Please help with my Blood test, THANKS


New Member

Im a 37 years old male. I have had a lot of problem with my health last 3 years. Cant work more than a few hours a day.
Get really easy stressed. I just got this blood test. Please help me analyse it.

P-Estradiol: 0,12 nmol/L (min. 0 - max. 0,2)
P-Lutropin (LH): 17,8 U/L (min. 1,5 - max. 10,5)
P-Prolactin: 108 mlU/L (min. 64 - max. 256)
P-Sexualhormonbin (SHBG): 143 nmol/L (min. 24 - max. 77)
P-Testosteron: 31,1 nmol/L (min. 10,3 - max. 27,4)
P-Testosteron Free: 0,28 nmol/L (min. 0,24 - max. 0,69)
P-Thyrotropin [TSH]:<0,005 mIU/L (min. 0,3 - max. 4)
P-Thyroxin free [T4]: 15,9 pmol/L (min. 10 - max. 26)
P-Triiodthyronin, (free T3): 9,6 pmol/L (min. 3,3 - max. 6,1)
Hb(B)-Hæmoglobin A1c (IFCC): 30 mmol/mol (min. 31 - max. 44)
P-Glukose, middel (fra HbA1c) 5,2 mmol/l (min. 5,4 - max. 7,3)
P-Creatininium: 56 µmol/L (min. 60 - max. 105)
P-Magnesium: 0,84 mmol/L (min. 0,71 - max. 0,94)
P-Ferritin: 523µg/L (min. 17 - max. 320)

Thought it was because of low thyroid. Have the last 9 months taking erfa thyroid.
It only helped a little even with a high dose. I can now see that my Free T3 is way to high so cutting down the erfa Thyroid.
The low TSH is because of the erfa thyroid so don't look at that.

My SHBG was high before i started on the erfa thyroid.

My testicals are very small. One of the didn't fall down before i was 13 years old. Dont know if that can do anything but you never know

Hope to get some feed back.

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Your iron is extremely high - have you previous blood-work that you could compare this reading with? Can you tell us more about your symptoms/how you feel?
Can you give any more details regarding your health?

I'll comment only on the markers I'm confident about:
Your HbA1c (~average blood sugar levels) is excellent. I think that's a good indicator that your diet is working for you.
Also your total testosterone is really good. Your free testosterone is low though, the really high SHBG being the most likely cause. This can lead to symptoms of low testosterone in some men.
Your ferritin (iron storage) is out of range, you might want to bring that down (donating blood will do this).

Additional blood work:
- high-sensitivity C reactive protein (hs-CRP) (marker of inflammation), it's cheap, and useful

There is a correlation between serum ferritin levels and markers of inflammation.
Thanks for your time guys.

In jan 2015 my P-Ferritin was: 509 µg/L (min. 17 - max. 320)

My symptoms are very easy to stress. And when i get stressed its hard to get rid of again.
I only work 2 days a week. Go to yoga and relax a lot.

Else:Fatigue & Lack of Energy
Increase In Body Fat. Special on my stomach.
Mood Changes
Impossible to get muscle
No sex drive

My SHBG is a problem. If i cut fat from my diet i loose the last small part of my sex drive. Im afraid that the high SHBG can be some kind of problem with my liver.

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