Yep, this may just be honeymooning. Everything I read has me anticipating this libido will wear off in a few weeks. But with the bigger dose, everything is suddenly working: penile sensitivity, erection strength, morning erections, and actual libido. I wish it could be as simple as taking a week off every few weeks to keep this going.
They mentioned seeing good LH numbers with clomid/
enclomiphene. I think you're right about replacing the hCG for clients. That's what this midway call was all about.
That's disappointing and a bit distressing. Doesn't seem worth the tradeoff.
You just went from a piss poor response using Empowers version of Natesto.
Jumping on 120 mg/week T split (60 mg every 3.5 days) is going to be a huge difference.
You were running around with a dismal TT/FT level and just started injections.
Hormones will be in flux over the following weeks until blood levels stabilize and as you very well know T levels will be rising/increased dopamine, ARs lighting up and it is almost a given that one will experience what we call the honeymoon period (strong increase in libido/nocturnal and daytime erections, euphoric feeling).
Unfortunately, this is temporary and short-lived as the body will eventually adapt.
That intense drive in libido/erections let alone euphoric feeling wane.
Once you achieve steady-state (4-6 weeks when using TC/TE) it will still take time for the body to adapt to the new set-point.
This will become the new norm.
Need to give the protocol 12 weeks to gauge how you truly feel overall regarding low-t symptoms.
Hopefully, you end up with a healthy libido let alone improvements in erectile function/strength.
Get back to us in 8-12 weeks!
Not trying to steal your thunder but as I have stated numerous times on the forum
ED usually has a multifactorial etiology.
The causes of erectile dysfunction let alone decreased libido are complex and multifactorial.
Not as simple as just having healthy hormones (testosterone/free testosterone, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone, prolactin).
Too many caught upon that higher T = raging libido/titanium erections.
Much more going on when it comes to libido/ED than just testosterone!