In case it helps anybody:
For European folks working with ampules and Ovitrelle, the most convenient way to inject HCG is to do what I have done for 5 years with excellent results, simply combine the HCG shot into the T shot (credit to Nelson for the original idea when I started TRT) by
adding 1-2 drops from the HCG in Ovitrelle into the T shot syringe (the one you actually inject for a
single time).
This is best accomplished moving the contents of the original single-shot Ovitrelle syringe into an insulin syringe that shows you the milliliter amounts, and keeping that in the fridge.
1. No need to mix with bacteriostatic water
2. No extra holes / shots [ i.e. inject T + HCG together ]
3. No risk of infection due to re-use of the same syringe to inject yourself multiple times (wtf, don't re-use syringes!)
4. By far the absolute simplest way without unnecessary work
How I do it:
1. Put all the contents of the (useless, single-shot) Ovitrelle syringe into an insulin syringe, now you have a useful HCG syringe with marks (if not, get a better insulin syringe that shows you the amount)
Keep that HCG insulin syringe in the fridge [ from my reading, this is safe/effective for up to 60-90 days, I never had a problem ]. NOTE: I don't know if this makes a difference, but I also protect this syringe from light inside the fridge.
3. At T shot time: Put a few drops from the HCG syringe in the fridge into your T shot syringe
4. When you inject your T, you get HCG too, in the same shot & hole -why poke more holes than needed?

NOTE: I preload ~3 months of T shots at a time, but only take the HCG out of the fridge to add the drops at the time of the shot, obviously

NOTE 2: When traveling, I don't use HCG as it requires refrigeration, instead just travel with T ampules + inject as needed.
re how to figure out the dose, this is the math I am rolling with:
6500 IUs -> 0.50ml (Full contents of an Ovitrelle syringe)
650 IUs -> 0.05ml
520 IUs -> 0.04ml
390 IUs -> 0.03ml
I answered this question a long time ago, there are a few more details there: