No Prescription HCG

I know this has been covered but something this simple has become very complicated for me.

I cannot get a prescription for HCG and just want to know a place to buy it that is reliable.

So india, canada, mexico wherever as long as they ship to the US. I looked at Northwest Pharmacy but at $140 a vial it seems a bit pricey but I almost just went ahead and ordered from them last night.

Or if you know a doctor who will provide a prescription for the reasons we all want one after a phone consultation I am in the greater Boston area.

Someone mentioned Medsbase. You can pay with credit cards. Average price less than $12 for 10,000 IU. Use coupon: EXCELMALE20. Click on image.

cheap hcg credit cards.jpg

In the United States, you can get hCG by prescription using Defy Medical Centers

Detailed information about how and why to use HCG with TRT

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I keep it in the refrigerator after mixing.
I have seen no loss of impact after a month or more.
"Another site recommends 500iu 3 x's a wk for 1st wk in every mo. and 3 wks without."
Sounds a bit off the rails!!!!!
Look around the site and find a post that has a copy of some basic observation from DR Saya on steady state levels of HCG.
I think you are looking for constant (steady) levels, and the option above will not do that.
Some folk here seem to do fine with twice a week or three times a week.
There is a LOT of info on this site. Just search HCG and read the threads and "stickies" ("Stickies" first).

There are those who say that T-Cyp has a limit after opened. But it seems some guy has said its not a problem.

So, your saying getting 10000 iu is not a problem when it sets for a couple mos. because thats what I will be doing if I get 10000 iu.
There are those who say that T-Cyp has a limit after opened. But it seems some guy has said its not a problem.

So, your saying getting 10000 iu is not a problem when it sets for a couple mos. because thats what I will be doing if I get 10000 iu.
Expiration" in the pharmaceutical industry is defined as "The date placed on the container/labels of a drug product designating the time during which a batch of the product is expected to remain within the approved shelf life specifications if stored under defined conditions, and after which it may not be used." In other words a drug will expire once it falls outside it's acceptable specifications of pH, potency, appearance, etc the primary factor being potency. Once the active ingredient falls outside 90 - 110% its potency the medication is considered to be expired. So a drug that has 89% it's listed potency is by FDA and USP standards no longer suitable for use.

HCG is an interesting medication though... Unlike most drugs it's acceptable potency range according to its USP monograph is 80 - 125%. This is due to the fact that it is measured in International Units (IU) and not milligrams (mg). Since the analytical test to measure potency in IUs is not as accurate as the test used to measure potency by mass USP gives HCG the wider potency range. This is true of other medications measured in IUs.

Since the acceptable potency range and the therapeutic index for HCG are quite large a compounder can actually make the medication well above 100% and still be within the acceptable limits. Brand name HCG Pregnyl actually states a 60 day expiration date on it's HCG and I've tested their vials to be within 95-100% potency. You can imagine how long the expiration date would be if the HCG was made at 115% or even 125% potency.

I know compounders that have done long term stability studies on HCG showing it to be quite stable up to 90 days under refrigeration. To be conservative most compounders place 30-60 day Beyond Use Dates on their preparations just as we do. Since the Beyond Use Date starts the moment the HCG powder touches water it is important to make sure you get your HCG from a pharmacy that Freeze Dries it's HCG to prevent getting a batch that has already been reconstituted and started to degrade.

If you're interested I recommend reading more about Freeze Drying (Lyophilization) and to better understand the background of how HCG is compounded and how it works in the human body.
On the website, is ZyhCG brand the correct one to order? Is the money saved really worth the risk of quality, 11,000ui is $85 for me currently (includes $15 for UPS Ground shipping). Buying 5+1 for $80 at reliablerxpharmacy looks to be a great deal, IF the quality is top notch compared to the compounded HCG I am currently getting.
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Vince says it works, and I take his word for it. Everything I have seen him post seems spot on. I ordered the 5000ui of the ZyHcg. It's in transit now, so we will see. I got my BAC water from a US source per the advice here not to use the glass vials that come with the product.

Be careful, do not give them your CC number, it will get leaked. As other advice has been, give them a bank number, and one you watch closely. I never trust these people.
My order has been on verification pending since yesterday morning with Reliable, is this normal?
I have ordered from Reliable several times and they always call to make sure it is not a prank order, at lease that is what they tell me. Never have had a problem with Reliable.
Originally Posted by Orrin Israel Well I have no life:)
I still think this study is posted here somewhere but here is a direct link to it :)

Gotta say that Dr Saya is one great DR that does a lot for all of us on this site!!!!!!
I've read this one and others.

Read the following and see what you think. It sounds pretty well thought out. The guy supports case pretty good.
Good basic info BUT I would place my $$$$ on Dr. Saya on the dosing and my experience is that the smaller batches (5000IU) last a lot longer that 30 days in the frig.
so dont use a CC to pay, but use the bank "E Checks" instead, this is safer? not being sarcastic, it is a serious question. Ive had my CC # stolen before, it sucks!
I have ordered from Reliable several times and they always call to make sure it is not a prank order, at lease that is what they tell me. Never have had a problem with Reliable.

Well thats good to know. On several recommendations around a couple of these threads I didnt put my real phone number. Maybe that will hold it up.

UPDATE..transaction declined
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It was said that using a Credit Card @ Reliable Pharmacy is not a good idea. For those who have ordered from there, did you use a Credit Card or a E Check?
Hmm, all the talk about credit card risk...

My credit cards have fraud protection, and I am not liable for fraudulent use. Monitoring transactions consistently is wise anyway. (Debit card different story, once money withdrawn... gone). I'd rather have my credit card shut down and new card/number issued rather than my bank account compromised
Hmm, all the talk about credit card risk...

My credit cards have fraud protection, and I am not liable for fraudulent use. Monitoring transactions consistently is wise anyway. (Debit card different story, once money withdrawn... gone). I'd rather have my credit card shut down and new card/number issued rather than my bank account compromised

Master Card it is then!
Morning Gene, I am on the website you recommended for the hcg. Question if I may? is there a difference in the Ovidac & Fertigyn? My script was for 10000 iu's. And it appears this needs the bac water. I presume from another source. thank you sir for your time.

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