SOS - Full Blown Impotence

is 4000UI dangerous by the way of HCG...when I went to drugs dot com and read about hCG the first thing it said was some experts recommend doses of 4000UI.

I was trying to shock my hpta system into normal working order by raising LH and FSH since I believed it was low...was this a dangerous thing I did. Becuase I can tell yo ui basically felt zero difference and effect from it thoroughout my body...i may of had more erecticle dysfuntion as a result of it now that i think about it I went to test myself and I was weaker than usual downstairs...but then again I have been this way for 10 years now so I really am used to it even though it mentally tortures me every single day.
Thats bizarre, thats the first time ive ever heard this take, how come my doctor prescribed me testosterone then..was that the wrong move also?
Maybe not, you can’t increase estrogen without more testosterone and I seriously doubt TRT in isolation will get your E2 into a healthy range, considering you don’t have low-T.

If you body can’t make more aromatase enzymes in order to convert T ->E2, you’re kind of f*****!

That’s why you’re also on hCG, which increases estrogen within the testicles. Men on TRT only get their estrogen from aromatase, you don’t have enough. So by being on TRT and hCG, you can get estrogen from two different sources.
I was trying to shock my hpta system into normal working order by raising LH and FSH since I believed it was low...
Your HPTA isn’t the problem, the problem is you lack aromatase enzymes. Checking LH is problematic, the half-life is 20 minutes, you test it and it’s low, 20 minutes later it’s elevated again.

You’re not going to get overnight success on TRT.
is 4000UI dangerous by the way of HCG...when I went to drugs dot com and read about hCG the first thing it said was some experts recommend doses of 4000UI.
Yes, 4000 IU of HCG even EOD is not uncommon for fertility reasons, not your case apparently.

I was trying to shock my hpta system into normal working order by raising LH and FSH since I believed it was low...was this a dangerous thing I did. Becuase I can tell yo ui basically felt zero difference and effect from it thoroughout my body...i may of had more erecticle dysfuntion as a result of it now that i think about it I went to test myself and I was weaker than usual downstairs...but then again I have been this way for 10 years now so I really am used to it even though it mentally tortures me every single day.
It seems to me you're kind of loosing it in the whirlwind of internet information overload given your understandable frustration with your situation. I'd be the same, but this topic is not as simple as taking a magic pill and all problems solved.

My recommendation would be to drop all medications for 4 to 6 weeks and measure you natural state, then make any adjustments to correct any imbalance.

As @Systemlord mentioned earlier, your Estradiol < 15 pg/mL is a potential cause, not necessarily THE cause, but something that should be looked at. Having a very low levels of estradiol (less than 20 typically) usually comes accompanied by erectile dysfunction, mood issues, hot flashes, bone demineralization, cardiovascular issues etc. This doesn't mean that all those things will happen to you, but they could if this state persists for a very long time.

Also, your HPG axis appears to be okay. Your LH and FSH are at normal values, and your testosterone is also completely normal, so none of these issues are likely to be the cause, so forget about "restarting" HPGA.

It also caught my attention your sate of mind. You appear to be quite anxious, unquestionably justified, but this is something that could completely ruin your sex life and you may need to consult a professional. Psychological issues are not easily solved with hormones alone in many cases. As weary as I am of anxiolytics and antidepressants, sometimes they are justified.

One final word of caution, I understand some physicians could be frustrating, many of them are not up to date, nobody dies directly for not having and erection, so this is an under-researched field, but doctors are still the best route for solving medical problems. Internet users like me, will tell you things that although totally well-intentioned and in many cases correct, may not apply to your specific conditions. We are arrogant by nature and feel that by reading a blog post and doing a cursory review of a single blood work results we can diagnose and cure desease.

Many different conditions manifest with overlapping symptoms and it could be difficult even for the most astute researchers to really understand what's going on. So document yourself, try to understand as much as you can in actual medical terms, and not simply as "HCG is suppressive" or "shock HPTA into restart" and talk with your doctors. If you're not satisfied, look for references for other physicians in your area, or out of your area, and have a serious discussion with them if possible. If you feel that you've burned all the bridges and want to continue on your own, then understand that the phrase "knowing enough to be dangerous" applies here and that you can harm yourself real bad.

Good luck
Maybe not, you can’t increase estrogen without more testosterone and I seriously doubt TRT in isolation will get your E2 into a healthy range, considering you don’t have low-T.

