Red, hot face and mild sunburn like feeling everywhere - TRT/HCG

Thought I’d leave an update- turns out that the HCG was causing these issues. Once I stopped hcg, it took about 2 weeks for burning skin sensations to go away.
Now, I’m taking just test E 100mg twice a week and doing well. I also decided to have my sperm frozen as peace of mind in case fertility becomes an issue. It’s around $300 per year to store it.
I was using brand name Pregnyl HcG, and I plan to re initiate it at very low dose to see if I can utilize it. My balls haven’t shrunk yet and I’m doing well at this dose with no needs for AI.
I’ll update later when I retrial generic hcg starting with a 50 unit dose to test sensitivity probably in a month or so.
Apparently hcg hypersentitivy is rare but that is what the issue was
Thought I’d leave an update- turns out that the HCG was causing these issues. Once I stopped hcg, it took about 2 weeks for burning skin sensations to go away.
Now, I’m taking just test E 100mg twice a week and doing well. I also decided to have my sperm frozen as peace of mind in case fertility becomes an issue. It’s around $300 per year to store it.
I was using brand name Pregnyl HcG, and I plan to re initiate it at very low dose to see if I can utilize it. My balls haven’t shrunk yet and I’m doing well at this dose with no needs for AI.
I’ll update later when I retrial generic hcg starting with a 50 unit dose to test sensitivity probably in a month or so.
Apparently hcg hypersentitivy is rare but that is what the issue was

Apr 21, 2019
Thread starter #1
Hi all very glad to have found this board. Long time listener first time caller.

Weeks later and Have a wicked side effect now of brain fog, “tightness” around my eyes, lack of focus and visibly hot face with red nose cheeks forehead and ears. Sometimes my arms or back has a slight burning sensation similar to nerve pain, very mild. It is legit terrible though not gonna lie.

Starting labs pre trt
Total test 300.
Shbg 25
Prolactin 8.2
Estradiol 19
Hcg: 0
LH: 1.9
All iron and ferritin normal.
CBC, CMP, LFT normal

Protocol below

Been on trt IM 100mg per week and hcg 500 units Twice weekly under urologist supervision.

Kickstarted with 300 mg IM week 1, 200 mg week after then 100 mg weekly after that and since. This led to eventual TT lab of 1200 as of yesterday after 6 weeks (not trough, 2dd after shot- I plan to retest trough in a few weeks now that I’m on weekly regimen).

During week 4, 2 days after an hcg (pregnyl) shot of 550 units, like 7 hours later my face was beet red and I was flat out uncomfortable, though I didn’t have a fever and blood pressure was 118-85. I also had what looked like hives in chest on Friday telling me was allergic.

Thst was by far the worst; I assumed an allergy to cottonseed oil or the preservative in the test, so I stopped cypionate and got enanthate which has different oil and preservative- held my hcg and test shot for a week and resumed with testE the week after.

Has been 3 weeks since initial feeling and the burning hasn’t stopped but has calmed.

It seems to be correlated with HCG as I dropped dose to 400 units, but still after shot last week, by evening I felt like ass and was hot as hell with flush and fatigue- though no fever but not as bad as 2 weeks earlier.

Got CBC last week which showing normal HGB HCT.

Got Labs drawn as I needed to know e2, done only 2 days after pin,
Total t 1200, e2 38. No high E sides like bloating or acne, but double what my ore trt e2 was.

Plan to skip hcg until this passes as I already ruled out cyp allergy, been on enanthate three weeks so allergy to test or oil vehicles is unlikely.

Would like to hear if others had HCG (pregnyl brand) sides like this. Have held Saturday dose and haven’t shot for 4 days still have mild sunburn feel Fatigue but it’s calming down. Plan to hold hcg till this passes and have doc visit.

Thanks all glad to have found this community.

Your starting protocol/lab testing was completely no one front loads on trt and labs should be done at trough as this is when we want to see where your TT/FT and e2 levels sit.

Seeing as you started off injecting a whopping 300 mg the first week, a rather large dose of 200 mg the second week, followed by a reasonable starting dose 100 mg weekly there after and than had lab work done at 6 weeks (the first and second week you injected much higher amounts of T than your prescribed 100 mg/week protocol) basically you did not stick to the same 100 mg/week dose for 6 weeks until blood levels stabilized to truly know where your TT/FT and e2 levels sit.....let alone you tested during your peak as oppose to your trough so the TT 1200 ng/dL(peak would be more closer to (24hrs post injection) means nothing as you would never know where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit at trough on 100 mg/week (same dose for full 6 weeks before labs).

