Though this a thread from last year, my experience of seven months using sub q was a mixed bag.
Doing daily shots, 15 mg, my TT was 777, Free T 16 and E2 29. I did have some weight gain(about 7 lbs) but as far as erectile function and libido, I could've been injecting sterile water. Gave up on it for a year, trying to increase T through using high dose vitamin D, along with zinc, selenium, C, A & E. Then, after months of serious fatigue and depression, I gave myself an IM shot of 30 mg before bed. Woke up feeling clear headed and energetic. I went back to my urologist six weeks ago. My labs presented a sad picture. TT 268. Enough said.
Given my experience, he prescribed 200 mg per week and I inject everyday.(My preference) I've gained 13 lbs around the waist.(155 to 168) New labs were pulled and I see him on 10/18. Broke up an anastrozole tablet into tiny pieces, which isn't easy or accurate and take a little piece twice a week. I don't like using it w/o knowing my E2 but I suspect I hyper-aromatise testosterone. I had three days where my libido was quite strong and erections were sporadic. Nocturnal erections are becoming semi-regular. Nice!
I might reduce my daily dose, depending upon the labs and my urologist's opinion, though, this morning, my weight was down 5 lbs. I'm also back on desiccated thyroid, as I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism, as well. FWIW, I'd rather inject IM, using a 30 gauge insulin needle in the shoulders.