Opinions and Thoughts On My First 6 Week Labs?


I've been on test cyp 75mg twice a week for 6 weeks. I'm with my GP right now. These are all the labs I have. These were taken on my trough day.

Testosterone Free: 16.2 ng/dl (8.7-25.1)
Total Testosterone: 697 ng/dl (241-827)
Prolactin: 13.9 ng/ml (2.1-17.7)
Estradiol: 52 pg/ml (12-40)
SHBG: 31 nmol/L (27.9-146.0)
TSH: 3.38 uIU/ML (0.30-3.04)
Free T3: 3.01 pg/ml (2.30-4.20)
Albumin: 4.0 G/DL (3.2-4.8)
RBC: 4.64 M/UL (4.70-6.10)
WBC: 4.9 K/UL (4.8-10.8)
HGB: 14.7 G/DL (14.0-18.0)
HCT: 44.4 % (42.0-52.0)
MCV: 96 FL (80-94)
MCH: 31.8 PG (27.0-31.0)
PLT: 163 K/UL (130-400)
still some work to do...how do you feel, libido, sexual function, and so forth?

E2 is too high but that was the wrong test so it's rather useless, you've got clear room to up your Cyp dose if you like. Prolactin looks undesireable elevated...can affect sexual function.
How do you feel? Trough isn't bad. 700 means you're probably peaking at 1000 or so, but that's just a guess.

I think that's a standard E2 test, so if you don't have any high E2 symptoms I wouldn't worry about it, next time ask your doctor for the SENSITIVE test. Get the sensitive E2 test code from the lab you use.

I respectfully disagree with vince that prolactin is elevated, I think it's fine, but it may vary from person to person.
Shippen/Crisler/Saya all treat Prolactin @ Appx 5 with Dostinex/Cabergoline...I can't link it right now but it's on youtube, part of a video chat that with Nelson/Crisler/Saya/Jasen Bruce.
My doctor messaged me saying he wants to slightly lower my T dose. What do you guys think? Also, do I have high SHBG or normal. Based on labs, do you think I would do better with once, twice, 3X, or more weekly injections?
Your Free T3 is sitting at 37% of the reference range. "Usually" a good place for Free T3 will be at the 50% to 80% area of the ref range, but need to see Free T4, Reverse T3 & antibodies (TPO & TgAb) before making any real assessment.
What does my SHBG look like from the labs? The ref range is high, but I see that 31 nmol/l is normal with anything under 20 considered low.

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