New RSLTS, Dr appt Mon.

A diet is definitely not "one kind of fits all". Learn and adjust to what your body needs, nothing wrong with eating a healthy low carb diet but you have to do it right. Back in the 50s when my dad was a young man, his doctor told him to go on a low-carb diet to lose his pot belly and it worked. Today he's in his eighties and he does have a belly again.

I am not so worried about the lipids. I do not eat trash, I just have to have a really long fast when I get on the dot lipid panels . A twelve hour fast does not cut it for me one of these is a 16-18 hour fast with labs done every month, April was the long fast. Every panel in April dropped into range, then was elevated again in May.
I will retest my lipids with a longer fast. I am more worried about getting the Hormone section under control.

Apo A-1 =164 Lp-PLA2 =271 I do not have a Apo E.

186 mg/dL
Date:May 22, 2015 04:27 p.m. CDT

130 mg/dL
Date:Apr 17, 2015 11:34 a.m. CDT

217 mg/dL
Date:Mar 16, 2015 08:24 a.m. CDT

209 mg/dL
Date:Jan 29, 2015 09:04 a.m. CST
I think they're referring to the high Chol, Triglycerides, LDL and HDL, AST/ALT (Liver)...look at everything in blue marked "H" on that pages of labs from the poor diet.

Is this the first time your E has been so very high? You pulled a higher Free Estradiol than I ever have before. I just started 16mg/D two days ago, still using .25mg EOD. When I looked at your TT and Free I think you can come down some more if you wanted to but I'm not sure how far under the lab range you would want your free T to be. Looking inside your numbers if you cut the Cyp to get the E down, try to get E down, your Free T would be significantly, low.

Yes E on the standard test, (this is the first sensitive test) usually ran around 30 for the last three years. I had the standard E test done at the end of Feb after starting injections, and it was at 62.
That was before I switched to daily injections. I feel pretty good other than emotions and some anxiety, physically the bloat, and lack of weight change. I should have dropped some by now, I always have in the past when I went back to good T numbers

I am trying to get all my T numbers for the last three years to check my high points. I do not know enough about this to know what to do. I just do not understand why the injection is pushing my E so high when it is not my T. When my T was in the 1500+ my E standard was running 62. I guess I might have to try an Ai. Crapp I thought I was getting close.
Same for me. Anything above 120mg week and i need an AI. Were you able to drop the AI completely FeelingLost? How is your hematocrit?

In the last month I have taken two .125's I don't think I'll need anymore but will keep some on hand just in case.
Don't know about HCT yet no blood test scheduled for any time soon, I'm done with 5-8week looks. My BP is running low so I'm not too worried.
Tks FL. I am having blood work done in a few weeks. I was able to completely drop anastrozole. Hematocrit i believe should be under control. Usually when my hematocrit gets high i get really red while working out and my BP rises a bit. BP this morning was 105/70 and i am not getting all red during my workouts.
Another thing i noticed. I use a cream around my biceps (tendonites) and when my HCT was high my skin would get something like small hematomas by rubbing the cream into the skin vigorously. That is not happening anymore.
Yes E on the standard test, (this is the first sensitive test) usually ran around 30 for the last three years. I had the standard E test done at the end of Feb after starting injections, and it was at 62.
That was before I switched to daily injections. I feel pretty good other than emotions and some anxiety, physically the bloat, and lack of weight change. I should have dropped some by now, I always have in the past when I went back to good T numbers

I am trying to get all my T numbers for the last three years to check my high points. I do not know enough about this to know what to do. I just do not understand why the injection is pushing my E so high when it is not my T. When my T was in the 1500+ my E standard was running 62. I guess I might have to try an Ai. Crapp I thought I was getting close.

Overall on this forum dailies are being way over...not sold but peeps are jumping on the bandwagon thinking there's something magic in E/HCT/HGB, among other symptom control when it's really only appropriate for a very select small group. If it's not working for you you should think about going back to whereever you came from in terms of your protocol. For me E has been crazy high no matter what I do.
Overall on this forum dailies are being way over...not sold but peeps are jumping on the bandwagon thinking there's something magic in E/HCT/HGB, among other symptom control when it's really only appropriate for a very select small group. If it's not working for you you should think about going back to whereever you came from in terms of your protocol. For me E has been crazy high no matter what I do.

Thanks for the input.

We will see what the doc thinks but I have no clue what shbg is going to play in this now, thats why I went to daily with a number at 22. I have no clue about the E level at 62 in Feb either, that was on an E3.5d injection.

Are you doing EOD?
]My protocol is 0.1ml(20mg) cypionate every day. NO Ai. 20mg Benicar (BP), 5mg/325 hydro 1or2xD

Supplements: Grape seed, pinebark, maca, red rice, milk thistle, b5,b6,b12, folate, coq10, anxaathin,mag,5 gams fish oil, flax oil

I quit taking HCG in beginning of March so I could try to pin point the reason for my heavy water retention in the face and abdomen. The bloat has reduced some since then but not all the way. They had my gender listed wrong on the Dyhdro panel so that reference was in error. I hoping that the elevated E is the reason for my bloat, and elevated Liver enzymes, as they were normal until after xmas when I started injecting. I am also more emotional than usual, and inexplicably I am also getting some mild anxiety that I did not have before.

My labs were messed up two weeks ago and did not get ordered except for the Dyhdro panel of 4. I thought all of the labs were done so I went and donated two bags of platelts, and a pint of red blood. She told me when I donated that my hemoglobin was at 17.1 so evidently that did not change my oil level much.

I would appreciate all analysis and things I should ask the Doc on Monday. My alkphos runs really low always has. Lipids come and go, when I am down 20 pounds and my T is dialed in my levels look good. I refuse to take a statin.

I have been learning a lot from all of you on here, and look forward to your insight. Thank you all for your help.

