Please Help Me TRT hell. Need Advice


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Myjourney thus far
[35 yearold male5/10 190 pounds

>> 2011 30y.o.– Started to experience severe anxiety, insomnia and slight depression
Had blood work ran: total test came back at 87. StartedTestim Gel and Test lvls reached 500 after a few months .Anxiety was a little better and so was sleep but not what I expected. Gained a ton of bad weight. Felt fat and out of shape. Fatty breast tissue started with abdomen fat.

2013 – Started a workout regimen and stopped taking Testim. Lost weight and anxiety and insomnia nearly gone. I had no side effects from going off the gel. No crash ect.

2016 –Had trouble sleeping again and after three years working out and I was frustrated at not making the gains I should have been in the gym. I guess I would have to say the real reason I started was for the edge in the gym. I was tired of watching people work out for a year and being twice the size I was. Predicated on the fact that I knew about the LOW T…… I had it tested again. January- Total test was 305 ng/dl free test:54 pg/ml.

Saw an endo and I started Test Cyp at 200 mg every two weeks. Felt great at first then started feeling horrible at the end of the two week cycle and blamed it on the crash. I would inject again and then feel better until the end of the two weeks. Had blood pulled again after two months on that regimen>> total test 340 ng/dl free test 108.8 pg/ml. That blood was pulled at the end of the two week cycle to see how low my test was getting. It seems like the only thing that shot up was the free test. End ofApril – GOT A NEW DOC and Started injecting 200 mg every ten days. Now I am experiencing severe anxiety attacks. Mostly after I go to the gym but an overall anxious feeling and CANNOT sleep.
Hadblood pulled again last week. >>> total test- 742 free test- 181 ESTRADIOL WAS 40 (This was three days after my injection. It seems the higher my test gets,especially the free test…the worse I feel.

I am lost and need help. I am predisposed to anxiety and I have come to no other conclusion but that the testosterone has jacked me up and thus increased my anxiety. I don't understand. All the research I have done, trt was supposed to do the exact opposite of what is happening. I wish I never started this. I usedto go the gym and feel great, on top of the world. Now I feel like I am going to pass out from the anxiety and heart palpitations. Maybe my comfort zone is when I have testosterone in the 300S? It seems like the higher my test gets theworse I feel. Is it the Estradiol? Is it the Test? Do I need an AI. I bought zinc and grape seed extract to help WITH the test to estro conversion. Nothing helps. I will not inject test cyp again…EVER. Now I am concerned that I will go through a crash. It's like either way I am screwed. Why am I reacting so much differently to test cyp rather than theTestim? Please help!!
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To be blunt you need a new doctor your protocol is shit. To start I would recommend injecting smaller doses every 3 1/2 day at the very least no one would feel good on your protocol.
Thank you for the reply Paul. I have been through 2 endos and now a urologist. I am waiting on a call back from her. Is 40 considered high for Estradiol? I think gel might be the answer at this point. A nice slower steady dose.
have you had your thyroid checked out and what were the results? any HCG? are you keeping an eye on hematocrit? do you know if your primary or secondary hypogonadism? there is a lot of great info here in the stickys I would encourage you to read up also plenty of resources for finding a GOOD DR. what state are you in?
this site if full of member who have gone threw what you are now and are willing to help with advice and pointing you in the right direction.
It depend if it was the right estrogen test there's the regular one for women most dr's use and there is the sensitive for men. are you having symptoms?

injecting every 3 1/3 days isnt that bad if you use the correct syringe 27-30 1/2 insulin
Hemoglobyn is 17.7 g/dl just a bit out of range
Hematocrit is 52.7 % 50 is top of the range
All other test are in range
I don't think they ran a thyroid test yet.

I am on test cyp only nothing else. no ai. I live in PA. Phila area.
To get decent TRT care it is almost mandatory to seek out a TRT specialist. Your everyday GP or Endo typically produces some of the worst possible TRT protocols (like yours) that nobody would ever feel good on. Many of us use and recommend Defy Medical as just one example.
Defy uses a tele-medicine model - you don't need to go there in person. Many of use like that model better than in-person because you typically get more one-on-one doctor time on the phone than you do in person at a clinic. I have been on the phone for an hour with my Dr at Defy if I have a lot of questions. They treat you right and no monthly fees or hard-sell, either.

You know how it often is with brick and mortar clinics. You go in, talk to the nurse, wait and then wait some more, doctor comes in for 10 minutes, you wait some more, nurse comes in tells you that you can go.
Hemoglobyn is 17.7 g/dl just a bit out of range
Hematocrit is 52.7 % 50 is top of the range
All other test are in range
I don't think they ran a thyroid test yet.

I am on test cyp only nothing else. no ai. I live in PA. Phila area.

you need to either donate blood or get a therapeutic phlebotomy
you can have low testosterone and be "in range" so "in range" doesn't mean a whole lot around here. If you have lab work post it with ranges in the blood test section to get feedback
if you have a dr. who is open to suggestion you can print off some protocols and information from this site. otherwise I would suggest going to a HRT dr. 90% of GPs, endos and urologists really wont give you the best care.
can anyone in PA recommend a DR?
Your basically just being given testosterone, you need a protocol that includes watching other things and not having a dr ignore them or say we usually don't xxxx.
I have/ had aniexty and a well managed protocol def helps. But 2 week highs and lows are bad will only make your estrogen go up and down too much.

