SOS - Full Blown Impotence

Take it from me, I went down your path of "constantly changing things" chasing the "cure for ED". It's been 5 month's since I started TRT and accept for the first 3 weeks when I was in heaven with an unbelievable new libido and rock hard erections non stop and at will, it's been a disaster, and continues to be. After losing that great feeling, along with starting to have ED issue's, I doubled my testosterone dose from 100 MG's weekly to 200 MG's weekly. I then started having issue's with my nipples hurting and bombarded my estrogen with wayyyyyy too much Arimedex, totally crushing my estrogen down to "under 2". My back was killing me, my ED was still terrible, and so I then stopped all Arimedex, and got online with an HCG clinic and started taking "250 units of HCG twice a week for 500 units weekly". Two weeks later, my nipples start hurting again. I figure "that's a good sign, my estrogen must be rebounding", only to test and find out it's only at "10". So now it's been roughly 4 weeks and I've been taking my 500 units of HCG and dropped my testosterone dose to 80 MG's a week. My ED is the worst it's ever been and my nipples have "quarter size rocks" under them and are fukin killing me. I plan on going to get blood work done on Monday and see where the f__k my numbers are at. I don't know it my estrogen is through the roof or barely at 20 by now. My Nipples are screaming it's got to be sky high, but I thought that previously, only to find out it was low at "10".
I've been trying all different peptides in search of any kind of sustainable boner. I've tried oxytocin, PT-141, Kisspeptin, and several others as well. The ONLY peptide that has given me boners throughout, no matter what my testosterone or estrogen numbers were, high, low, or in between, was the PT-141. I've taken Cialis and Viagara and they do absolutely NOTHING. The HCG really hasn't done anything for my erections, though my libido is actually back and pretty good. I wake up with rock hard erections, can get one initially, both with my GF or by myself, but I lose it quickly and end up working very hard just to "get off" and by the time I do, I'm yanking a wet noodle, "completely soft". It's fukin horrible !!!! I told my Urologist / TRT doctor everything at yesterday's appointment, and she had absolutely no answers for me. She told me "to try a cock ring, take more Cialis, and maybe see a sexual health shrink". I asked her "what about my horrible nipple pain", and she offered no suggestions or guidance. Just "stay on 100 MG's weekly, come back and see me in 3 months, and have your bloodwork drawn a week prior". So I'm on my own, left to try to figure out WTF is going on with my dick.
Sorry for the long winded post, but I want to forewarn you before you try changing 3 different things every other week. You might get lucky and you might end up a lot worse. For now, I'm staying at 80 MG's weekly Testosterone Cypionate injection along with the HCG. I'm going to see what my blood work shows, and depending upon the numbers, I may need to start 1/2 MG's of Arimedex anywhere from twice a week to once every 5 or 6 days. I crushed my SHBG when I went to 200 MG's Testosterone Cypionate weekly along with sending my free testosterone and Bioavailable Testosterone through the roof at over 5 times high normal numbers. So be careful what you do. I know it's incredibly frustrating. I'm right there too, but you can't go off doing stupid shit trying to fix yourself. You'll end up worse off yet. I have. Just my experience.
Do you have an update... i want to know your status
There are four different types of erectile dysfunction, psychological erectile dysfunction, nerve signaling issues, blood flow problems and hormone in balances.

You never checked prolactin.
Im going to get tested this week, is there something else i should also do since I am there? what other tests do you recommend?
man can an OG in this forum set this guy straight?? he doesn’t seem to listen to anything and now he’s saying he’s gonna run a bunch of tests .

you know what that’s it..

Test Prop 20mg every day
Hcg 500iu 2x per week

100mg viagra 1 hour before sex or 10mg cialis taken every other day regardless of sex .

I’m sorry for my outburst but this thread just makes me think of the guy that has some 300$ supplement stack still asking the internet why nothing is working .

stop all this bird brain thinking , write down the protocols in this thread and try them out xs report back in a few months until then stfu !!! dead ass serious the more you think about throw stuff at this the worse it’s gonna get . it’s going to take over your life
That’s either 300 or 600 mg! You say you felt something on Sustanon, but not cypionate. It’s pretty clear what’s needed next. The Sustanon has short, medium and long half-lives and responding better to this may indicate you’ll respond better on smaller more frequent dosing.

Weekly and twice weekly never did anything for me, I felt nothing at all, the more frequent I inject, the more I feel from TRT. I also think the shorter the half-life, the better you’ll respond to treatment.
Should I take this test?