If someone could teach me how to post the lab picture on here I would appreciate it sorry tha it is not showing.

Looking solely at your testosterone numbers they look fine. For sure there is room to lower it a bit to see if that helps with estradiol. But my guess is that you would have to cut it quite a bit in order to bring your estradiol to a 30 handle and maybe at that lower dosage you might no feel the benefits of TRT. Difficult to know unless you try.
If you are overweight focus in losing fat. That will help in lowering your estradiol.
If I were you i would focus in losing weight (fat) and I would lower your dosage to maybe 16mg a day and retest in 6-8weeks. After that if estradiol still high (with symptoms) add a small dosage anastrozole 2x week (0.125-0.25mg).
I am unfamiliar with the medication you take but something is not right given your cholesterol and liver enzime levels. This warrants some further investigation for sure.
Looking solely at your testosterone numbers they look fine. For sure there is room to lower it a bit to see if that helps with estradiol. But my guess is that you would have to cut it quite a bit in order to bring your estradiol to a 30 handle and maybe at that lower dosage you might no feel the benefits of TRT. Difficult to know unless you try.
If you are overweight focus in losing fat. That will help in lowering your estradiol.
If I were you i would focus in losing weight (fat) and I would lower your dosage to maybe 16mg a day and retest in 6-8weeks. After that if estradiol still high (with symptoms) add a small dosage anastrozole 2x week (0.125-0.25mg).
I am unfamiliar with the medication you take but something is not right given your cholesterol and liver enzime levels. This warrants some further investigation for sure.

Thank you for the reply

I am carrying some extra weight, but I cannot tell how much is water I am back down to a slimmer waist, but lots of abdomen bloat. I do not look like Divine, MT man, or vince, but then again I never have. I look more like Daniel Cormier, and that man does not cut down either. I would not think a guy with his build could do 5, 5 minute rounds but he can.

My liver enzymes spiked after I started the injections in January. Last three years on gel and cream liver was in range. My oil levels were always in range also, I have never been required to give blood before starting injections. The only things that have been consistently off was lipids, but if I did a 16+ hour my numbers were always in range.

No, you are right I do not want to drop my T by a lot, I actually feel pretty good, my pecs are getting pretty cut, and they can find any vein they want to poke. Sex has been good. Only thing is my wife says she is going to buy me a box of kleenex/tampons.

I appreciate every ones input, I did not think there would be this much difference between gel and injection.

Thanks all
So, first thing doc said is how do you feel? I stated that the wife mentioned you might fix my high E or give me a coupon for a box of Tampons on this visit. She replied:

1) I like your T numbers, I know you switched to daily. so keep with what makes you feel good, if not change it back.

2) Your lipids are ok , we looked at the ratio and the history and I am fine, actually your pipes are wide open, no mud sticking to the sides. Keep eating keto

3) I dont care how you inject keep doing it, you are absorbing the Cyp very well, otherwise your E would not be high

4) Lets do a small AI, you are holding water and fighting fat loss, lets do .5mg 1xWK we will check in 6 weeks.

5) Restart HCG and Dhea, I think your body is just really good at absorbing T. (;high fives )

I love this DR., for every question I had she had an in depth honest discussion about it. The main thing we agreed on was that we are not going to chase numbers. The amount of medical information she was throwing at me was wasted. Vince Carter could probably keep up, but not me.

Only thing I did not ask was should I cut .5 Ai in half and x2, or just take it once a week
.5m is alot but it's not alarming per se, just a lot. .25mg E3.5D would keep the half-life in check thru the week. The HL of Anastrozole is about 50hrs to taking it twice might smooth out the ride than .5mg all at once; more pronounced high and low thru the week on that dose.
So, first thing doc said is how do you feel? I stated that the wife mentioned you might fix my high E or give me a coupon for a box of Tampons on this visit. She replied:

1) I like your T numbers, I know you switched to daily. so keep with what makes you feel good, if not change it back.

2) Your lipids are ok , we looked at the ratio and the history and I am fine, actually your pipes are wide open, no mud sticking to the sides. Keep eating keto

3) I dont care how you inject keep doing it, you are absorbing the Cyp very well, otherwise your E would not be high

4) Lets do a small AI, you are holding water and fighting fat loss, lets do .5mg 1xWK we will check in 6 weeks.

5) Restart HCG and Dhea, I think your body is just really good at absorbing T. (;high fives )

I love this DR., for every question I had she had an in depth honest discussion about it. The main thing we agreed on was that we are not going to chase numbers. The amount of medical information she was throwing at me was wasted. Vince Carter could probably keep up, but not me.

Only thing I did not ask was should I cut .5 Ai in half and x2, or just take it once a week

Good report blackebob, With a >60 sen E2 plus adding DHEA and HCG (known E2 increasers) I think .5/week would be fine for a few(3-4) weeks but just until the symptoms you feel and see (water weight) goes away. Then I would back off to .25/wk and see if the problems return.

So the doc asked how do you feel and suggests you make protocol changes based on that and no number chasing.
Wow that is what I do but everytime I post it on this forum I get slammed by the self proclaimed expert.
Good report blackebob, With a >60 sen E2 plus adding DHEA and HCG (known E2 increasers) I think .5/week would be fine for a few(3-4) weeks but just until the symptoms you feel and see (water weight) goes away. Then I would back off to .25/wk and see if the problems return.

So the doc asked how do you feel and suggests you make protocol changes based on that and no number chasing.
Wow that is what I do but everytime I post it on this forum I get slammed by the self proclaimed expert.

I think that is pretty sound advice, what is good is a huge forest if none of the trees have leaves? You keep preachin, I always listen,lots of others passivly listen to you also. I mean you are a rocket scientist.

She is a great doc glad, I found her.

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