Where to get HCG prescription filled?

reliable has it listed as 10,000 iu so I’m assuming I will be adding 10 ml of water and injecting 50 iu on the needle twice a week to get what I was doing before.

I need to make sure I understand correctly of course.

After I do I will probably mix 5000 iu of their hcg with 5 mg for now on. To keep from storing so long.

Correct me if I’m wrong though.
reliable has it listed as 10,000 iu so I’m assuming I will be adding 10 ml of water and injecting 50 iu on the needle twice a week to get what I was doing before.

I need to make sure I understand correctly of course.

After I do I will probably mix 5000 iu of their hcg with 5 mg for now on. To keep from storing so long.

Correct me if I’m wrong though.
You've got it. For men on TRT just trying to maintain their hormone pathways, 6000 IU is typically the largest size distributed simply because that about the most you'll use in a month.
You've got it. For men on TRT just trying to maintain their hormone pathways, 6000 IU is typically the largest size distributed simply because that about the most you'll use in a month.
Lol well My doctor just wrote me a new script to dose 5000 units twice a week. So how about 40000 units a month. No test , no anastrozole. Just hcg. The whole damn 5000 unit bottle twice a week.

I wonder if there something that he’s not telling me or am I just a guinea pig over here.??? And I verified Yep! thats what he really meant ! And wow that’s a lot of dough a month.

But I went through hell finding a pharmacy in town. Heck one cvs said go down the road it’s not gonna happen at cvs and then another cvs Said I’ll get it ordered for you sure it will happen at cvs. So I guess nobody really wanted to fill it and just told me to try another place just to get rid of me. (Lazy) Wow what a pain !
To bad for the pharmacy companies.

But all these coupons only work for 10000 units.
So he obviously changed the script to make the coupons work atleast. Hmm finally .

Sorry they are not open to any outsourcing pharmacy’s.
Seems like he thinks they are illegal.
Well he said that he believes wells pharmacy Was breaking the law by sending testosterone to NC. And his staff are Not even willing to relay my messages to call empower. And heck the secretary seems afraid to relay the message that I need anastrozole because My e2 levels are going to go up. With only 5000 units twice of hcg. He really needs to write another script for that armidex.

But She said just do what he says for now and see. Smh. heck I already know.my e2 will hit 47 easy.
If they had to work hard for a living seems nothing would get done. My gosh.

It all Sounds rediculous to me. But I’m no DR. Either

I probably should start another thread on all this. It seems unusual to me. From the dose to the regimen. Maybe even comical to some of you guys. Even a bit extreme.

But the dosing instructions. Heck I can’t bare children that’s for sure. So why 5000
Whole units twice a week ??? For a man with low T for real. And he said wells pharmacy was over doing it ! Heck wells was only giving me 5000 units for The entire month !

Sounds like he wants to see if I’ll concieve. I’m pretty sure that won’t happen ! But I wonder if he would believe me if told him that wasn’t possible. ‍♂️at 5000
Units maybe he wants me to grow a third testicle.
Idk what this method is all about.
But he did say that wells was giving me way to much.

Personally I seen my blood work from wells. I don’t believe that. My e2 was high. That was the only problem with wells. And they would have fixed that. And that high e2 induces prolactin. I don’t have a tumor on my pituitary. So then he should know my e2 is going to peak And induce prolactin ! Right ? 2 mg of anastrozole a week almost did the job. 3 would’ve done it.
more armidex seems more logical?

Does this make Any sense ? Oh well.
I’ll keep hangin in there so maybe when im about
60 I’ll finally have it all straight.

But back to the subject.
Thanks for hooking me up with reliable info And empower info Atleast maybe I can make the correct changes if needed later. Peace
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Hi all,

I have been prescribed testosterone cypionate and HCG by my doctor. I was easily able to get the testosterone prescription filled at a local pharmacy.

But I have had difficulty finding a pharmacy that carries or is able to obtain HCG. Right now Walgreens is looking into it and checking with their supplier and will get back to me next week. No luck with any other pharmacies in my area. The problem is it will cost $272 for a 10,000 iu vial of HCG through Walgreens if they can even get it.

