No Prescription HCG

I know this has been covered but something this simple has become very complicated for me.

I cannot get a prescription for HCG and just want to know a place to buy it that is reliable.

So india, canada, mexico wherever as long as they ship to the US. I looked at Northwest Pharmacy but at $140 a vial it seems a bit pricey but I almost just went ahead and ordered from them last night.

Or if you know a doctor who will provide a prescription for the reasons we all want one after a phone consultation I am in the greater Boston area.

Someone mentioned Medsbase. You can pay with credit cards. Average price less than $12 for 10,000 IU. Use coupon: EXCELMALE20. Click on image.

cheap hcg credit cards.jpg

In the United States, you can get hCG by prescription using Defy Medical Centers

Detailed information about how and why to use HCG with TRT

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New to this site but not what you're about. I've read pretty good things about Reliable on the BB boards but they don't go too deep into TRT, acquisition of HCG, anti-e's etc...
Having said that, is the opinion Reliable is the current best option w/o a script?
Thank you,
I use reliableRX and I'm happy with them. But there are many good India pharmacies.
I'm looking at as well. Great prices and they seem to want an echeck from my bank account which concerns me a bit. Also, they seem to require a prescription. I know places like ADC say "prescription required" but it's not actually required. Is rhe reliablerxpharmacy the same?

no script needed, I too was worried about the echeck option, but have not had any problems so far.
while this place has always sent me legit products, Twice now I've had unauthorized charges on my card within a week of ordering from them.

They're a sketchy outfit for sure.

This goes without saying, but to avoid confusion with Defy mentioned in the post, this comment is in reference to reliablerxpharmacy, correct Weasel?
QUOTE=Gene Devine;19684]Check out these prices and it's the real deal.

I get other products from them and they are 100% legit with great customer service.


The following is Jackdean's Quote = Also first time user, how is it recommended to use it? Do i just purchase it and inject it? I was reading on this thread e your supposed to mix it before doing that? Thank youu![/QUOTE]

Did you ever get a answer to this question. I looked up Reliable but they have vials of some crap called sodium rather than Biostatic water which just complicates things.

I think one comment suggested BAC water needs a RX. Then you have to get syringes and they probably need a scrip
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I use reliableRX and I'm happy with them. But there are many good India pharmacies.

Hi Vince,
I called Reliable but I could hardly understand the guy, an Indian who spoke bad Pigeon English. I said I want to sign up for eCheck. He couldn't fig out what I was talk'n about. I asked him if I had to register before I signed up for eCheck. Can you say how one signs up for eCheck. I'm a little concern now that there's this communication problem, too.

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Hi Vince,
I called Reliable but I could hardly understand the guy, an Indian who spoke bad Pigeon English. I said I want to sign up for eCheck. He couldn't fig out what I was talk'n about. I asked him if I had to register before I signed up for eCheck. Can you say how one signs up for eCheck. I'm a little concern now that there's this communication problem, too.

I use e-check and never had to sign up. Now that I've been using their site for a while, I get my orders in ten days.
hcg in powder form online

Awesome feedback and learned soo much from this post. Thank you again Gene for the info and the link of reliablerxpharmacy
I would like to order HCG from as they ship to europe and I live in Spain, but I have 2 questions before ordering:

1. As from the US to europe, it will take at least 7 days shipping, I don't want to order once it has been in contact with Bac water as I understood it is not good for the potency of the HCG if it goes above a certain temperature which for sure will happen in these 7 shipping days. So my solution is to buy it in powder form. Is this mindset correct?

2. I have no idea how to know which product is the powder form from the online pharmacy ( reliablerxpharmacy ). Do I need to look for a certain name?

Thank you again for everyone for their help until now!

I like the Corion - C 5000 IU
Appears to be manufactured by LG Life Sciences Korea.
Looks like out of stock now.
I normally buy 5 bottles at a time so I don't have to face the "Out Of Stock" window.

Looks like the ZyHcg comes with the long neck bottle of solvent.
I would not use that as you have to break the top off.

Get a 30 ml bottle of BAC water on-line.
You will have more than you need so keep the rest on hand for later use.

I normally use 2 ml of BAC water to reconstitute with.


2 ml BAC WATER into 5000 iu HCG = 2500 iu of HCG per 1 ml of BAC WATER.


0.1 ml of BAC WATER = 250 iu of HCG


0.05 ml of BAC WATER = 125 iu of HCG

Use an insulin pin (use 1/2" or 5/16") SUBQ

I like the "5/16 size.
What's the life of HCG after opening? Its said its only good for 30 das.

Nigel's vid says he takes 500 iu a wk. Another site recommends 500iu 3 x's a wk for 1st wk in every mo. and 3 wks without.

In either case buying more than 2000 IU vials would not work because HCG only last 30 das after opening.

So what do you buy? 2000 iu once a mo. OR order 3 ea , 2000 iu vials and crack 1 open once a mo.?
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I keep it in the refrigerator after mixing.
I have seen no loss of impact after a month or more.
"Another site recommends 500iu 3 x's a wk for 1st wk in every mo. and 3 wks without."
Sounds a bit off the rails!!!!!
Look around the site and find a post that has a copy of some basic observation from DR Saya on steady state levels of HCG.
I think you are looking for constant (steady) levels, and the option above will not do that.
Some folk here seem to do fine with twice a week or three times a week.
There is a LOT of info on this site. Just search HCG and read the threads and "stickies" ("Stickies" first).
Well I have no life:)
I still think this study is posted here somewhere but here is a direct link to it :)

Gotta say that Dr Saya is one great DR that does a lot for all of us on this site!!!!!!

I've read this one and others.

Read the following and see what you think. It sounds pretty well thought out. The guy supports case pretty good.

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