I've only had one test, fasted, in the morning.
I was 31 at the time, 32 now, but I only had my Total and free test done. Getting more labs done very soon.
Total Testosterone 390 ng/dl
Free test 6ng/dl (66.2 pg/ml)
I have far too many symptoms and hate how it makes me feel and negative consequences it has on my relationship.
Do those numbers cause concern to you at age 31? I'll post up my more in depth labs soon.
Gonna kick my 2 cents here.
For your age, a TT 390 ng/dL is sub-par let alone far from optimal and more importantly, your FT would be low/lowish depending on SHBG.
Keep in mind that although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.
Natural 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male: levels peak in the early am and decline in the late afternoon/early evening.
Endogenous testosterone secretion is likewise pulsatile and diurnal, with the highest plasma concentrations occurring at about 8 A.M. and the lowest at about 8 P.M.
We want to test at peak so lab work should be done in the early am.
When it comes to having blood work to check your testosterone levels it is critical that you have fasted and get your test done in the early am as in 8-10 am and the earlier the better.
Would also be a wise move to take a week off from lifting as one can easily be overtrained from excess heavy lifting, poor sleep, lack of recovery (poor diet/rest), excess stress (physical/mental) which can hammer down testosterone.
It is also critical to use the most accurate assays for TT/e2 (LC/MS-MS) and FT (Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration).
Unfortunately, most men tend to use inaccurate assays when having blood work done especially for free testosterone.
The only way to know where your FT level truly sits is to have it tested using the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best).
Most men use/rely upon the piss poor direct immunoassay which is known to be inaccurate.
You most likely had your FT tested on the above labs you posted using the piss poor direct immunoassay.
Mind you with a sub-par TT 390 ng/dL it would be a given that your FT is low/lowish depending on your SHBG.
Top it all off that your labs are from over a year ago and that was then this is now.
We would need to see recent lab work let alone using accurate assays.
Although you stated that you are experiencing possible low-t symptoms do understand that dysfunction thyroid/adrenals can mimick low-t symptoms let alone cause one to feel unwell.
You need to get a full set of labs which should include TT (LC/MS-MS), FT (Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration), SHBG, estradiol (LC/MS-MS), DHT, Prolactin, LH/FSH, DHEA, Vit D, PSA, TSH (full thyroid panel), cortisol (4-point), CBC (includes RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit), CMP, lipids.
If you do not want to spend the money then at the very least test TT/FT/estradiol/SHBG and LH/FSH.
To be honest the pre-trt hormone wellness panel would be your best bet.
You can purchase through Nelson's
discounted labs:
Blood Tests Before Starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT