Thanks for the update. What is your total weekly dose? And to confirm, you are happy with your EOD injection schedule?
I discuss my changes I wish to make with my doctor first and I stick to my protocol for 6 months (long timeThis is something I don't quite get yet. I see the advantage of being able to change how often you inject with what you have but I also want my doctor to be on the same page so he will be able to analyze my blood work better.
That being said, I also am unsure how to convince a doctor that you would be better off changing your protocol if you felt you were in a bad one. Do you just have to be persistent in explaining how you feel and asking why your blood work is the way it is?
Its been a while since I've posted on my quest of EOD injections. So far I have been through a slight E2 crash, this came from 0.22mg AI taken on Mon-Wed-Fri. I got severe dry skin in my face, anxiety was back in full force, a bone chilling type of ache throughout my body, as well as loss of sensitivity and ability to orgasm. Thankfully I was able to recover from this by stopping my AI for 2 weeks. Once I started retaining water I knew E2 was rebounded and getting a little high. I then began taking my AI twice per week, Sun-Wed. This worked fairly well for a while, blood tests have E2 at 19.7 on the sensitive test. I cant say this was 100% accurate as I was only about 4 weeks into the recovering from my Low E and rebounded E. I am now thinking I need just a little less AI, or a extra day in between doses. Lately when I take my AI I will start getting anxiety towards the end of the day and the following 2 days. The day following Ill wake up with dry flakes of skin on my face, I feel that achy bone chill feeling as well. here I am on Saturday morning and I have recovered from that (AI is taken on Sunday morning and Wednesday night), and feel pretty good. This has happened the past 2 weeks now, where after taking the AI i get this way for 2 days. I havent done my follow up consult to my labs, I missed the call from defy and just keep spacing off calling them back. I had originally planned to do the 15 minute mini consult but thinking I need to see Melissa or maybe even Dr Saya. Only problem is I am awaiting a sleep study for suspected apnea and Dr Saya says all things outside of basic TRT are moot until this study is done. Mybe I can still do the mini, then book a second full consult once sleep study is completed. Will they adjust protocol at all during a mini consult?
All in all I feel very close to being dialed in at 100% If i could just be where I am the day prior to my AI, or maybe just a bit better, I would be there.
TT 1131 range 264-916 ng/dl
FT 27.2 range 6.8-21.5 pg/ml
E2 sensitive 19.7 this was 4 weeks following a crash/rebound
DHT 118 no range given, just says High
SHBG 28 this has risen from 22, the rise is from EOD vs e3.5d ?
What is the 1/2 life of anastrazole anyway?
Your levels are on the low side, I think it's safer to have a little higher estradiol levels. Maybe you should be taking .125mg of AI twice a week.
Hi cleverusername, I've enjoyed reading your progress thread. Congrats on feeling better. So at one time you were going to try and get your trough into the 800-900 range. Did you try that
So possibly smaller AI doses more frequently? Or do I misunderstand half life and fluctuations between doses? If you are on an EOD schedule, can you adjust AI dose down for EOD as well?
Or another thought, if you're reducing T cyp and expect total and free T to lower, E2 will follow, maybe you'll find that sweet spot where all are in range and you don't need the Anasrazole?
Edit: addition; BTW, as you noted schedules like M,W,F are not even. I realize for many that the day of the week and how this relates to working life, weekly lifestyle etc can be a great help to remain compliant with self administration, but to me in terms of fluctuations, E3D or EOD is obviously more consistent. With my SHBG level, this is why I chose E3D. For me it is easy to track. I perceive it as:
-Day 1 of the cycle HCG,(the day before T),
-Day 2 T cyp,
-Day 3 rest/no injections.
-Repeat E3D. I don't get lost or forget where I am in this cycle. at all
If I was taking an AI, I would hope I could include it somewhere in the 3 day rotation.
Havent taken my AI for 1 week, I was due Sunday but skipped it, and I am now due again. The past 2 days Ive gotten a spike in libido, with yesterday being crazy! I know that if I go back onto the AI Ill soon end up low E again. Gonna try splitting my AI capsule in half, taking it every 3.5 days as I was with the full capsule.
I need to read back through this thread and make notes for my consult. This way I have everything in front of me ready to go.
Too it's real hard to be successful in TRT when the seat of the pants approach, gave up on EOD, re-started EOD, stopped AI, now split AI in wonder you're lost.
actually not lost at all. but you are entitled to your opinion so no offense taken. I have a better understanding of everything since beginning 1 year ago. furthermore I've felt my best yet since committing to EOD and am getting AI fine tuned. I also didn't mention but was given the "go ahead" in switching AI to half doses by Dr.
You ever get the feeling
I'm on the M/W/F and love it. My doc also allows me to adjust my AI based on how I feel. I think you are getting your protocol tuned in. Keep up the good work.
actually not lost at all. but you are entitled to your opinion so no offense taken. I have a better understanding of everything since beginning 1 year ago. furthermore I've felt my best yet since committing to EOD and am getting AI fine tuned. I also didn't mention but was given the "go ahead" in switching AI to half doses by Dr.
The funny part is that's it's reading your own posts that contradicts but then you're defensive so maybe it's the Estrogen after all.
I'm on the M/W/F and love it. My doc also allows me to adjust my AI based on how I feel. I think you are getting your protocol tuned in. Keep up the good work.
Man don't you love it when a plan (protocol) comes together. Congrats let the healing begin.Had my consult this morning, was told numbers are great and I got AI ordered at 0.125, as to where my splitting them was 0.111 Pretty happy with things and doing good! Was also given a option to lower T dose by 2 or 3 mg and try to go with no AI. Being I'm dialed in, I hate to have to start over, took a minute to get to this point so I'll remain as is for now.
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