SOS - Full Blown Impotence

I've cut my testosterone cypionate dose back to 80 MG's total weekly and 500 IU's of HCG weekly. I'm going to start Arimedex 1/2 MG's every 4 days and see where my Estradiol lands. My nipples have gotten so much more painful that just walking down stairs they freaking hurt. I would absolutely die if anyone accidentally bumped into my chest. I'll get blood work ran next week and see what the numbers say. I started the HCG because I crashed my estrogen to below "2" so I figured HCG would help raise it quicker along with bringing my balls back to normal size. Mine are back now luckily but prior to starting HCG they shrunk so much it was really embarrassing, so I want to stay on the HCG and testosterone.
is the reason you started all of this for body building? do you regret it and is that a photo of your body in your thumbnail? how are you going to fix the issue regarding your nipples...I want to avoid almost all of this testosterone stuff over the fear of bitch tits..i thought that only happened if you do testosterone like crazy.
You said you were on 60 mg twice weekly if I remember correctly, and hCG. This may be too much testosterone and given that fact you’re also on hCG, you dosing is too aggressive.

Maybe 120 mg weekly isn’t too much for someone not also on hCG. I would cut back to Test to 80 mg (40 mg 2x weekly) and 400 IU hCG. This way to don’t send estrogen too high. You can also check and adjust later.

As of now I think you’re overdosed. Lot’s of guys have ED when estrogen gets high, so you may have traded low estrogen for high levels, and therefore ED.
I took more than this testosterone amount in the previous weeks.....I took 2-3ML a week...can you convert that to mg for me because i thought a ML was a low seems so small and after injecting it i really felt no big difference.

NOTE: 2 Years ago I took an injection of Sustanon 270 and 3 days later my dick started working again as if I was newly reborn into worked for about 3 days until if fell off again.....I kept this bottle of sustanon and brought it to numerous doctors and said this stuff made me work again...they look at the bottle and shrug it off. The last test doctor i brought it to told me it was 'junk' and perscribed me the cyponiate...that didnt work at all the first month I was on it so I ordered the sustanon 270 again and injected it 2 years did not work at all as it inituially has left me scratching my head...becuase now I have all these sustanon 270 bottles and im in the dark of what one should you said its an estrogen problem so you recommend I still take this at small doses? Will it just be a flip of the coin if my DNA decides to convert it to estrogen? because after taking it the past 2 months I have zero you think my body has decided to just reject this testosterone injection and I will have to live the rest of my life without erections?
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I plan on having gyno surgery very soon and having both my glands 100% removed so I never have to deal with any kind of gyno or nipple issues ever again. You have to go to a plastic surgeon who specializes in doing gyno surgery on bodybuilders as these surgeons understand the importance of removing the entire glands, not simply fat or partial gland. If you don't fully remove it, you can have issues all over again as the gland that's left continues to grow and cause issues again.
Is this gland under your nipples? were you juicing alot for this to happen? i dont want to have to go through the surgery so what do you recommend I much were you dosing and for how long for this incident to occur under your nips? I took at at least 2 vials of testosterone 270 in the past 2 months. Also 2 vials of HCG total..I also took 2 75mg HMG vials in the past month..right now im cold turkey off everything and feel no different than I normally do...ive been watching my chest very closley to see if I am starting to grow tits.
I took 2-3ML a week...
That’s either 300 or 600 mg! You say you felt something on Sustanon, but not cypionate. It’s pretty clear what’s needed next. The Sustanon has short, medium and long half-lives and responding better to this may indicate you’ll respond better on smaller more frequent dosing.

Weekly and twice weekly never did anything for me, I felt nothing at all, the more frequent I inject, the more I feel from TRT. I also think the shorter the half-life, the better you’ll respond to treatment.
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That’s either 300 or 600 mg! You say you felt something on Sustanon, but not cypionate. It’s pretty clear what’s needed next. The Sustanon has short, medium and long half-lives and responding better to this may indicate you’ll respond better on smaller more frequent dosing.