Based on advice on this site, I asked my doctor about getting my prescription filled through Empower Pharmacy. Long story short - he won't send the script over to Empower. I won't get into his rationale, and don't necessarily agree with it, but I am otherwise happy with this doctor and would like to explore other options before finding another doctor. I know Empower has a relationship with this site, but are there any other pharmacies - compounding or retail that anyone on this site uses to get HCG scripts filled at a reasonable price? I hope that speaking about non-sponsor pharmacies is ok.

walmart pharmacy is the only one that fills the script for me. My Dr. wrote the script for Pregnyl not HCG though. Pregnyl is a brand name and it costs around $108.00 much cheaper than the HCG brand.
Personally I seen my blood work from wells. I don’t believe that. My e2 was high. That was the only problem with wells. And they would have fixed that. And that high e2 induces prolactin. I don’t have a tumor on my pituitary. So then he should know my e2 is going to peak And induce prolactin ! Right ? 2 mg of anastrozole a week almost did the job. 3 would’ve done it.
more armidex seems more logical?

Does this make Any sense ? Oh well.
No, it doesn't make sense. I don't care if he's a doctor or not, I'd tell him to stick 10000 iu of HCG a week where the sun doesn't shine. And 3MG of anastrozole? That's about right for a meathead running a very heavy cycle of testosterone and dbol :rolleyes:. I can't think of any alternate universe in which this "TRT protocol" makes ANY sense whatsoever.
Lol well My doctor just wrote me a new script to dose 5000 units twice a week. So how about 40000 units a month. No test , no anastrozole. Just hcg. The whole damn 5000 unit bottle twice a week.

I wonder if there something that he’s not telling me or am I just a guinea pig over here.??? And I verified Yep! thats what he really meant ! And wow that’s a lot of dough a month.

But I went through hell finding a pharmacy in town. Heck one cvs said go down the road it’s not gonna happen at cvs and then another cvs Said I’ll get it ordered for you sure it will happen at cvs. So I guess nobody really wanted to fill it and just told me to try another place just to get rid of me. (Lazy) Wow what a pain !
To bad for the pharmacy companies.

But all these coupons only work for 10000 units.
So he obviously changed the script to make the coupons work atleast. Hmm finally .

Sorry they are not open to any outsourcing pharmacy’s.
Seems like he thinks they are illegal.
Well he said that he believes wells pharmacy Was breaking the law by sending testosterone to NC. And his staff are Not even willing to relay my messages to call empower. And heck the secretary seems afraid to relay the message that I need anastrozole because My e2 levels are going to go up. With only 5000 units twice of hcg. He really needs to write another script for that armidex.

But She said just do what he says for now and see. Smh. heck I already know.my e2 will hit 47 easy.
If they had to work hard for a living seems nothing would get done. My gosh.

It all Sounds rediculous to me. But I’m no DR. Either

I probably should start another thread on all this. It seems unusual to me. From the dose to the regimen. Maybe even comical to some of you guys. Even a bit extreme.

But the dosing instructions. Heck I can’t bare children that’s for sure. 5000
Whole units twice a week ??? For a man with low T for real. And he said wells was over doing it I’m just like wow.

Sounds like he wants to see if I’ll concieve. I’m pretty sure that won’t happen ! But I wonder if he would believe me if told him that wasn’t possible. ‍♂️at 5000
Units maybe he wants me to grow a third testicle.
Idk what this method is all about.
But he did say that wells was giving me way to much.

Personally I seen my blood work from wells. I don’t believe that. My e2 was high. That was the only problem with wells. And they would have fixed that. And that high e2 induces prolactin. I don’t have a tumor on my pituitary. So then he should know my e2 is going to peak Idice prolactin ! Right ?
more armidex seems more logical?

Does this make Any sense ? Oh well.
I’ll keep hangin in there so maybe when im about
60 I’ll finally have it all straight.
No, it doesn't make sense. I don't care if he's a doctor or not, I'd tell him to stick 10000 iu of HCG a week where the sun doesn't shine. And 3MG of anastrozole? That's about right for a meathead running a very heavy cycle of testosterone and dbol :rolleyes:. I can't think of any alternate universe in which this "TRT protocol" makes ANY sense whatsoever.

That’s what I was thinking. I agree with the first half. Thanks for reassuring me.
I mean considering how the other dr treated me in an other state compared to this one. And what I have read etc.

But my e2 levels max out to the top when I get my test serum up around 900 and it coincidentally it causes my prolactin to jump up. Which is a sign of a pituitary tumor in men. The trt doctor that I agreed with most of the time usually prescribed 1 mg a week but he said I was one of the few sensitive to estrogen . And I never done steroids before. Heck I about passed out holding my breath giving myself my first test shot because i hate shots.
I’m pretty far from being a meat head full of

I’m actually 50 year old trying to get my bp down and get my prolactin and e2 down to have some some umph and motivation or have some energy so maybe I can start working out like a man should safely ,
even if it means doing it low test. I’d feel better if I could just have 500 test serum level. It’s an improvement.

