Thanks. Check on the magnesium & blue block glasses. Put them on at 6 p.m. every evening. Many abstracts about levothyroxine and bipolar by Dr. Peter Whybrow, who has been researching the thyroid/bipolar connection for at least 35 years and his co-researcher, Dr. Michael Bauer, in Germany. As I've written, my sleep was fine until I relapsed back into bipolar. That was the first symptom to reappear in mid 2004. In 2003, slept fine, worked hard, had erections to spare. I worked as a courier, running on adrenaline 10 hours a day, driving all over the Baltimore/DC area and I almost know that's what tipped my neuroendocrine system over the edge. And even leaving that profession, working part time in less stressful jobs didn't stop the dam from bursting. 18 years, and I'm still trying to put myself back together. I'm the human embodiment of Humpty Dumpty.