Yes, 4000 IU of HCG even EOD is not uncommon for fertility reasons, not your case apparently.
It seems to me you're kind of loosing it in the whirlwind of internet information overload given your understandable frustration with your situation. I'd be the same, but this topic is not as simple as taking a magic pill and all problems solved.
My recommendation would be to drop all medications for 4 to 6 weeks and measure you natural state, then make any adjustments to correct any imbalance.
@Systemlord mentioned earlier, your Estradiol < 15 pg/mL is a potential cause, not necessarily THE cause, but something that should be looked at. Having a very low levels of estradiol (less than 20 typically) usually comes accompanied by erectile dysfunction, mood issues, hot flashes, bone demineralization, cardiovascular issues etc. This doesn't mean that all those things
will happen to you, but they
could if this state persists for a very long time.
Also, your HPG axis appears to be okay. Your LH and FSH are at normal values, and your testosterone is also completely normal, so none of these issues are likely to be the cause, so forget about "restarting" HPGA.
It also caught my attention your sate of mind. You appear to be quite anxious, unquestionably justified, but this is something that could completely ruin your sex life and you may need to consult a professional. Psychological issues are not easily solved with hormones alone in many cases. As weary as I am of anxiolytics and antidepressants, sometimes they are justified.
One final word of caution, I understand some physicians could be frustrating, many of them are not up to date, nobody dies directly for not having and erection, so this is an under-researched field, but doctors are still the best route for solving medical problems. Internet users like me, will tell you things that although totally well-intentioned and in many cases correct, may not apply to your specific conditions. We are arrogant by nature and feel that by reading a blog post and doing a cursory review of a single blood work results we can diagnose and cure desease.
Many different conditions manifest with overlapping symptoms and it could be difficult even for the most astute researchers to really understand what's going on. So document yourself, try to understand as much as you can in actual medical terms, and not simply as "HCG is suppressive" or "shock HPTA into restart" and talk with your doctors. If you're not satisfied, look for references for other physicians in your area, or out of your area, and have a serious discussion with them if possible. If you feel that you've burned all the bridges and want to continue on your own, then understand that the phrase "knowing enough to be dangerous" applies here and that you can harm yourself real bad.
Good luck