But I’m tired of suffering the high estrodial and high prolactin symptoms. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. Feels like someone been trying to sand paper my nips completely off. So no muscle head here. Neither do I have a reason to lie about it.

Unfortunately this dr is my only source besides reliable pharmacy at the moment. And I am awaiting an appointment with an endocrinologist out of town. She’s backed up.

But Yea I don’t care if he’s a doctor Or not. Same for the one Out if town that I haven’t met. Personally I feel as if I took a 500 iu shots of hcg twice a week making 5000 units a one month supply.

But with a shot of test once a week half a vial of the 200mg/ml once a week while taking 1 mg of anastrozole on the test shot day and 1 mg of anastrozole on the hcg only day.

Then I would feel a lot better and I would get more done. If I changed that regimen it would only be due to the blood work and how I felt.

That means only Perhaps changing tthe whole
Vial of test cypionate 200mg/ml rather than half of it . But I’m telling you I would need another mg of anastrozole If i did. I mean if I feel it and see it on the blood work ofcourse. .
I appreciate your opinion about anastrozole but in my case there maybe more to it were both unaware of. Idk.
But that Dr gave me an mri to check for a pituitary tumor because of those high prolactin levels..
Something is causing the symptoms. And it’s not because I’m the ultimate warrior. Lol.

I believe the high prolactin is estrodial induced. Something that dr never listened to me when I tried to mention it.
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That’s what I was thinking. But my e2 levels max out to the top when I get my test serum up around 900 and it coincidentally it causes my prolactin to jump up. Which is a sign of a pituitary tumor in men. The trt doctor that I agreed with most of the time usually prescribed 1 mg a week but he said I was one of the few sensitive to estrogen . And I never done steroids before. And I’m pretty far from being a meat head. I’m a 50 year old trying to get my bp right and get some unph just to have some energy.
I just want to clarify that I wasn't saying you were a meathead ;-)
I'm just not on board with your doc. I'd kick him to the curb personally, and go to Defy. At best, he's trying to reinvent the wheel when there's plenty of perfectly good, proven, LESS EXPENSIVE wheels available.
It’s all good. I was actually looking for those kinds of responses. I felt that this prescription was a bit over the top. And as arrogant as this cat is I was open to maybe he may actually be on to something. Maybe he’s good with just thyroid and diabetes. What’s bad it’s my wife’s thyroid dr and it makes me concerned.
But When I was on regular trt treatment even that Dr mentioned it’s rare to need so much estrogen blocker.

Just thankful I don’t have droopy boobs. Hmmm But I did catch myself zoning out on a few of them shows my wife was watching on lifetime channel a couple times. So hopefully with the info I have got from you guys with some more diet it will have me feeling better and out of the recliner more often doing hardcore excersising again .

Anything is better than being led into ovulating for child bearing and another tv episode of narcissistic/psychopathic home wrecking on the estrogen network channel ..
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It’s all good. I was actually looking for those kinds of responses. I felt it was a bit over the top. And as arrogant as this cat is I was open to maybe he may actually be on to something. When I was on regular trt treatment even that Dr mentioned it’s rare to need so much estrogen blocker. Im
Just thankful I don’t have droopy boobs. Hmmm But I did catch myself zoning out on a few of them shows my wife was watching on lifetime channel a couple times. So hopefully with the info I have got from you guys with some more diet it will have me feeling better and out of the recliner more often doing hardcore excersising again soon..
On traditional TRT, you might not need a lot of AI for a long time. I over responded to my TRT initially and was taking 1.5-2mg a week at one point to keep it under control. Luckily, that didn't last forever and I only take .25 a week now on average, more if I feel like symptoms may be starting up. DIM was a game changer for me in getting my estrogen under control.
Don’t know about AI or DIM. I’m Very unfamiliar. But I’ll look into it And learn ofcourse. Seems like my wife had a prescription for something called DIM before years ago. But thanks
Don’t know about AI or DIM. I’m Very unfamiliar. But I’ll look into it And learn ofcourse. Seems like my wife had a prescription for something called DIM before years ago. But thanks
AI is any kind of aromatise inhibitor, anastrozole being the most common for us. It helps control the aromatization process, but doesn't stop it. DIM helps flush what estrogen you do have in your system out sooner. You can go get DIM from Vitamin Shoppe or the like, or amazon, wherever, no prescription needed.
Damn learn something everytime I come here. Thanks I’m glad you don’t mind expressing yourself in a tough way. Makes good reads. And Don’t worry about explaining or apologizing to me about ever speaking what you believe. Especially if it’s the truth.
Have a good weekend

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