Nandrolone Experiences

FWIW. Here’s some rat science that may or may not be relevant for hair regrowth? I know Taeian has made some bold claims regarding Deca regrowing hair. To his defense he does have pretty solid hair, and all of the golden era guys did as well.

Estrogen Receptor Alpha, but Not Estrogen Receptor Beta, Is Involved in the Regulation of the Hair Follicle Cycling as Well as the Thickness of Epidermis in Male Mice - PubMed

Orchidectomy induced a synchronized anagen phase of the hair follicles,

Granted, DHN isn’t orchidectomy but at least there should be no scalp DHT. Similar to dutasteride. I buzzed my hair right before barber shops got closed last month... Hair progress pics will be due as well. Like I said yesterday, my scalp itch and flaky skin are already significantly reduced. Also interesting to notice that in rats (.....) estradiol wasn’t needed to signal anagen . However in human transgenders estradiol seems to help.
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Yeah that’s my intuition as well. That Dr O’Connor patient had E2 down to 6 and reported no side effects, but their SHBG was even lower iirc.

I’m always wondering how much of all this is about androgen/estrogen ratio (DHN is weak, so low E2 is sufficient to balance it out?), whether estrogen receptor sensitivity is improved with less circulating estradiol, I just don’t know. Perhaps a DXA would be useful eventually.

Ya there’s just so much we don’t know. I’ve watched that video a few times, and ur right, even with an extremely low E2, he did report feeling great. So numbers definitely don’t tell the whole story.

And ya his E2 was 6.0, and his SHBG was
5.1 (16.5-55.9). With that low level of SHBG, he could potentially have the same free E2 level as someone else with a total E2 of 15-20, which is maybe why he felt fine.
FWIW. Here’s some rat science that may or may not be relevant for hair regrowth? I know Taeian has made some bold claims regarding Deca regrowing hair. To his defense he does have pretty solid hair, and all of the golden era guys did as well.

Estrogen Receptor Alpha, but Not Estrogen Receptor Beta, Is Involved in the Regulation of the Hair Follicle Cycling as Well as the Thickness of Epidermis in Male Mice - PubMed


Granted, DHN isn’t orchidectomy but at least there should be no scalp DHT. Similar to dutasteride. I buzzed my hair right before barber shops got closed last month... Hair progress pics will be due as well. Like I said yesterday, my scalp itch and flaky skin are already significantly reduced. Also interesting to notice that in rats (.....) estradiol wasn’t needed to signal Anagel. However in human transgenders estradiol seems to help.

I had a similar thing happen when switching to deca as my base. On test E 180mg/ week, the skin around my nose and cheeks would get pretty dry and flaky. On the deca I have none of that. And on the scrotal cream I would have insane itching of my scalp during heavy weight lifting, especially squats. Never really noticed it much when not lifting. But that went away when I went from the scrotal cream to the test enanthate.

On the scrotal cream I think I may have been starting to see a tiny bit of hair thinning. Not 100% sure about that. If I was experiencing that, it wasn’t much. And I was only on the cream for 2 months. Hair thinning was one thing I was worried about tho. I experienced no hair issues while on test enanthate or cypionate, and obv no hair issues so far on deca as my base.
I would like to add these research papers, were reduction of MAO A & B even at low dose 3mg/kg or AAS abuse dose 15mg/kg of Nandrolone was significant. This adds to the hypotheses that changes in neurotransmitters are responsible for ED etc. with Nandrolone usage even at low doses.

In my opinion, tho. I do not rule out I am misreading this.


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That's what I said all this time but we still don't know how some guys keep using Nandros without suffer anything, maybe this will happen in the long term run?

For me those who are reporting feel nothing are omitting the facts or not testing, if you know what I mean.

Deca is the most hated steroid, it's called "ed in a bottle", I've had many clients and they all felt impacts on their sexual functions, there may be exceptions, but I prefer to believe in the rules.
Honestly it’s hard to wrap my head around why any guy can use nandrolone for long periods of time and not have any sexual issues. And I’ve chosen to use it as my base lol. It does definitely worry me about what effects it could do in the long term. There’s been bodybuilders back in the day that used nandrolone for 20 years straight, and reported that it was their favorite steroid. But they’re not really saying how it effected them sexually. I would assume if it did effect them negatively in that department, that they would stop using it, but not necessarily. Muscle comes before everything with those guys. So they very well could have had limp d$cks, and not cared as long as they looked great. But my gut tells me that it wouldn’t of been so popular back in the day if everyone that ran it was having ED.

Taeian clark is probably the biggest advocate of nandrolone in the internet. He seems to be a study reading machine. And he has some very interesting theories as to why men get sexual dysfunction when using nandrolone, and he seems to know how to avoid those issues, for the most part.