If you body can’t make more aromatase enzymes in order to convert T ->E2, you’re kind of f*****!

That’s why you’re also on hCG, which increases estrogen within the testicles. Men on TRT only get their estrogen from aromatase, you don’t have enough. So by being on TRT and hCG, you can get estrogen from two different sources.
can i consume aromatase enzymes manually? or is that something thats impossible
Yes, 4000 IU of HCG even EOD is not uncommon for fertility reasons, not your case apparently.

It seems to me you're kind of loosing it in the whirlwind of internet information overload given your understandable frustration with your situation. I'd be the same, but this topic is not as simple as taking a magic pill and all problems solved.

My recommendation would be to drop all medications for 4 to 6 weeks and measure you natural state, then make any adjustments to correct any imbalance.

As @Systemlord mentioned earlier, your Estradiol < 15 pg/mL is a potential cause, not necessarily THE cause, but something that should be looked at. Having a very low levels of estradiol (less than 20 typically) usually comes accompanied by erectile dysfunction, mood issues, hot flashes, bone demineralization, cardiovascular issues etc. This doesn't mean that all those things will happen to you, but they could if this state persists for a very long time.

Also, your HPG axis appears to be okay. Your LH and FSH are at normal values, and your testosterone is also completely normal, so none of these issues are likely to be the cause, so forget about "restarting" HPGA.

It also caught my attention your sate of mind. You appear to be quite anxious, unquestionably justified, but this is something that could completely ruin your sex life and you may need to consult a professional. Psychological issues are not easily solved with hormones alone in many cases. As weary as I am of anxiolytics and antidepressants, sometimes they are justified.

One final word of caution, I understand some physicians could be frustrating, many of them are not up to date, nobody dies directly for not having and erection, so this is an under-researched field, but doctors are still the best route for solving medical problems. Internet users like me, will tell you things that although totally well-intentioned and in many cases correct, may not apply to your specific conditions. We are arrogant by nature and feel that by reading a blog post and doing a cursory review of a single blood work results we can diagnose and cure desease.

Many different conditions manifest with overlapping symptoms and it could be difficult even for the most astute researchers to really understand what's going on. So document yourself, try to understand as much as you can in actual medical terms, and not simply as "HCG is suppressive" or "shock HPTA into restart" and talk with your doctors. If you're not satisfied, look for references for other physicians in your area, or out of your area, and have a serious discussion with them if possible. If you feel that you've burned all the bridges and want to continue on your own, then understand that the phrase "knowing enough to be dangerous" applies here and that you can harm yourself real bad.

Good luck
Its the same as going to a strip club without a dick, I used to have a normal sex life and function before, will taking clomid and nolvadex be my next experiment? no doctor can help me, i was transfered to a neurologist and he did a brain scan and said everyhting looks normal. I wasted 1k doing that. The endocronologist said my test levels look normal and he mentioned absolutley nohtnig about low estrogen. So the folks on the forums are really my only saviors. Systemlord is the first person in 10 years who told me that I have low estrogen and if that is the case that is the first light ive seen in 10 years of darkness as to have some sort of understanding to whats wrong with me.

When you say harm myself..can you give me some examples so i Can avoid it, i do not want to end up destorying myself trying all these different chemicals.

Im planning on injecting oxytocin next.
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By the way ive been taking 2000ui of test 2x a week last month..i noticed no improvement in erections. Should I be taking anastrozole now or do i have such low e2 that i dont need to worry about growing bitch tits.
Take it from me, I went down your path of "constantly changing things" chasing the "cure for ED". It's been 5 month's since I started TRT and accept for the first 3 weeks when I was in heaven with an unbelievable new libido and rock hard erections non stop and at will, it's been a disaster, and continues to be. After losing that great feeling, along with starting to have ED issue's, I doubled my testosterone dose from 100 MG's weekly to 200 MG's weekly. I then started having issue's with my nipples hurting and bombarded my estrogen with wayyyyyy too much Arimedex, totally crushing my estrogen down to "under 2". My back was killing me, my ED was still terrible, and so I then stopped all Arimedex, and got online with an HCG clinic and started taking "250 units of HCG twice a week for 500 units weekly". Two weeks later, my nipples start hurting again. I figure "that's a good sign, my estrogen must be rebounding", only to test and find out it's only at "10". So now it's been roughly 4 weeks and I've been taking my 500 units of HCG and dropped my testosterone dose to 80 MG's a week. My ED is the worst it's ever been and my nipples have "quarter size rocks" under them and are fukin killing me. I plan on going to get blood work done on Monday and see where the f__k my numbers are at. I don't know it my estrogen is through the roof or barely at 20 by now. My Nipples are screaming it's got to be sky high, but I thought that previously, only to find out it was low at "10".
I've been trying all different peptides in search of any kind of sustainable boner. I've tried oxytocin, PT-141, Kisspeptin, and several others as well. The ONLY peptide that has given me boners throughout, no matter what my testosterone or estrogen numbers were, high, low, or in between, was the PT-141. I've taken Cialis and Viagara and they do absolutely NOTHING. The HCG really hasn't done anything for my erections, though my libido is actually back and pretty good. I wake up with rock hard erections, can get one initially, both with my GF or by myself, but I lose it quickly and end up working very hard just to "get off" and by the time I do, I'm yanking a wet noodle, "completely soft". It's fukin horrible !!!! I told my Urologist / TRT doctor everything at yesterday's appointment, and she had absolutely no answers for me. She told me "to try a cock ring, take more Cialis, and maybe see a sexual health shrink". I asked her "what about my horrible nipple pain", and she offered no suggestions or guidance. Just "stay on 100 MG's weekly, come back and see me in 3 months, and have your bloodwork drawn a week prior". So I'm on my own, left to try to figure out WTF is going on with my dick.
Sorry for the long winded post, but I want to forewarn you before you try changing 3 different things every other week. You might get lucky and you might end up a lot worse. For now, I'm staying at 80 MG's weekly Testosterone Cypionate injection along with the HCG. I'm going to see what my blood work shows, and depending upon the numbers, I may need to start 1/2 MG's of Arimedex anywhere from twice a week to once every 5 or 6 days. I crushed my SHBG when I went to 200 MG's Testosterone Cypionate weekly along with sending my free testosterone and Bioavailable Testosterone through the roof at over 5 times high normal numbers. So be careful what you do. I know it's incredibly frustrating. I'm right there too, but you can't go off doing stupid shit trying to fix yourself. You'll end up worse off yet. I have. Just my experience.
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Im planning on injecting oxytocin next.
You come in here asking for help, advice is given, you ignore it and you come up with wanting to try oxytocin when your originally had an estrogen problem.

You’re all over the place and if you keep chasing your tail, it’s going to be a very long time before you figure this out.

Why not attempt to get estrogen in the middle to high normal ranges?
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Its the same as going to a stip club without a dick, I used to have a normal sex life and function before, will taking clomid and nolvadex be my next experiment? no doctor can help me, i was transfered to a neurologist and he did a brain scan and said everyhting looks normal. I wasted 1k doing that. The endocronologist said my test levels look normal and he mentioned absolutley nohtnig about low estrogen. So the folks on the forums are really my only saviors. Systemlord is the first person in 10 years who told me that I have low estrogen and if that is the case that is the first light ive seen in 10 years of darkness as to have some sort of understanding to whats wrong with me.

When you say harm myself..can you give me some examples so i Can avoid it, i do not want to end up destorying myself trying all these different chemicals.

Im planning on injecting oxytocin next.
Be VERY CAREFUL with injecting Oxytocin. I've been trying all sorts of peptides, including oxytocin, chasing an erection. If you inject too much, you will feel like absolute DOGSHIT. You'll get incredibly hot, and feel absolutely awful. Thankfully the half life is very short so it goes away fairly quickly, within an hour, but I couldn't find a dose whereby I either felt like shit or felt absolutely nothing. PT 141 seems to be the best for me and giving me erections, no matter what my testosterone, estrogen, or any other numbers are, it always causes constant erections for me. Unfortunately, I still go limp and have ED issues, but I get a hard on back fairly quickly, even after climaxing. I can get off and usually within 5 minutes, I'm having rock hard erections again. I can only imagine how good this peptide could work if I had all my numbers in line and had no ED issues whatsoever.
Your impotence cannot be explained with your normal testosterone levels. The only abnormal labs are the high bilirubin and a bit high albumin. I am not sure what is causing that. Might be a supplement.
You come in here asking for help, advice is given, you ignore it and you come up with wanting to try oxytocin when your originally had an estrogen problem.

