From the bodybuilding site, "Aromasin is a suicidal aromotase inhibitor. Exmestane binds with aromatase enzymes and then subsequently permanently disables the enzyme by destroying it." From your experience with it, versus anastrozole, I would agree with Gman that you were better off at 210 mg of T per week, along with 3.5 mg of anastrozole. Exmestane seems like, for men, a sledge hammer approach to managing/manipulating the conversion of T to estradiol.
Like you, a few years ago, I was on daily 30 mg, IM, test enanthate and though, at least, psychologically, I felt better(less depressed, horny but few erections) I went from 150 to 170 lbs but refused to try an AI because of everything I read about how higher E2 improves erectile function. My E2 was 60(extra sensitive test/LabCorp). I had a bottle of anastrozole which my urologist prescribed.
As I previously wrote, some men, a minority, need a moderate to high dose of an AI in order for them to restore erectile function, as well as for emotional/physical health. I'm desperate to restore my erectile function and my reluctance to utilize an AI might have been defeating my efforts.