Using nandrolone long term, especially as my base, worries me a little bit, but I know of quite a few guys using it for 2+ years straight, that are doing really really well. No issues. If nandrolone can cause issues in the long term, I just wonder why it would hypothetically take longer than 2 years to have these negative long term effects. I would assume that if using nandrolone indefinitely were going to have long term negative effects, that you would see signs of this sooner than a few years in. But then again, in regards to diet and lifestyle choices, it can take 10, 20, 30+ years for these things to effect us in a substantial negative way. So 2+ years is nothing when you really think about it. Idk, very interesting stuff. Extremely intrigued for more studies to be done with it, in regards to HRT.

Nelson has used nandrolone for 10 years straight, at one point I believe, just as a side note. And I don’t think he reports any long term issues. He does, however, report basically being asexual without HCG. Not sure if this would be the case if he never used nandrolone or not. Just something to consider I guess.
Now that I’ve read that DHN is basically as weakly androgenic as testosterone itself (from that study with relative binding affinities where DHN = 1, Nand .3, DHN .12, Test .1/.2) it seems to me that this Deca d*ck is very similar to the Finasteride/Dutasteride d*ck and the solution would be to up the Deca? Or HCG of course.

I got stupid horny yesterday, but I’m kinda neutered today. Whatever, I ain’t 15yo anymore. I’m afraid steroid users are totally effed up when it comes to comparing their experiences on various drugs - if they’re not jerking it 5 times a day they’ve got “Deca d*ck” give me a break. That said, whenever I’m allowed to cross the border and move in with the GF, I’m using some HCG for sure. As of now, I couldn’t care less whether I go limp or the opposite
Now that I’ve read that DHN is basically as weakly androgenic as testosterone itself (from that study with relative binding affinities where DHN = 1, Nand .3, DHN .12, Test .1/.2) it seems to me that this Deca d*ck is very similar to the Finasteride/Dutasteride d*ck and the solution would be to up the Deca? Or HCG of course.

I got stupid horny yesterday, but I’m kinda neutered today. Whatever, I ain’t 15yo anymore. I’m afraid steroid users are totally effed up when it comes to comparing their experiences on various drugs - if they’re not jerking it 5 times a day they’ve got “Deca d*ck” give me a break. That said, whenever I’m allowed to cross the border and move in with the GF, I’m using some HCG for sure. As of now, I couldn’t care less whether I go limp or the opposite

Interesting. Ur still just using 175mg of deca per week right? And u went from being really horny yesterday to basically nothing today? And you haven’t made any recent changes to anything?
I’m not making any change any time soon to my protocol.

yeah I think I went a bit too hard yesterday ha.

That was my next question lol. 2 weeks ago I had sex 4 times in one day, and the next 3 days my libido was nowhere to be found. My body was like, u just impregnated a small village, u don’t need to be spreading ur seed anytime soon. It was pretty much back to normal after the 3rd day.
Hahaha well perhaps people are too quick to label their one or two days of relaxing as OMGDECADICK. There are so many dudes out there popping viagra and cialis, I guess it comes with the mindset of “optimizing”.

What’s optimal, being hornier than a teenager? Like I get it people want their youth forever, but there’s a lot of over-obsessing and male ego’ing in the community.

Something interesting tho, that goes along with my idea about low(er) fat diets and blood flow while on nandrolone. It seems to have a stronger more negative effect on lipids than testosterone.

Enhanced Vasoconstriction and Reduced Vasorelaxation Induced by Testosterone and Nandrolone in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits - PubMed[email protected]

if we trust the vegan doctors (I know, I know), well more fat in the bloodstream isn’t going to help. So, idk. YMMV
Hahaha well perhaps people are too quick to label their one or two days of relaxing as OMGDECADICK. There are so many dudes out there popping viagra and cialis, I guess it comes with the mindset of “optimizing”.

What’s optimal, being hornier than a teenager? Like I get it people want their youth forever, but there’s a lot of over-obsessing and male ego’ing in the community.

Something interesting tho, that goes along with my idea about low(er) fat diets and blood flow while on nandrolone. It seems to have a stronger more negative effect on lipids than testosterone.

Enhanced Vasoconstriction and Reduced Vasorelaxation Induced by Testosterone and Nandrolone in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits - PubMed[email protected]

if we trust the vegan doctors (I know, I know), well more fat in the bloodstream isn’t going to help. So, idk. YMMV

What’s your hypothesis in regards to lower fat diets and nandrolone’s effects on bloodflow? You think lower fat diets improve blood flow, or the opposite?
Hahaha well perhaps people are too quick to label their one or two days of relaxing as OMGDECADICK. There are so many dudes out there popping viagra and cialis, I guess it comes with the mindset of “optimizing”.

What’s optimal, being hornier than a teenager? Like I get it people want their youth forever, but there’s a lot of over-obsessing and male ego’ing in the community.

You do not think that you are already accepting that you are/wil not be 100% into sex after saiyng it?

