objectively how our labs and health markers/ vitals look. I want to show guys that if I can have great lipids, manageable HCT/ HGB/ RBC levels, and perfect vitals on the HRT protocol that I use, which includes nandrolone, that supposedly jacks up BP and HCT/ RBC/ HGB levels, as well as DHT derivatives, which are supposed to wreck lipids, that guys using 50-150mg of straight test per week should have an extremely easy time keeping all health markers and vitals in check. Yes, I have to be very diligent with my diet and lifestyle factors to keep everything in check on the dosages that I take, but I want to show other guys that if it’s possible on the dosages/ compounds I use, it should be much easier for everyone else that prefers to use much less androgens per week.
Just want to show guys that optimizing ur HRT protocol is one tiny piece of the puzzle. The reason most guys in their late teens and early 20’s feel so good all the time isn’t just because they usually have a pretty ideal hormone profile. It’s because they usually have a pretty ideal hormone profile AS WELL as having a body that is still functioning pretty ideally in all aspects, and hasn’t started to decline too much yet. That’s the thing most guys miss. The same set of hormones can affect someone subjectively, and objectively, drastically differently depending on the overall state that their body is in at the time.
im not some special person with extraordinary genetics or anything. I just know what I need to do in order to keep my body functioning properly, aside from exogenous hormones, and I have the motivation to consistently do said things that keep my body functioning properly. And if I can do it on the protocol I’m on, anyone can easily do the same on a “normal” HRT protocol, that usually consists of much less androgens, and just straight exogenous testosterone, as far as AAS go