Should I continue trt or not?


New Member
I'm 68 and have been on trt for about six months now (100 mgs. injected bi-weekly) and the changes I've experienced have been pretty profound. My libido came back, as well as erections and even semen volume. I'm building muscle at the gym and just generally feel better emotionally.

I had a full-body PET scan for lung cancer at the end of 2024 and the scan showed some unexpected metabolic activity around the prostate. I then had a prostate MRI done and the report states that there appears to be a nodule on my prostate which the radiologist who read it seems convinced looks like T2 cancer. I'm now waiting for (and dreading) a prostate biopsy. The strange thing about all this is that my PSA has always been incredibly low. When I started trt it went from 0.324 to 0.635 and hasn't risen any further. I also have no history of prostate cancer in my family.

I'm hoping, of course, that this biopsy turns out to be benign or even inflammation possibly caused by the testosterone, or maybe that's just wishful thinking. Right now I don't know if I should continue my bi-weekly dose or not... I keep getting mixed messages. There are medical papers all over the internet stating there is no correlation between trt and prostate cancer, but then my urologist's assistant tells me there is.

I don't know if anyone else has been in this situation, but any advice re: whether I should continue or not would be appreciated. I didn't dose yesterday because I'm afraid to do it, but I also don't want to lose the gains I've made.
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You're at no greater risk of prostate cancer than someone with naturally high testosterone, being on TRT doesn't increase risks, it only decreases risks.

If you go based off the available evidence below, more than likely, it’s a benign growth.

A prostate MRI is more accurate and the new gold standard for prostate cancer screening.

Prostate biopsies are inherently inaccurate and evasive and has the potential to cause complications and therefore harm. Too bad your doctor isn’t up-to-date.
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Do you have lab values of your testosterone and estradiol? I would keep the testosterone level in healthy normal range, i.e. probably less than 200mg per week, rather 100mg or even less.
Continue TRT until you get the results, if it's positive for cancer, you have to stop TRT. If it's not, of course you're good to go.

Do you have lab values of your testosterone and estradiol? I would keep the testosterone level in healthy normal range, i.e. probably less than 200mg per week, rather 100mg or even less.
Labs were last checked on 12/2/24: testosterone: 87, free t: 56.1, estradiol: 26, shbg:85 (high)
You're at no greater risk of prostate cancer than someone with naturally high testosterone, being on TRT doesn't increase risks, it only decreases risks.

If you go based off the available evidence below, more than likely, it’s a benign growth.

A prostate MRI is more accurate and the new gold standard for prostate cancer screening.

Prostate biopsies are inherently inaccurate and evasive and has the potential to cause complications and therefore harm. Too bad your doctor isn’t up-to-date.
The attached video was very helpful. I hope you're right that this could be a benign growth... the MRI was concerning, but so was the PET scan that showed metabolic (either cancer or possible inflammation) activity coming from the prostate. We cut my trt dose in half about three months or four months ago because my levels went up too high. I'd like to think maybe this caused some inflammation, but if it did, by now I would it would be resolved. I guess at this point there's not a lot I can do until I get the biopsy on 2/26. I appreciate all these responses.
The decision tree here leads to one thing under all outcomes and that is to get on an anti-cancer protocol. That means things like keeping insulin and blood sugar low, no seed oils, HIIT activity, eliminate visceral fat, periodic fasting, anti-cancer supplements like curcumin, etc. Dr. Nasha Winter's book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a good place to start. Regarding testosterone, it's hard to see how lowering your quality of life would be a benefit. There is also increasing evidence (Dr. Samuel Denmeade is the leader in this and there are threads on here about it) that periodic high doses of testosterone are anti-cancer, and I have raised the issue before that his work implies that periodic high short-acting doses might be preventative, so you may be in a situation where that would make sense to consider. Also note that stress itself is very pro-cancer, so going down a road that would increase stress is not something to take lightly.
I'm 68 and have been on trt for about six months now (100 mgs. injected bi-weekly) and the changes I've experienced have been pretty profound. My libido came back, as well as erections and even semen volume. I'm building muscle at the gym and just generally feel better emotionally.

I had a full-body PET scan for lung cancer at the end of 2024 and the scan showed some unexpected metabolic activity around the prostate. I then had a prostate MRI done and the report states that there appears to be a nodule on my prostate which the radiologist who read it seems convinced looks like T2 cancer. I'm now waiting for (and dreading) a prostate biopsy. The strange thing about all this is that my PSA has always been incredibly low. When I started trt it went from 0.324 to 0.635 and hasn't risen any further. I also have no history of prostate cancer in my family.

