That makes sense to me. Even before I started Deca if I raised my TRT at/above 200 mg per week of T, ED gets progressively worse.
Also, I ran 250 mg of Deca and gained 19 lbs of lean mass in 13 weeks. And I‘m 50 years old. I can’t imagine running higher doses. Most guys truly cycling it run 400 or 500 mgs of Deca per week plus a GRAM of testosterone per week. If mass gain was my ultimate goal I’m sure I could have gained a lot more, but I just continued to eat pretty healthy and ate to my appetite minus a little and still gained 19 lbs. I did a DEXA scan 2 weeks b4 starting and one last week. I also lost 5.5 lbs of fat. So I got noticeably bigger and vascular and lost a little bit of fat.
I‘d recommend anyone looking for joint relief to run 100 mg per week for a few months and see how they feel.
From your previous post:
Thursday at 5:45 PM
I just finished a run with Deca to improve joints for 13 weeks. I took blood at start, mid point, and 2 weeks after. Only thing I noticed in change was hemocrit went up 2 points and total T went up given the added nandrolone.
I took 250 mg per week while on 150 mg per week T. Had no issues.
positives - joints feel much better and still feel better (been off for 3 weeks so Deca still in my system)
gained 19 lbs of lean mass and still holding on to it
I just finished a run with Deca to improve joints for 13 weeks.
You very well know your sole reason to run the nandrolone was not just for improving joint pain as you were told before that the dose needed is 50-100 mg/week max for such.
I took 250 mg per week while on 150 mg per week T.
Yet you chose to run 250 mg/week added to your 150 mg/week of T.....such protocol has no place on here and is in no way hrt.
150 mg/week of T would easily put most men's TT/FT levels in a healthy range.....sure some may need 200 mg/week but it is far from common.
Also, I ran 250 mg of Deca and gained 19 lbs of lean mass in 13 weeks. And I‘m 50 years old. I can’t imagine running higher doses.
Again such dose of nandrolone has absolutely nothing to do with hrt let alone adding it to a fair dosed T protocol ( 150 mg/week).
Most guys truly cycling it run 400 or 500 mgs of Deca per week plus a GRAM of testosterone per week.
So running 400-500 mg/week of deca plus a gram of test is truly cycling? LOL
If you want to convince yourself of such let alone justify using 250 mg/week as a so called trial run.
If you truly had any experience/understanding of testosterone/AAS use as related to cycling/muscle enhancement you would know that there is a big difference in the doses/compounds that the person chooses to use whether a beginner, intermediate or advanced user.
Most sensible people when first starting would try to use the lowest effective dose possible with the least amount of compounds to achieve muscle/strength gains.
As time goes on and the user becomes more experienced such beginner doses will no longer be effective and higher doses will be needed let alone additional compounds will be added.
Pointless for one to blast their receptors with high doses off the bat.
One with good genetics and diet/training on point could easily grow on moderate doses of testosterone/AAS.
This trend of your average gym rats using higher doses of test/deca let alone other compounds when first getting into the chemical enhancement merry go round definitely are starting off using idiotic doses of AAS but this is due to the cesspool of information laden on the internet.
The doses used for nandrolone can range anywhere from to 200-600 mg/week and yes some experienced users may go higher.
The doses used for testosterone can range anywhere from 300-600 mg/week and yes some are using insanely high doses in the 1-2 gram/week range but it is amateur/pro bodybuilders.
Mind you there are many idiotic weekend warriors that are claiming to use such insane amounts (1 gram/week).....which is pathetic for the sole purpose of enhancing muscle just for the sake of body image/looking good!
Let's be more clear here regarding the newer trend of people choosing to use nandrolone as a base for monotherapy along with T.
The main point is for one to use the lowest amount of T possible which in most cases would be much less than 100 mg/week.
200mg/week nandrolone + 200 mg/week.....let alone 150 mg/week of testosterone is not hrt.
As we know most men on trt are using anywhere from 100-200 mg/week and some even less.
At such dose most would easily achieve a healthy TT/FT level.
The dosage used is important in determining the level of benefit received. Anabolic/androgenic steroids tend to be most efficient at promoting muscle gains when taken at a moderately supratherapeutic dosage level. Below this (therapeutic), potential anabolic benefits are often counter balanced, at least to some extent, by the suppression of endogenous testosterone.
At very high doses (excessive supratherapeutic), smaller incremental gains are noticed (diminishing returns). In the case of testosterone enanthate or cypionate, for example, a dosage of 100 mg per week is considered therapeutic, and is generally insufficient for noticing strong anabolic benefits. When the dosage is in the 200-600 mg per week range, however, the drug is highly efficient at supporting muscle growth (moderate supratherapeutic). Above this range, a greater level of muscle gain may be noticed, but the amount will be small in comparison to the dosage increase. Below are some commonly recommended dosages for the steroids listed earlier.
- Boldenone undecylenate: 200-400 mg/wk
- Methandrostenolone: 10-30 mg/day
- Methenolone enanthate: 200-400 mg/wk
Nandrolone decanoate: 200-400 mg/wk
- Oxandrolone: 10-30 mg/day
- Oxymetholone: 50-100 mg/day
- Stanozolol: 10-30 mg/day
Testosterone (cypionate, enanthate): 200-600 mg/wk
"There are additional considerations other than the cost effectiveness of a particular dosage. To begin with, high doses of anabolic/androgenic steroids tend to produce stronger negative cosmetic, psychological, and physical side effects. In light of diminishing returns, the tradeoff between results and adverse reactions becomes less and less favorable. Gains made on lower doses also tend to be better retained after steroid discontinuance than those resulting from excessive intake. It is generally not realistic to expect that rapid double-digit weight gains induced by massive dosing will remain long after a cycle is over. Slower steadier gains are advised. It is also very important to remember that higher doses aren’t always what are needed to achieve greater gains. An individual more focused on his or her training and diet will often make better gains on lower dosages of AAS than a less dedicated individual taking higher doses. With this understanding, AAS should only be considered when all other variables of training and diet have been addressed, and always limited to the minimum dosage necessary to achieve the next realistic training/performance goal"
Main point being:
*"It is also very important to remember that higher doses aren’t always what are needed to achieve greater gains. An individual more focused on his or her training and diet will often make better gains on lower dosages of AAS than a less dedicated individual taking higher doses. With this understanding, AAS should only be considered when all other variables of training and diet have been addressed, and always limited to the minimum dosage necessary to achieve the next realistic training/performance goal"
Anyone could tell you that back in the day way long before we had the internet that 200 mg testosterone + 200 mg deca was a common starting staple stack which could easily put on a fair amount of muscle if one had good genetics and training/diet were on point.
Back then I knew many that grew well on 250 mg/week of test only when first dabbling in steroids.