Elite Male Blood Test Panel

Did my other data you saw cover this already? Should I get this test or is only a prolactalin test necessary?...
man can an OG in this forum set this guy straight?? he doesn’t seem to listen to anything and now he’s saying he’s gonna run a bunch of tests .

you know what that’s it..

Test Prop 20mg every day
Hcg 500iu 2x per week

100mg viagra 1 hour before sex or 10mg cialis taken every other day regardless of sex .

Your stack makes you aggressive. How am I complicating it by getting tests to see what the root problem may be?

I thought about your stack, before I accept the fact that I have to use these drugs for the rest of my life I would like to see if theres another option or at least see the source of the problem. If i can fix this without test I would becasue researching test and reading this forum has taught me that once you go on this shit your essentially hooked for life because your body will never go back to producing the same way. I am fucked up inside medically regarding this issue of aromatose so I am just weighing my options now...I read DRUG350 comments about how he has GYNO now from doing test...and the doctor is looking at him clueless. Im trying to avoid doing this for the rest of my life first..if i see theres no other option I will try it. I am ashemed that I would have to pop viagra to get wood at 36, you dont have an issue with it and taking test everyday does not bother you. That bothers me alot knowing that I would have to take testosterone everyday for the rest of my life.
Your stack makes you aggressive. How am I complicating it by getting tests to see what the root problem may be?

I thought about your stack, before I accept the fact that I have to use these drugs for the rest of my life I would like to see if theres another option or at least see the source of the problem. If i can fix this without test I would becasue researching test and reading this forum has taught me that once you go on this shit your essentially hooked for life because your body will never go back to producing the same way. I am fucked up inside medically regarding this issue of aromatose so I am just weighing my options now...I read DRUG350 comments about how he has GYNO now from doing test...and the doctor is looking at him clueless. Im trying to avoid doing this for the rest of my life first..if i see theres no other option I will try it. I am ashemed that I would have to pop viagra to get wood at 36, you dont have an issue with it and taking test everyday does not bother you. That bothers me alot knowing that I would have to take testosterone everyday for the rest of my life.
man, if popping a viagra to get a super boner that your girl will praise you for (ask me how i know) is nothing to be ashamed of . Do I tell everyone ? no. but that’s because they don’t know i abused steroids when i was 18 and kinda need it . regardless , i just take a pill when my girl is texting me she’s about to leave to see me, and boom i’m ready an hour later. she asks we lately what i’ve been taking actually LMAO

it seems you have the wrong viewpoint to really be associating with this type of forum? this forum is literally about replacing your body’s natural hormones . it’s all drugs. once you get over that you’ll have a better time. wether you snort gel or eat pills or put cream on your ballsack , none of that shit matters when it improves your quality of life!!! fuck the people who judge . just keep it on the down low and enjoy life in an enhanced state IMO
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Are instinctual boners an accomplishment of some sort? I don't see them as such, and therefore I don't see using viagra as anything to feel bad about. Though I do understand not wanting to broadcast it, since there is the general opinion that needing it makes a man less manly.

But even speaking of that, just how truly widespread is that general opinion held. It might just seem like it is, because so many guys are thinking that's what everyone else is thinking so they go along with it.

I can see practical reasons for not wanting to rely on any drug for anything at all, including viagra. But the idea of men being proud of something purely instinctual, and likewise other men being embarrassed of not having that instinct, seems odd to me.

I mean, it makes some sense. We all have gifts that are God-given that we take a level of pride in. But getting boners seems like a really shallow one. In a primal sense and Darwinian sense, I see it, but intellectually-speaking it seems silly.
We don’t need to justify our usage of external hormones or chemicals . anyone sitting on a. high horse judging others that use substances to improve their quality of life are just plain losers worried about other people, usually out of some sort of spite or jealously .

For example viagra . they feel insecure another man is using it, for what reason? because they have normal boners when we have super boners. Anyone who judges viagra users clearly has never tried it themselves bevause their feedback from their lady would silence the doubts pretty quickly i’d say.
@tanten10 You have a good valid point. However, the name calling and condescending tone severely weakens the strength of the argument. Try boiling it down to big idea bullet points, then construct a paragraph around it and see how much stronger it comes across.

you know what you are 100% right , I’ll admit i’m not the most patient person .. it just seems he is ignoring most of the good advice on here and just doing random stuff and I guess it kinda peeved me off a lil. my bad !
We don’t need to justify our usage of external hormones or chemicals . anyone sitting on a. high horse judging others that use substances to improve their quality of life are just plain losers worried about other people, usually out of some sort of spite or jealously .

