Clomid is definitely hit or miss, and depends highly on the dose. I felt suicidal and just overall felt like death on 50mg/ day solo therapy.
So if PhilM7’s LH and FSH are most likely still suppressed, due to the exogenous T preventing the Clomid from stimulating his pituitary to make LH and FSH to send to his testicles, what do u think caused his scrotum to relax? Do u think that even though T is shutting down his HPTA, that the clomid he’s taking is still able to stimulate his pituitary to make a little bit of LH and FSH, just not as much as if he was not on exogenous T? Seems like his testicles are getting some type of stimulation from the Clomid. Unless the estrogen component of the Clomid is having a positive effect on his scrotum, which seems unlikely