My vitamin D requirements have doubled as I improved my health, lowered my A1C and lost weight, why is that the case?

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My energy levels today are so insane after stopping the magnesium, which I don’t need at 600 IU D3!

I waited to eat this morning until 10 a.m., 6 eggs and wham, instant ED right afterwards.

This didn’t happen yesterday since I was still taking 600 mg magnesium, which helps keep the vitamin D from being pushed down by the iron. I stopped the magnesium today and that’s when my energy levels and mental ability increase substantially.

That means I was overdosing on magnesium to keep my vitamin D levels from declining due to the iron. My body really seems to want that iron on the bottomed out.

However, if I eat something with iron in it, it’s instant erectile dysfunction lasting far shorter than before. If I was still on the magnesium, the ED wouldn’t hit me.

Also, eating something with iron in it spikes my glucose levels. Before I ate the eggs this morning my glucose was 118 and afterwards was 195 but quickly dropped down to 114 within an hour.
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I think I’m feeling the effects of too much vitamin D now. I’m eating 16 eggs a day which are loaded with vitamin D plus taking 600 IU vitamin D3.

Symptoms, testicular pain, muscle stiffness/pain (happens when vitamin D is too high) and muscle spasms in legs due to dehydration. I’ve encountered the symptoms before.

I’ll withhold the vitamin D supplement tomorrow and see what happens.
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Do you think that the aromatase inhibiting effect of vitamin d contributes to the loss of vigor down there
Remember, vitamin D helps absorb iron and even regulates how much iron is bioavailable. So when I take 1200 IU D3, I get the same effect taking iron supplements.

The penis shrivel up and pulls up inside itself.
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what about zinc? does that have an effect? that has light aromatise decreasing properties..

did these symptoms start while in keto/carnivore? hows the liver function test results? maybe something about vitamin D is pushing things over the edge and causing issues with excretion like having to much iron can cause.

crazy stuff eitherway!

I think I’m feeling the effects of too much vitamin D now. I’m eating 16 eggs a day which are loaded with vitamin D plus taking 600 IU vitamin D3.

Symptoms, testicular pain, muscle stiffness/pain (happens when vitamin D is too high) and muscle spasms in legs due to dehydration. I’ve encountered the symptoms before.

I’ll withhold the vitamin D supplement tomorrow and see what happens.

I find this interesting as i have testicular pain muscle stiffness (worse later in day) and often quiver, noticed teh pain when was taking ALOT of vitamins and then passed a kidney stone, but still get some pain. also developed tachycardia and dizziness after the stiffness basically daily around the same time everyday, pretty annoying for living(thought may of been natesto). doc thought its POTS. i have stopped vitamins but trying some magnesium to see if helps with the palpitations. i also have high ferritin ~400. anyway, i wonder if it has something to do with kidney/liver function.. anyway, also noticed minor palps last summer aswell, so wonder if perhaps something similar is happening as summer is when would get more vitamin D. i also thought perhaps why i go a kidney stone is from too much vitamin D as as taking vitamin D and other mixes with vitamins.
also i wonder if the JATENZO is being absorbed differently with more vitamin D/high lipid foods?

did you have these symptoms on other TRT modalities?
what about zinc? does that have an effect?
I can’t handle any amount of zinc.

did these symptoms start while in keto/carnivore?

hows the liver function test results?
Perfectly normal.

also i wonder if the JATENZO is being absorbed differently with more vitamin D/high lipid foods?
After going on the carnivore diet, I noticed my testosterone levels are a lot higher. My midpoint is 592 instead of 400. I used to be at 400 at 6 hours and now I am at 408 at 9 hours.
When I was on injections, I didn’t have these issues. It was after starting the iron supplementation.
interesting, so why not go back to injections?

makes sense about absorption higher fat diet will absorb more oral T.. also i bet your intestines are moving alot faster!

interesting about the zinc.. meat is super high in zinc too like half a lb(8 oz) of beef has your daily amount of zinc, funny that wouldn't cause issues too. did you have amino chelated zinc? not sure why this never clicked for me. growing plants we use aminos as a chelator vs EDTA, turns out its all the rage in vitamin community for several years magnesium glycine ate etc.

while I am not a fan of naturopaths esp the hippy dippy read yoru dry blood like tea leaves and diagnose everyone with a handful of BS.. there are some out there that actually do REAL blood tests and offer more sound/reasonable advice esp as they deal with vitamins all day they may have some sort of insight?? WEIRD

but good news is you could try injections again and see if things improve. or even a topical . i know most peoples dicks shrink when cold or on stimulants/adrenaline rush.
Never mind, I’m experiencing low vitamin D. Last night the bone and knee pain got really intense, took 600 IU more (1200 IU) and the eliminated the bone pain, muscle twitches instantly!

Update: I took 1200 IU today and felt mentally high and muscle pain all day. Usually when I feel mentally high following a dosage increase of vitamin D even for a few hours, it always ends with me feeling high 24/7 after a week. I’m thinking I’m just extremely sensitive to vitamin D. In the past the difference between a vitamin D level at 22 versus 26 was night and day!

When I was a prediabetic in 2016, my vitamin D levels were 25 and I had none of those symptoms listed above.