I'm hoping, of course, that this biopsy turns out to be benign or even inflammation possibly caused by the testosterone, or maybe that's just wishful thinking. Right now I don't know if I should continue my bi-weekly dose or not... I keep getting mixed messages. There are medical papers all over the internet stating there is no correlation between trt and prostate cancer, but then my urologist's assistant tells me there is.

I don't know if anyone else has been in this situation, but any advice re: whether I should continue or not would be appreciated. I didn't dose yesterday because I'm afraid to do it, but I also don't want to lose the gains I've made.

May ease your mind!

24:55 Understanding Testosterone Levels
25:50 When to Discontinue Testosterone Therapy


00:00 The Shocking Truth Between Testosterone and Prostate Cancer with Helen Bernie, DO [Ep 108]
03:08 Dr. Bernies's Journey and Passion for Men's Health
12:38 Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: Historical Perspectives
14:57 Current Understanding and Controversies in TRT
24:55 Understanding Testosterone Levels
25:50 When to Discontinue Testosterone Therapy

26:07 Managing Rising PSA Levels
27:25 Testosterone Therapy Post-Prostate Cancer Treatment
28:34 High-Risk Prostate Cancer and Testosterone
30:23 Patient Case Studies and Shared Decision Making
33:43 Advanced Prostate Cancer and Testosterone Therapy
37:04 Herbal and Lifestyle Interventions
43:57 Final Thoughts and Recommendations

May ease your mind!

24:55 Understanding Testosterone Levels
25:50 When to Discontinue Testosterone Therapy


00:00 The Shocking Truth Between Testosterone and Prostate Cancer with Helen Bernie, DO [Ep 108]
03:08 Dr. Bernies's Journey and Passion for Men's Health
12:38 Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: Historical Perspectives
14:57 Current Understanding and Controversies in TRT
24:55 Understanding Testosterone Levels
25:50 When to Discontinue Testosterone Therapy

26:07 Managing Rising PSA Levels
27:25 Testosterone Therapy Post-Prostate Cancer Treatment
28:34 High-Risk Prostate Cancer and Testosterone
30:23 Patient Case Studies and Shared Decision Making
33:43 Advanced Prostate Cancer and Testosterone Therapy
37:04 Herbal and Lifestyle Interventions
43:57 Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Thanks very much for these links. A lot of really great information here!!
Definitely do some research on biopsing possible cancerous tumors before having ur biopsy done. I haven’t researched it a ton myself, but from what I’ve read/ heard, it does seem like there’s at least the possibility that the biopsy itself could cause the cancer cells to leak out of the tumor and spread. Again, not sure if this is 100% a thing, but if I were u, I would just do as much research into the subject as u can, and see if there’s any truth to it. Just wouldn’t want u researching it and finding out that this could be the case after u already had the biopsy done

As far as cancer goes, I don’t want to sound insensitive to anyone that has it, or possibly has it, or knows someone that has passed from it, but most cancers are extremely easy to resolve, and cancer in general is extremely easy to prevent. The short version is that most cancer is cause by insulin resistance, chronic inflammation and just continuous insults to the body over time. Whether it be from environmental toxins, like toxins in candles/ things in the air we’re breathing in, kitchen products, bathroom products, that were either again breathing in, or absorbing through our skin. And then damage to the body over time caused by things like stress and/ or poor sleep. But the main thing that controls whether u get cancer or not, is diet. Diet is also the what mainly controls whether a person can resolve their cancer or not.

We’ve all heard that cancer needs sugar to survive/ grow, and it’s true. Cancer’s main source of energy, by far, is sugar. Yes, cancer can technically still survive and grow using substrates other than sugar, but if u cut off cancer’s access to sugar, it’s going to make it extremely difficult for that cancer to survive, plain and simple. U also want to cut off its access to glutamine as much as possible.

But mainly all u have to do is decrease insults to the body as much as possible, in order to prevent/ resolve cancer. So try to decrease insults through environmental things, and lower stress and improve sleep as much as possible, and in regards to diet, the best thing u can do is do as close to full carnivore as u can. The lion diet is what’s going to yield the best results, as far as preventing/ resolving cancer, so if u can’t do the lion diet, or even full carnivore, just try and do as close as u can. The closer u do, the better results ur going to see.

But hopefully this nodule on ur prostate isn’t even cancer. Just wanted to let u know that even if it ends up being malignant, it’s nothing to stress over. We now know proven ways to get rid of cancer, and get rid of it relatively quick. There’s endless videos I could send u of people even resolving their so called “terminal” stage 4 cancer. And they all do it the same way. Carnivore or the lion diet. So again, no need to get discouraged if it ends up being cancerous. U can shrink that thing down to nothing in no time strictly through diet. Lmk if ur interested in learning more about anything I’ve spoken about above.

And as far as TRT goes, I personally wouldn’t stop taking TRT if I had cancer. I would just try to take the minimum effective dose to continue feeling and functioning normally. From my research, I don’t see having sub-par hormone levels being necessary to resolve cancer. If a teenage boy had optimal hormone levels, and had cancer, would it make sense to put him on androgen deprivation therapy? I don’t think so. I think having healthy/ balanced hormone levels are going to yield the best results, as far as surviving cancer goes. I think what they do to some men and women is horrendous, and almost criminal, with putting men on androgen deprivation therapy, and women on AI’s to the point where they drive their estrogen down to basically zero. So if I were u I would just take the minimum effective dose of testosterone, that keeps ur levels maybe mid-rangeish, and hopefully still feeling and functioning normally
Being in a state of ketosis starves cancer.

Simple and to the point. I should have just said that lol. But it’s true. Being in ketosis is absolutely the best way to prevent and resolve cancer. And then doing the carnivore or lion diet is where ur really going to see results, when it comes to cancer. The keto diet isn’t ideal due to so many foods/ drinks, that are technically keto, still causing damage within the body once ingested. Mainly all the processed keto diet foods and drinks out there

Being on the carnivore or lion diet also can greatly mitigate the side effects of cancer treatments, which is another plus
Simple and to the point. I should have just said that lol. But it’s true. Being in ketosis is absolutely the best way to prevent and resolve cancer. And then doing the carnivore or lion diet is where ur really going to see results, when it comes to cancer. The keto diet isn’t ideal due to so many foods/ drinks, that are technically keto, still causing damage within the body once ingested. Mainly all the processed keto diet foods and drinks out there

Being on the carnivore or lion diet also can greatly mitigate the side effects of cancer treatments, which is another plus
It's just goes to show you whenever humans alter their diet that takes us out of our natural state -> ketosis, disease follows.
It's just goes to show you whenever humans alter their diet that takes us out of our natural state -> ketosis, disease follows.

U clearly have done ur homework, which is very refreshing to see. It truly is that simple tho. It’s not even debatable that throughout 99.99% of human evolution, our ancestors would have been in a state of ketosis. Fruit throughout history had a very low amount of sugar/ carbs. They were mostly just seeds and fiber. And honey wasn’t accessible all the time. Even in season, honey wouldn’t have been a big part of their diet. And vegetables obv offer very few carbs. And tubers wouldn’t have been very accessible either. Modern agriculture basically started around 12,000 years ago. So prior to that, no humans were cultivating grains and fruit and tubers like we do today. So prior to that, carbs would have made up an extremely small amount of our ancestor’s diets. Which is again why I say that it’s not even debatable that throughout 99.99% of our ancestor’s evolution, they would have been in a state of ketosis. And wouldn’t have had 99.99% of the chronic illnesses that we deal with today. All chronic illnesses that we deal with today are due to not eating a proper human diet. So again, it’s extremely simple, like u stated. U go back to eating how out ancestors did, aka carnivore, or even carnivore with a small amount of carbs coming from whole foods like fruits and raw honey, and being in a state of ketosis all the time, goodbye ever having to worry about contracting any of the chronic illnesses that we see today. Again, it’s literally that simple. Go try and find someone doing the lion diet for many years that has a chronic illness. I’ll wait……
It truly is that simple tho. It’s not even debatable that throughout 99.99% of human evolution, our ancestors would have been in a state of ketosis. Fruit throughout history had a very low amount of sugar/ carbs. They were mostly just seeds and fiber. And honey wasn’t accessible all the time.
If it's so simple to understand, I wonder why I find so much resistance.
If it's so simple to understand, I wonder why I find so much resistance.

Trust me, I wonder the same on a regular basis. But the truth always comes to light, and luckily via TikTok, IG, FB and YouTube clips, people are fortunately learning/ intaking information in at an accelerated rate, compared to any other time, and more and more people are getting on board with how things actually work, when it comes to the human body and nutrition. But there is a lot of people, mostly older generations, that aren’t intaking these clips, that refuse to give up on everything they’ve been taught/ heard throughout their lives, in regards to nutrition. But eventually those people/ generations will pass on, and more and more people coming up will understand the truth, and it will eventually just become common knowledge. Like how back in the day it was common knowledge that butter, red meat and egg yolks were supposedly bad for u, and caused heart disease. The difference is that common knowledge will actually be correct this time around

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