I would read through some of the stickies here in test, e2, shbg, Hcg and even about restarts. Defy medical is hard to beat in terms of service and price. It will take a little while to get an appointment soninwoukd start now, like others said inject 2x a week, and really wouldn't start at over 100-120mg a week until you get with a good dr: defy.

Just a note about the gym:
Don't compare yourself to anyone else, you would be surprised at the amount of physiques there that are using steroids.
Aniexty will hurt about everything , sleep, libido, gym performance.....
We are all unique. I had problems like you, even on e3.5d protocol. Now, I'm on every day, subq injections of 25 mg of T enanthate and feel phenomenal, and T is above range, E2 great and everything else. Will decrease to 20mg a day.

But, this is just me and works great for ME.

We are all unique. I had problems like you, even on e3.5d protocol. Now, I'm on every day, subq injections of 25 mg of T enanthate and feel phenomenal, and T is above range, E2 great and everything else. Will decrease to 20mg a day.

But, this is just me and works great for ME.

I really appreciate all the help. I slept better a few nights but wake up anxious and puking. Go to work then later feel like shit again. You would think that sleep would help. I am on a tube of testim a day that I put on in the morning to help alleviate some of the crash symptoms. I think the bottom line here it's funny a doctor who knows what the hell they are talking about. I asked my urologist to print out another lab and her dumbass only requested free test serum test and a complete blood panel. No estrogen no thyroid no cortisol nothing. What the hell are these people doing?
Your basically just being given testosterone, you need a protocol that includes watching other things and not having a dr ignore them or say we usually don't xxxx.
I have/ had aniexty and a well managed protocol def helps. But 2 week highs and lows are bad will only make your estrogen go up and down too much.

I would read through some of the stickies here in test, e2, shbg, Hcg and even about restarts. Defy medical is hard to beat in terms of service and price. It will take a little while to get an appointment soninwoukd start now, like others said inject 2x a week, and really wouldn't start at over 100-120mg a week until you get with a good dr: defy.

Just a note about the gym:
Don't compare yourself to anyone else, you would be surprised at the amount of physiques there that are using steroids.
Aniexty will hurt about everything , sleep, libido, gym performance.....

I need answers. This is really screwing my up. I'm afraid to have sex, masturbate etc because I want my testes to repair
You shouldn't be afraid of sex or anything like that. Do what you feel like there.
Have you read the stickies here?

My personal experience with local urologist or endocrinologist was useless. For the majority it is a waste of time, most are set in their ways and look down upon you.
I would start with defy and even look into doing a restart.
First you need complete labs done.
Also what are you using, first I read only t cyp and then I read Testim?

Forget about gym performance, nobody can perform good in a gym when feeling bad with anxiety or no sleep.
How have you tried to manage your anxiety, meds?
Your in a bad spot but really need to start from ground zero.
You had really low test at an early age that should have been investigated more at that time.
A basic trt protocol is 100-125 mg a weeks spread out with 1-2 injections a week.
If you local Drs aren't going to care about Hcg or an AI I wouldn't waste my time with them.
Bad sleep can cause a ton of problems like anxiety and lowered testosterone.
I really appreciate all the help. I slept better a few nights but wake up anxious and puking. Go to work then later feel like shit again. You would think that sleep would help. I am on a tube of testim a day that I put on in the morning to help alleviate some of the crash symptoms. I think the bottom line here it's funny a doctor who knows what the hell they are talking about. I asked my urologist to print out another lab and her dumbass only requested free test serum test and a complete blood panel. No estrogen no thyroid no cortisol nothing. What the hell are these people doing?

You asked, what the hell your doctor's are doing? The answer is simple: they are failing to provide the standard of care you deserve. The question comes down to what you are going to do. You face serious medical challenges that local doctors in your area have failed to address. That isn't your fault, but it is reality. Contact Defy Medical and start asking questions. You won't be uphold nor will you get locked into some sort of contract program you can't get out of.

It it is up to you. You deserve better than you are getting.
So get this I call the urologist today and explain everything that's going on to him. This piece of s*** has the nerve to tell me that there is no such thing as testosterone withdrawal. It is all psychological. If I tell him that I am now on testim gel instead of 200 milligrams of test injections every 10 days. This dumb ass then tells me well you're testosterone could have shot up to 1500 on the gel. So let me get this straight talk. You're telling me that stops the Run injections brought my levels up to 746 total testosterone and gels are going to put me at 1500 holy s***
So get this I call the urologist today and explain everything that's going on to him. This piece of s*** has the nerve to tell me that there is no such thing as testosterone withdrawal. It is all psychological. If I tell him that I am now on testim gel instead of 200 milligrams of test injections every 10 days. This dumb ass then tells me well you're testosterone could have shot up to 1500 on the gel. So let me get this straight talk. You're telling me that stops the Run injections brought my levels up to 746 total testosterone and gels are going to put me at 1500 holy s***

Simply walk away. How long will you accept substandard care? Youi do deserve better and there are alternatives you can explore. At this point, do you really think this is going to get any better following the guidelines your current doctors are offering you??
Estrogen - the hormone of life and the hormone of death.

In men, Estrodiol should be between 20-30. Source:

Just ease it back in place over time. Make one change at a time to adjust. Be patient.

I use T cream daily (mixed with USP DMSO) and have no peaks or valleys with my T levels. I stay right around 1000 total T (was 200). I might be one of only a few who use T Cream.

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