For me it's strange to take a drug that have a reputation to cause ED?.. why someone would do this? Trust me, everytime someone buy them from me I start to think about it, and asking, and laughing.. haha!

I am young and even if I was old I would never use this, but that's just my opinion, everyone has their own goals..

Anyways I am still interessed, Nandrolone keeps my curiosity.
That was my next question lol. 2 weeks ago I had sex 4 times in one day, and the next 3 days my libido was nowhere to be found. My body was like, u just impregnated a small village, u don’t need to be spreading ur seed anytime soon. It was pretty much back to normal after the 3rd day.
As I remember reading in some paper, it is DHT which is responsible for recovery, so maybe the DHN is not so effective in that regards.
When you do a search on high fat/meat diets and ED or bloodflow a lot of articles come up speaking about obesity....not the same tho.


Hahaha well perhaps people are too quick to label their one or two days of relaxing as OMGDECADICK. There are so many dudes out there popping viagra and cialis, I guess it comes with the mindset of “optimizing”.

What’s optimal, being hornier than a teenager? Like I get it people want their youth forever, but there’s a lot of over-obsessing and male ego’ing in the community.

Something interesting tho, that goes along with my idea about low(er) fat diets and blood flow while on nandrolone. It seems to have a stronger more negative effect on lipids than testosterone.

Enhanced Vasoconstriction and Reduced Vasorelaxation Induced by Testosterone and Nandrolone in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits - PubMed[email protected]

if we trust the vegan doctors (I know, I know), well more fat in the bloodstream isn’t going to help. So, idk. YMMV
50mg/kg Nandrolone, 25mg/kg Testosterone. Come on.
To your last sentence. The fat in your diet has nothing to do with the fat circulating in your blood. Triglyceride levels are higher in low fat high carb diets.
Here is a study , or a summery of studies done on human and not extremly overdosing:
"Moreover, intramuscular adminis-tration of nandrolone decanoate (200 mg a week) foreight weeks did not have any effect on serum concentrationsof triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, HDL2-C, and HDL3-C, although a trend to decreased Lp(a) concentration wasfound. This may beneficially affect the risk of cardiovascularevents"

I do not say there is no risk at all. There is also a lot unknown. What exactly does DHN?
Is this neurodegeneration caused directly by N? Would be a higher E2 compensating/protecting? Does N aromatise at all? Is it like EQ maybe even influencing the aramtase rate of T?

I am a bit tired of this N causes deca dick nonsense. This part is the easiest to avoid and the least important. If you discuss longterm use of N there should be data to show a clear risk profile.
Here is a study , or a summery of studies done on human and not extremly overdosing:
"Moreover, intramuscular adminis-tration of nandrolone decanoate (200 mg a week) foreight weeks did not have any effect on serum concentrationsof triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, HDL2-C, and HDL3-C, although a trend to decreased Lp(a) concentration wasfound. This may beneficially affect the risk of cardiovascularevents"

I do not say there is no risk at all. There is also a lot unknown. What exactly does DHN?
Is this neurodegeneration caused directly by N? Would be a higher E2 compensating/protecting? Does N aromatise at all? Is it like EQ maybe even influencing the aramtase rate of T?

I am a bit tired of this N causes deca dick nonsense. This part is the easiest to avoid and the least important. If you discuss longterm use of N there should be data to show a clear risk profile.
This part is the easiest to avoid and the least important. How & why?
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As I remember reading in some paper, it is DHT which is responsible for recovery, so maybe the DHN is not so effective in that regards.

Could be. But during that one session I ejaculated 4 times. And it was within a 3 hour period. Not even exaggerating. And I wasn’t trying to impress the other person or anything. It just happened naturally that way. I would finish, and while in bed it would get erect again, and we would have at it again. That happened 4 times. Recovery time after ejaculation actually seems better than ever. But you have to remember, at the time, I was also on 63mg of test/ week, and 625iu’s of HCG/ week, along with the 200mg of deca per week. So I must also have quite a bit of DHT in my system
Could be. But during that one session I ejaculated 4 times. And it was within a 3 hour period. Not even exaggerating. And I wasn’t trying to impress the other person or anything. It just happened naturally that way. I would finish, and while in bed it would get erect again, and we would have at it again. That happened 4 times. Recovery time after ejaculation actually seems better than ever. But you have to remember, at the time, I was also on 63mg of test/ week, and 625iu’s of HCG/ week, along with the 200mg of deca per week. So I must also have quite a bit of DHT in my system
DHT from? you convert a max 2-5% of Test into DHT thats 1.26-3.15mg for a week with your dosing, the rest is DHN and it can saturate the AR to the point it can knock off the little DHT you have.
With recovery I mean to refill the whole pouch, after 4 ejaculations you emptied the entire basket. You need a lot of topnotch nutrients to replenish that. DHT does that, as far as I have read.

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