For example viagra . they feel insecure another man is using it, for what reason? because they have normal boners when we have super boners. Anyone who judges viagra users clearly has never tried it themselves bevause their feedback from their lady would silence the doubts pretty quickly i’d say.
I don't think that was directed towards me, but since my post is the only one between two of yours and we were speaking on the same thing, I want to clarify my position.

I think having boners is great - the harder the better. Not only for sex, but just to have them. It makes a man feel alive.

The issue I was addressing was the idea that having them naturally is some kind of great accomplishment and therefore using viagra is embarrassing. I think that's silly, but I guess it's understandable. When I was younger and used it only on occasion, I felt better about myself when I didn't use it.

I agree with your point about rock hard boners. Regardless of how hard one's erections are naturally, they're going to almost always be harder with viagra - and it feels good to give one's lady the best experience possible. However, one negative for me, and this was when younger, was that sometimes viagra dulled my pleasure and kind of put my penis on autopilot, making me sometimes feel detached from the act sex.
After skimming through this thread, here are some quick suggestions.

Low dose Cialis (5-7mg per day) seems like a no-brainer given the other health benefits it has. Promoting consistent NO is good on many levels. There is another thread on here about it.

Erections are at least partially the result of overall health. Get the book Perfect Health Diet and do exactly what it says.

Many people find at least a gram a day of Vitamin C to be helpful.

Develop a mindset of doing whatever it takes to get your erections back when needed by any means necessary, and then you can experiment with weaning off of things, but only after you are in a good place. Rebuilding your confidence is essential.

Eradicate from your thinking the idea that you should be “ashamed” to take something. Should Type One diabetics be ashamed to inject insulin? Of course not and the admonition against judging also applies to yourself. We are all on our own journey and we need to focus on the future and supporting each other, and on not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. It is fine to look for root causes but not at the expense of rejecting things that can help in the meantime.

Get with a good clinic like Defy.

Read the thread “ultimate adrenergic control of erections”. It is a book-length thread that is only available on the wayback machine but is linked in another thread on this site related to Doxazosin which will hopefully appear via search. It should give you some perspective on what some other people have had to go through and the complexity of what’s involved.

Nightime erections is a very positive sign.

Anxiety is a major problem in your situation and that is where the Viagra-esque products will be a major help. Instead of feeling bad about using them, give thanks that they exist; before 1998 or so it was not an option. You also always have the nuclear option to fall back on which is Bimix/Trimix but those can be dangerous and with your history of not paying close attention to dosage, I would stay away from them for now. The most difficult factor in your situation is finding a hot partner who you resonate with and with whom you can rebuild you confidence, and you want to have all the possible tools at your disposal when that situation arrives. Fixing yourself at all is a challenge, let alone doing so with a limited set of tools.

Regarding hormones, it can take a long time for the affect of increases in T levels to build up and your early success with sustanon says there is a sweet spot where you will function normally, but it is often a long journey to find it. Low dose (e.g. 12 mg every other day) of Clomid is a good place to start, but work with someone like Defy.

I find low-dose PT-141 to give a nice boost. It is related to the melanocortin system and getting 20 minutes or so of full-body mid-day sun is essential as well.

Regarding exercise, you will want to avoid anything that can provoke systemic overtraining or excess cortisol (stress). Do some form of moderate aerobic exercise 6 days a week and some form of HIIT one day a week ( I suggest sled work if you have access to one but sprinting works as well.) This is essential for vascular health. If you lift weights, avoid doing sets to failure and back down to two days per week at most.

Ok, hang in there. Sites like this one have numerous stories of people who righted their ship, but it is often not easy or quick (you’re trying to self-manage a very delicate process that the body has had millions of years to fine-tune.)
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High prolactin can cause ED.

I just took this test here...looks like its normal I guess...any feedback
After skimming through this thread, here are some quick suggestions.

Low dose Cialis (5-7mg per day) seems like a no-brainer given the other health benefits it has. Promoting consistent NO is good on many levels. There is another thread on here about it.

Erections are at least partially the result of overall health. Get the book Perfect Health Diet and do exactly what it says.

Many people find at least a gram a day of Vitamin C to be helpful.

Develop a mindset of doing whatever it takes to get your erections back when needed by any means necessary, and then you can experiment with weaning off of things, but only after you are in a good place. Rebuilding your confidence is essential.