Weekly and twice weekly never did anything for me, I felt nothing at all, the more frequent I inject, the more I feel from TRT. I also think the shorter the half-life, the better you’ll respond to treatment.
Yes but I also had no reaction to the sustanon...same as the cypionate...when the sustanon worked that was 2 years ago....i didnt like the fact that I had to inject it into my ass so i stopped taking it after that hoping that the doctors could find an alternative route to fixing me...maybe throught natual supplements and herbs...but now it seems as is neither the sustanon for the cypionate work...also the HMG did not work as well as the HCG....thats why im wondering what I should do next and if theres a way to avoid taking the testosertone shots they not have estrogen shots or amortizing type of shots?...should I do taking novaldex or armidex right now? because I would have to order it now to get it in a week and a half....i just read once you take a testosterone shot it virtually lowers your ability to make testosterone again naturally for the rest of your life possibly...1 thing..I was thinking...since i already have high test....and very low estrogen...would it be a good thing if my testosterone stopped producing as much? this way to better balance the two.....just a theory.....other than that what is your it possible I have a rare disease? The doctors looked at my brain and blood and said nothing about high levels of birilium.
PT 141 peptide comes in a freeze dried powder as most do. You need to reconstitute it using bacteriostatic water. You inject it sub Q into your belly fat roughly 2 inches on either side of your bellybutton using a small 5/16 or 5/8 insulin syringe. It will start kicking in within 60 - 90 minutes. You'll start getting crazy hard erections. It lasts between 36 - 48 hours per injection. I've tried a lot of different peptides doing research and talking with users. So far for me, without a doubt, PT 141 is by far and away the absolute best peptide I've used. It's very similar to melanotan 2 but won't make you brown or tan. I get the same results, erection wise, from both PT 141 and melonatan 2. I would definitely give it a try. Just ensure you're ordering from a reputable peptide company. I've ordered stuff from some that was "bunk" so order from a good company.
How much do you Inject. I have 1 ml syringes
Be VERY CAREFUL with injecting Oxytocin. I've been trying all sorts of peptides, including oxytocin, chasing an erection. If you inject too much, you will feel like absolute DOGSHIT. You'll get incredibly hot, and feel absolutely awful. Thankfully the half life is very short so it goes away fairly quickly, within an hour, but I couldn't find a dose whereby I either felt like shit or felt absolutely nothing. PT 141 seems to be the best for me and giving me erections, no matter what my testosterone, estrogen, or any other numbers are, it always causes constant erections for me. Unfortunately, I still go limp and have ED issues, but I get a hard on back fairly quickly, even after climaxing. I can get off and usually within 5 minutes, I'm having rock hard erections again. I can only imagine how good this peptide could work if I had all my numbers in line and had no ED issues whatsoever.
How much do u Inject.. I have a 1 ml syringe
I cannot achieve/maintain an erection in anyway shape or form. im 36 healthy. Went to 7 different doctors and they sent me to a neurologist who did a brain scan and did not find anything other than 1 small clot. He said this is normal and not related to your impotence.

What stack do I need to take to restore my circadian cycle? I have zero morning wood. I messed up my circadian cycle and my hpa axis. Viagra and sex drugs do not work.

I took more testosterone to see if it would help, it has no effect. SOS.
You might try looking into a peptide called Epitalon to reset circadian cycke.
Dude , i’m sorry and not trying to be disrespectful at all, but I feel like you HAVE to be trolling us or something? You injected 3ml of test and are asking US how much it was? I mean are you just slow or you messing with us for real???
Dude , i’m sorry and not trying to be disrespectful at all, but I feel like you HAVE to be trolling us or something? You injected 3ml of test and are asking US how much it was? I mean are you just slow or you messing with us for real???
im asking how many MG it was, has your ego been boosted yet enough f*ckfac?
How much do you Inject. I have 1 ml syringes

How much do u Inject.. I have a 1 ml syringe
do you need some too nippy?

why are you quoting other parts of the thread and writting I have a 1ml syringe?

I have a box of them, about 100. I am not a juice head, doctors did not give me any instructions, so thats why Im asking...I havent been juicing like you since the 80s.

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