You’re all over the place and if you keep chasing your tail, it’s going to be a very long time before you figure this out.

Why not attempt to get estrogen in the middle to high normal ranges?
Thats my next do I go about doing that?
Take it from me, I went down your path of "constantly changing things" chasing the "cure for ED". It's been 5 month's since I started TRT and accept for the first 3 weeks when I was in heaven with an unbelievable new libido and rock hard erections non stop and at will, it's been a disaster, and continues to be. After losing that great feeling, along with starting to have ED issue's, I doubled my testosterone dose from 100 MG's weekly to 200 MG's weekly. I then started having issue's with my nipples hurting and bombarded my estrogen with wayyyyyy too much Arimedex, totally crushing my estrogen down to "under 2". My back was killing me, my ED was still terrible, and so I then stopped all Arimedex, and got online with an HCG clinic and started taking "250 units of HCG twice a week for 500 units weekly". Two weeks later, my nipples start hurting again. I figure "that's a good sign, my estrogen must be rebounding", only to test and find out it's only at "10". So now it's been roughly 4 weeks and I've been taking my 500 units of HCG and dropped my testosterone dose to 80 MG's a week. My ED is the worst it's ever been and my nipples have "quarter size rocks" under them and are fukin killing me. I plan on going to get blood work done on Monday and see where the f__k my numbers are at. I don't know it my estrogen is through the roof or barely at 20 by now. My Nipples are screaming it's got to be sky high, but I thought that previously, only to find out it was low at "10".
I've been trying all different peptides in search of any kind of sustainable boner. I've tried oxytocin, PT-141, Kisspeptin, and several others as well. The ONLY peptide that has given me boners throughout, no matter what my testosterone or estrogen numbers were, high, low, or in between, was the PT-141. I've taken Cialis and Viagara and they do absolutely NOTHING. The HCG really hasn't done anything for my erections, though my libido is actually back and pretty good. I wake up with rock hard erections, can get one initially, both with my GF or by myself, but I lose it quickly and end up working very hard just to "get off" and by the time I do, I'm yanking a wet noodle, "completely soft". It's fukin horrible !!!! I told my Urologist / TRT doctor everything at yesterday's appointment, and she had absolutely no answers for me. She told me "to try a cock ring, take more Cialis, and maybe see a sexual health shrink". I asked her "what about my horrible nipple pain", and she offered no suggestions or guidance. Just "stay on 100 MG's weekly, come back and see me in 3 months, and have your bloodwork drawn a week prior". So I'm on my own, left to try to figure out WTF is going on with my dick.
Sorry for the long winded post, but I want to forewarn you before you try changing 3 different things every other week. You might get lucky and you might end up a lot worse. For now, I'm staying at 80 MG's weekly Testosterone Cypionate injection along with the HCG. I'm going to see what my blood work shows, and depending upon the numbers, I may need to start 1/2 MG's of Arimedex anywhere from twice a week to once every 5 or 6 days. I crushed my SHBG when I went to 200 MG's Testosterone Cypionate weekly along with sending my free testosterone and Bioavailable Testosterone through the roof at over 5 times high normal numbers. So be careful what you do. I know it's incredibly frustrating. I'm right there too, but you can't go off doing stupid shit trying to fix yourself. You'll end up worse off yet. I have. Just my experience.
Why are u still taking the stuff it if caused these quarter rocks under your nipples? what happens if you go cold turkey right now? Your situation is the same as mine...i thought i was the only one with this issue in the world, or it feels that way..what you described whats happening to you downstairs is what I have been going through for 10 years. Its basically hell in my opinion...a different kind of torture to the male experience. PT-141 is on my you have to inject it and it only lasts a few hours? Because that may be only option to having an erection because viagra and ciales dont work for me also.
Why are u still taking the stuff it if caused these quarter rocks under your nipples? what happens if you go cold turkey right now? Your situation is the same as mine...i thought i was the only one with this issue in the world, or it feels that way..what you described whats happening to you downstairs is what I have been going through for 10 years. Its basically hell in my opinion...a different kind of torture to the male experience. PT-141 is on my you have to inject it and it only lasts a few hours? Because that may be only option to having an erection because viagra and ciales dont work for me also.
PT 141 peptide comes in a freeze dried powder as most do. You need to reconstitute it using bacteriostatic water. You inject it sub Q into your belly fat roughly 2 inches on either side of your bellybutton using a small 5/16 or 5/8 insulin syringe. It will start kicking in within 60 - 90 minutes. You'll start getting crazy hard erections. It lasts between 36 - 48 hours per injection. I've tried a lot of different peptides doing research and talking with users. So far for me, without a doubt, PT 141 is by far and away the absolute best peptide I've used. It's very similar to melanotan 2 but won't make you brown or tan. I get the same results, erection wise, from both PT 141 and melonatan 2. I would definitely give it a try. Just ensure you're ordering from a reputable peptide company. I've ordered stuff from some that was "bunk" so order from a good company.
Why are u still taking the stuff it if caused these quarter rocks under your nipples? what happens if you go cold turkey right now? Your situation is the same as mine...i thought i was the only one with this issue in the world, or it feels that way..what you described whats happening to you downstairs is what I have been going through for 10 years. Its basically hell in my opinion...a different kind of torture to the male experience. PT-141 is on my you have to inject it and it only lasts a few hours? Because that may be only option to having an erection because viagra and ciales dont work for me also.
I plan on having gyno surgery very soon and having both my glands 100% removed so I never have to deal with any kind of gyno or nipple issues ever again. You have to go to a plastic surgeon who specializes in doing gyno surgery on bodybuilders as these surgeons understand the importance of removing the entire glands, not simply fat or partial gland. If you don't fully remove it, you can have issues all over again as the gland that's left continues to grow and cause issues again.
Thats my next do I go about doing that?
You said you were on 60 mg twice weekly if I remember correctly, and hCG. This may be too much testosterone and given that fact you’re also on hCG, you dosing is too aggressive.