Eradicate from your thinking the idea that you should be “ashamed” to take something. Should Type One diabetics be ashamed to inject insulin? Of course not and the admonition against judging also applies to yourself. We are all on our own journey and we need to focus on the future and supporting each other, and on not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. It is fine to look for root causes but not at the expense of rejecting things that can help in the meantime.

Get with a good clinic like Defy.

Read the thread “ultimate adrenergic control of erections”. It is a book-length thread that is only available on the wayback machine but is linked in another thread on this site related to Doxazosin which will hopefully appear via search. It should give you some perspective on what some other people have had to go through and the complexity of what’s involved.

Nightime erections is a very positive sign.

Anxiety is a major problem in your situation and that is where the Viagra-esque products will be a major help. Instead of feeling bad about using them, give thanks that they exist; before 1998 or so it was not an option. You also always have the nuclear option to fall back on which is Bimix/Trimix but those can be dangerous and with your history of not paying close attention to dosage, I would stay away from them for now. The most difficult factor in your situation is finding a hot partner who you resonate with and with whom you can rebuild you confidence, and you want to have all the possible tools at your disposal when that situation arrives. Fixing yourself at all is a challenge, let alone doing so with a limited set of tools.

Regarding hormones, it can take a long time for the affect of increases in T levels to build up and your early success with sustanon says there is a sweet spot where you will function normally, but it is often a long journey to find it. Low dose (e.g. 12 mg every other day) of Clomid is a good place to start, but work with someone like Defy.

I find low-dose PT-141 to give a nice boost. It is related to the melanocortin system and getting 20 minutes or so of full-body mid-day sun is essential as well.

Regarding exercise, you will want to avoid anything that can provoke systemic overtraining or excess cortisol (stress). Do some form of moderate aerobic exercise 6 days a week and some form of HIIT one day a week ( I suggest sled work if you have access to one but sprinting works as well.) This is essential for vascular health. If you lift weights, avoid doing sets to failure and back down to two days per week at most.

Ok, hang in there. Sites like this one have numerous stories of people who righted their ship, but it is often not easy or quick (you’re trying to self-manage a very delicate process that the body has had millions of years to fine-tune.)
I will look into this thread you are talking about...Anxiety is not my issue in the least fact I feel like I have lost all of my anxiety that I ever had with my ability to have erections...before when I was normal I would get anxiety that would hurt my heart as to where it was in physical pain....after I started playing with nootropics thats when I lost my ability to have an erection.

Why is everyone so bent about this Defy it really that much better than every other Testosterone clinic?
you know what you are 100% right , I’ll admit i’m not the most patient person .. it just seems he is ignoring most of the good advice on here and just doing random stuff and I guess it kinda peeved me off a lil. my bad !
I am king of scared of testosterone now after reading that Drugs350 has to get tits surgery now...i know this can be avoided but I already blasted myself with testosterone last month and HCG and HMG and i dont want to risk just growing tits and to have my dick still not work...that would be a new nightmare. I dont want to spend 5k getting my breasts removed if my body decided to grow them. So Im just going to keep testing until I find out whats wrong for the time being..Im also going to try peptide pills...those dont have the side affects of growing tits if im not mistaken. Ive taken 2 pills of short peptide thus far and all it seems to have done is kill what almost non existent sex drive I had...cant tell if its the pills or just me. Either way I do have all the test prop in my inventory.....maybe in a few months i may try your protocol but for now I am just going to keep testing and testing until someone points out whats wrong with me. Im waiting for my estradiol sensitive results now.
i dont want to risk just growing tits
I’m not trying to scare you or anything, but guys going off gear tend to get gyno, when hormones are crashing. I had man boobs when I had low-T, raising my testosterone shrunk them up.

Just look at pictures of fat dudes chests, their pointy and hanging because they have low-T and are estrogen dominant, higher estrogen in relation to testosterone.

Gyno and man boobs are two separate things. If you’ve never had gyno before, odds are you never will.
I’m not trying to scare you or anything, but guys going off gear tend to get gyno, when hormones are crashing. I had man boobs when I had low-T, raising my testosterone shrunk them up.

Just look at pictures of fat dudes chests, their pointy and hanging because they have low-T and are estrogen dominant, higher estrogen in relation to testosterone.

Gyno and man boobs are two separate things. If you’ve never had gyno before, odds are you never will.
I was reading a thread of a guy saying he accidentally left his HCG out at room temperatrure for 2 days...people were responding to throw it HCG shipped all the way from India wihtout any cooling to Florida....what did I inject into there a chance that it was without any potency and thats why it didnt work? Because I injected the whole 5000ui and felt no affect.

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