Lab results: Opinions


New Member
Just started my journey and am looking for some opinions...
35 years old, 6'3", 245lbs... average build. Not fat but not a twig either. All my male family member are larger/stronger types as well.

First blood draw:

Test serum: 315ng/dl - LabCorp Range 246-916 (which i just found out has been lowered from above 300-1000+?)
TSH - 2.560 uIU/ml - Range 0.450-4.500
GGT - 27IU/L range 0 - 65
Iron - 138 ug/dl range 38-169

Rest of the blood test looked fine with the exception of slightly high LDL Cholesterol 136 mg/dl range 0-129... recently been eating pretty poorly. haha

So, after doing some researching on the web about these numbers I see that 315 total T is very low for someone my age. Decide to find a specialist and go from there.
Initial blood draw before a week trial on Clomid everyday @ 25mg.

TSH 1.920 uIU/ML - Range 0.450-4.500
T$, Free (direct) 1.32 ng/dl - Range .82-1.77
Pregnonole, MS 58 ng/dL - Range <151
Dihydrotestosterone 29 ng/Dl (marked as 'LOW' on this test) - Range 30-85
Total Testosterone 405 ng/dl - range 265-916
DHEA-Sulfate 295.1 ug/dl - range 138.5-475.2
FSH, Serum - 6.7 mIU/ml - Range 1.5-12.4
Prolactin 15.8 ng/mk (Marked as 'HIGH') range 4.0-15.2
Vitamin D 32.5 ng/ml -- Range 30.0-100.0
Estradiol, Sensitive 11.9 pg/ml - Range 8.0-35.0
Estrone, Serum 77 pg/ml (Marked as 'HIGH') range 12-72

I started the Clomid the following day and it seemed to slight help my mental energy and overall sense of well being 2-4 days in.
After taking the last dose, I was instructed to take a blood test between 7-8am and got the following results...

Testosterone, serum - 503ng/dl - Range 264-916
Estradiol, Sensitive 21.3pg/ml - range 8.0-35.0

Despite feeling overall better, not great though, on the Clomid... I had ZERO libido and zero morning/spontaneous erections. My wife and I def 'tested' how the clomid should've been helping... haha

After about a 4-7 days off the climid I basically felt back to my 'normal' self. Always tired, brain fog, taking for ever to recover from works out, etc... basically all the symptoms.

So anyway, thats where Im at with it. Just looking for some opinions from others in similar situations. Have a follow up appointment soon with my Dr and Im going to mention I want to start TRT since I already have two wonderful kids and have no intention of having anymore, nor does my wife.

Thanks in advance!
(please excuse formatting and typos... doing this on my phone)
I am 37 and started TRT when i was 34-35. Like Vince said. TRT can negatively affect your fertility. My daughter was born before i started TRT but i wanted to keep my fertility. TRT + HCG + FSH kept me fertile. If you really decide to go ahead with TRT you can freeze your sperm just in case. Get sperm analysis done BEFORE starting to get a baseline. If you can afford FSH and is currently fertile I think you should have good chances of remaining fertile while on TRT.
The reason i started TRT was because i was feeling so tired all the time. But before committing to TRT i saw several doctors and ran all kinds of blood work and tests to rule out something else. TRT was life changing for me. I cannot imagine myself without it.
Already have two kids and we’re not having anymore so no worries about fertility. Did a phone consult with my dr. yesterday afternoon and he suggested we try hcg injections for a few months and see if we can boost T that way since I did have some response to the clomid but not the numbers we were looking for. So that’s the plan for now, not sure of the exact measurement used for hcg but I’m going to inject subC mon-say with Sunday off @ 300iu/ml and see how that goes. Anybody done that with good success? Thanks for the replies!

I’m at ~1,800 iu/ml per-week or 300iu/ml with Thursdays off. After the first 36 hours my testes ached for about 8 hours... and for the next week I had an elevated sex drive but all workouts, etc still we’re the same. Frankly my recovery has been worse... Gave it another week and without a doubt I started to lose some of the the edge I had even just a few months ago.... which is a massive loss compared to just 3-4 years ago. Started taking DIM since I assumed my E was getting elevated but after ~ two weeks of supplementing with that, I still feel the same overall. Got labs coming in soon and will update with numbers (test and E) but frankly I don’t expect much...

Anyone else on mono-hcg in my age bracket? What were your results? Not talking numbers... just quality of life.

Also, if I may ask... please no more fertility responses as I thought I made it clear in earlier posts. We’re not having anymore children.
Thanks for the reply!

Not worried about fertility since I have two amazing children and am perfectly content with them. Like you I’m always exhausted and, at 35 can’t imagine how I’ll even remotely keep up with my kiddos in 10 years when they’re in their teens. I find myself sometimes wondering how my father had the energy he had the energy he always exuded and currently does.

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