When one start a protocol you stick to that specific dose every week and than have blood work done at 6 weeks once blood levels have stabilized and in most cases one should always start trt at a lower dose 100 mg/week is common starting dose to see specifically how said dose of T effects your TT/FT/e2 levels, how you respond to said dose whether relief/improvement or lack there of low-t symptoms and also how said dose of T effects overall blood markers such as CBC (includes hemoglobin/hematocrit), chemistry panel which includes lipids as high doses of T can have a negative impact (lowering of HDL).

You start on a given dose usually 100 mg/week.....mind you 50 mg every 3.5 days would be better as blood levels will be more stable throughout the week and there with be less of a swing between peak--->trough levels and even than some may choose to inject smaller doses of T more frequently depending on their SHBG level.

SHBG is critical to know as it will dictate ones dose/injection frequency.

As we say start low and go slow when you begin trt!

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

Thought I’d leave an update- turns out that the HCG was causing these issues. Once I stopped hcg, it took about 2 weeks for burning skin sensations to go away.
Now, I’m taking just test E 100mg twice a week and doing well. I also decided to have my sperm frozen as peace of mind in case fertility becomes an issue. It’s around $300 per year to store it.
I was using brand name Pregnyl HcG, and I plan to re initiate it at very low dose to see if I can utilize it. My balls haven’t shrunk yet and
I’m doing well at this dose with no needs for AI.
I’ll update later when I retrial generic hcg starting with a 50 unit dose to test sensitivity probably in a month or so.
Apparently hcg hypersentitivy is rare but that is what the issue was

You state "Now, I’m taking just test E 100mg twice a week and doing well"

Now your original protocol of 100 mg/week after you did the first 2 weeks front loading (300/200 mg) was a total of 6 weeks and that was as of April is June 48 days later basically within 6 weeks/6 days you are all of a sudden using 200mg/week (100 mg every 3.5 days).....which is a large dose let alone a large jump for most men and most likely has your TT/FT levels very high especially with an SHBG of 25 nmol/L (which may be even lower now due to upping your dose big time from 100 mg/week--->200 mg/week).

Although you stated "I’m doing well at this dose with no needs for AI".....have you even had your TT/FT/e2/SHBG levels tested.....let alone hemoglobin/hematocrit and lipids to even know where they truly sit on such dose?
Last edited:
Apr 21, 2019
Thread starter #1
Hi all very glad to have found this board. Long time listener first time caller.

Weeks later and Have a wicked side effect now of brain fog, “tightness” around my eyes, lack of focus and visibly hot face with red nose cheeks forehead and ears. Sometimes my arms or back has a slight burning sensation similar to nerve pain, very mild. It is legit terrible though not gonna lie.

Starting labs pre trt
Total test 300.
Shbg 25
Prolactin 8.2
Estradiol 19
Hcg: 0
LH: 1.9
All iron and ferritin normal.
CBC, CMP, LFT normal

Protocol below

Been on trt IM 100mg per week and hcg 500 units Twice weekly under urologist supervision.

Kickstarted with 300 mg IM week 1, 200 mg week after then 100 mg weekly after that and since. This led to eventual TT lab of 1200 as of yesterday after 6 weeks (not trough, 2dd after shot- I plan to retest trough in a few weeks now that I’m on weekly regimen).

During week 4, 2 days after an hcg (pregnyl) shot of 550 units, like 7 hours later my face was beet red and I was flat out uncomfortable, though I didn’t have a fever and blood pressure was 118-85. I also had what looked like hives in chest on Friday telling me was allergic.

Thst was by far the worst; I assumed an allergy to cottonseed oil or the preservative in the test, so I stopped cypionate and got enanthate which has different oil and preservative- held my hcg and test shot for a week and resumed with testE the week after.

Has been 3 weeks since initial feeling and the burning hasn’t stopped but has calmed.

It seems to be correlated with HCG as I dropped dose to 400 units, but still after shot last week, by evening I felt like ass and was hot as hell with flush and fatigue- though no fever but not as bad as 2 weeks earlier.