Maybe 120 mg weekly isn’t too much for someone not also on hCG. I would cut back to Test to 80 mg (40 mg 2x weekly) and 400 IU hCG. This way to don’t send estrogen too high. You can also check and adjust later.

As of now I think you’re overdosed. Lot’s of guys have ED when estrogen gets high, so you may have traded low estrogen for high levels, and therefore ED.
You said you were on 60 mg twice weekly if I remember correctly, and hCG. This may be too much testosterone and given that fact you’re also on hCG, you dosing is too aggressive.

Maybe 120 mg weekly isn’t too much for someone not also on hCG. I would cut back to Test to 80 mg (40 mg 2x weekly) and 400 IU hCG. This way to don’t send estrogen too high. You can also check and adjust later.

As of now I think you’re overdosed. Lot’s of guys have ED when estrogen gets high, so you may have traded low estrogen for high levels, and therefore ED.
I've cut my testosterone cypionate dose back to 80 MG's total weekly and 500 IU's of HCG weekly. I'm going to start Arimedex 1/2 MG's every 4 days and see where my Estradiol lands. My nipples have gotten so much more painful that just walking down stairs they freaking hurt. I would absolutely die if anyone accidentally bumped into my chest. I'll get blood work ran next week and see what the numbers say. I started the HCG because I crashed my estrogen to below "2" so I figured HCG would help raise it quicker along with bringing my balls back to normal size. Mine are back now luckily but prior to starting HCG they shrunk so much it was really embarrassing, so I want to stay on the HCG and testosterone.
You said you were on 60 mg twice weekly if I remember correctly, and hCG. This may be too much testosterone and given that fact you’re also on hCG, you dosing is too aggressive.

Maybe 120 mg weekly isn’t too much for someone not also on hCG. I would cut back to Test to 80 mg (40 mg 2x weekly) and 400 IU hCG. This way to don’t send estrogen too high. You can also check and adjust later.

As of now I think you’re overdosed. Lot’s of guys have ED when estrogen gets high, so you may have traded low estrogen for high levels, and therefore ED.
I feel absolutely nothing internally...what would be an indication of high estrogen and how long will this 4000UI stay in my system since I injected last week.......40mg of testosterone seems very low...i cant find conversion to ML on google, how many ml of testosterone would i be taking because I only have vials of testosterone.

Is what im trying to do theoretically, inject the test that i want to convert to estrogen? Becasue you said I already have normal levels of what im hoping for is that my body converts this extra test im injecting into estrogen right? If my body does not convert it....what does that that a sort of rare disease or DNA sort of damage?

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