Got CBC last week which showing normal HGB HCT.

Got Labs drawn as I needed to know e2, done only 2 days after pin,
Total t 1200, e2 38. No high E sides like bloating or acne, but double what my ore trt e2 was.

Plan to skip hcg until this passes as I already ruled out cyp allergy, been on enanthate three weeks so allergy to test or oil vehicles is unlikely.

Would like to hear if others had HCG (pregnyl brand) sides like this. Have held Saturday dose and haven’t shot for 4 days still have mild sunburn feel Fatigue but it’s calming down. Plan to hold hcg till this passes and have doc visit.

Thanks all glad to have found this community.

Your starting protocol/lab testing was completely no one front loads on trt and labs should be done at trough as this is when we want to see where your TT/FT and e2 levels sit.

Seeing as you started off injecting a whopping 300 mg the first week, a rather large dose of 200 mg the second week, followed by a reasonable starting dose 100 mg weekly there after and than had lab work done at 6 weeks (the first and second week you injected much higher amounts of T than your prescribed 100 mg/week protocol) basically you did not stick to the same 100 mg/week dose for 6 weeks until blood levels stabilized to truly know where your TT/FT and e2 levels sit.....let alone you tested during your peak as oppose to your trough so the TT 1200 ng/dL(peak would be more closer to (24hrs post injection) means nothing as you would never know where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit at trough on 100 mg/week (same dose for full 6 weeks before labs).

When one start a protocol you stick to that specific dose every week and than have blood work done at 6 weeks once blood levels have stabilized and in most cases one should always start trt at a lower dose 100 mg/week is common starting dose to see specifically how said dose of T effects your TT/FT/e2 levels, how you respond to said dose whether relief/improvement or lack there of low-t symptoms and also how said dose of T effects overall blood markers such as CBC (includes hemoglobin/hematocrit), chemistry panel which includes lipids as high doses of T can have a negative impact (lowering of HDL).

You start on a given dose usually 100 mg/week.....mind you 50 mg every 3.5 days would be better as blood levels will be more stable throughout the week and there with be less of a swing between peak--->trough levels and even than some may choose to inject smaller doses of T more frequently depending on their SHBG level.

SHBG is critical to know as it will dictate ones dose/injection frequency.

As we say start low and go slow when you begin trt!

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

You state "Now, I’m taking just test E 100mg twice a week and doing well"

Now your original protocol of 100 mg/week after you did the first 2 weeks front loading (300/200 mg) was a total of 6 weeks and that was as of April is June 48 days later basically within 6 weeks/6 days you are all of a sudden using 200mg/week (100 mg every 3.5 days).....which is a large dose let alone a large jump for most men and most likely has your TT/FT levels very high especially with an SHBG of 25 nmol/L (which may be even lower now due to upping your dose big time from 100 mg/week--->200 mg/week).

Although you stated "I’m doing well at this dose with no needs for AI".....have you even had your TT/FT/e2/SHBG levels tested.....let alone hemoglobin/hematocrit and lipids to even know where they truly sit on such dose?

Yep all WNL with T at 1200 which is on the high end of the “reference range” but my negative symptoms which prompted therapy are gone so going to continue with this. Will need to retest when I add hcg back in and see how that goes.

That said e2 imo should not be altered unless you’re showing symptoms, not on the bloods number. From what I understand higher e2 is very normal With higher T- mine is at 44 and no bloat, scratchy nips or anything. Feel good. Rather not add another drug in the mix.

This post was a cautionary tale of hypersensitivity reactions mostly. I would in hindsight have started T alone and added hcg later which would have made it much easier to diagnose the root cause of the problem
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Yep all WNL with T at 1200 which is on the high end of the “reference range” but my negative symptoms which prompted therapy are gone so going to continue with this. Will need to retest when I add hcg back in and see how that goes.

That said e2 imo should not be altered unless you’re showing symptoms, not on the bloods number. From what I understand higher e2 is very normal With higher T- mine is at 44 and no bloat, scratchy nips or anything. Feel good. Rather not add another drug in the mix.

This post was a cautionary tale of hypersensitivity reactions mostly. I would in hindsight have started T alone and added hcg later which would have made it much easier to diagnose the root cause of the problem
Try HMG. Depending on the source not terribly expensive.

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