I always feel my best 2 days before the vitamin D deficiency symptoms hit me, this has always been the case. My erections on Friday were the most consistent, easily achievable and sensitive erections I’ve ever had on TRT.

Two years ago, when my vitamin D levels were too high, and I stopped the vitamin D supplements, 2 1/2 months later, 2 days before the deficiency symptoms hit me, my erections were at their best.

On April 24, it was no different, two days before the symptoms hit my erections were at their best, as was my mental clarity and mental abilities.

So if 600 IU is not enough and 1200 IU is too much, I’m going to try 800 IU tomorrow.
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since vitamin D is something that accumulates vs water soluble. perhaps try every other day so you float in that "zone" of pre deficient. OR low dose one day higher dose the next.

also what your saying as LOW symptoms are actually symptoms of vitamin D toxicity. ie bone pain. since you EAT SO MANY EGGS AND take vitamin D this is very very possible. and because vitamin D isnt INSTANTLY absorbed and blood levels take time to be acheived perhaps your chasing your tail with dosing. there are SEVERAL forms of vitamin D so really depends on your test aswell ie you could be deficient in X form of vitamin D but in toxic regions for another. also possible vitamin D is affecting jatenzo absorbtion..

also curious if had any change in liver markers since on jatenzo. and curious why not go back to injections since oral form doesnt seem to be going well?

what may help equalize your vitamin D levels is some supplemental fibre. it will help your body regulate levels much much easier.

does bone pain come with any nausea? or just bone pain and feel tired?

have you had any bloodwork on calcium levels? perhaps that is the issue, absorbing too much calcium and not enough vitamin K..
since vitamin D is something that accumulates vs water soluble. perhaps try every other day so you float in that "zone" of pre deficient. OR low dose one day higher dose the next.
I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work. The day I go without I feel horrible within a few hours. It’s as if my body isn’t storing the vitamin D and/or I have no access to the storage of vitamin D and can only get it from taking it every day.

also curious if had any change in liver markers since on jatenzo
Triglycerides used to be in the 386, now it’s at 88. My GP thought I had a thyroid problem because of yellow skin. Bilirubin on injections used to be 2.4 and skin turned yellow on 7 mg daily injections with only a 425 ng/dL level.

Now bilirubin on Jatenzo running three times higher peak levels it’s 1.2, .2 over the limit.

I have Gilbert’s Syndrome.

ALT is 30 <63, Alkaline Phosphate 94 <125.
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so weird when get SOO much vitamin D in your diet but the 600iu does something.

have u tried vegan d2? perhaps playing with D2 may help?
so weird when get SOO much vitamin D in your diet but the 600iu does something.
The 16 eggs per day with 43 IU per egg does jack sh** nothing for my vitamin D levels!

I’ve tried D2 and it doesn’t do much at all, it takes two days to take effect.

So that would be like taking vitamin D3 every other day.

I’m feeling the side effects of excess vitamin D right now, last night it was not enough. I’m certain 800 IU is going to do it for me.

There was a window around 12 noon where I felt my best, I felt myself passed through a sweet spot and now I feel my worst later in the day.

I have the same reactions with caffeine and alcohol. My liver just is very efficient at breaking down certain substances.

I don’t know if this matters or not, but I have ADHD and Tourette’s syndrome, my central nervous system is jacked up!

My energy levels are the stuff of envy! I have more energy than majority of teenagers at 52.
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I’m dealing with two separate issues, not enough vitamin D, and iron. Fifteen minutes after taking my evening Jatenzo the symptoms started up again and no amount of vitamin D had any effect.

I took a capsule and I took a little bit of iron out and symptoms are dead!

That’s why I felt like shit all day after taking an extra 600 IU vitamin D3, because I didn’t need it, I needed iron.

I’ve been eating food with almost no iron or having poor bio availability in it for three weeks and an attempt to get my ferritin levels down, it seems I’ve succeeded!

I’m unfreezing the red meat as we speak!

Back to 600 IU D3.
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interesting.. well i had a friend in high school with ticks, he went on to develop one of the most successful apps of all time prob top outside of social media that was baught out by HUGE multinational... so maybe there is super powers there, i was a hater of the idea ill admit... i was wrong. lol

and the vitamin D you take in differing doses is just oil in a dropper im assuming? vs multiple brands at different doses...
and the vitamin D you take in differing doses is just oil in a dropper im assuming? vs multiple brands at different doses...
I can’t take the soft gel capsules, my legs turn yellow with bruises all over. I get red raised rashes all over legs.

This doesn’t happen with the powder form of vitamin D3 if i keep my levels <30.

It just so happens the liquid capsules are fast absorbing, and the powdered form is slow absorbing, think the fast absorbing capsules affect my immune function a little too much causing an allergic reaction.

I have 600 IU powdered capsules.
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OMG, it wasn’t a lack of iron, it was me eating bacon and eggs, breakfast lunch, and dinner for three weeks, the bacon, or should I say the sodium in the bacon is dehydrating me, causing cramping throughout my body that I thought was low iron.

So I have low vitamin D and high sodium and not low iron. If I take even a tiny amount of iron, it’s going to be evident in a short period of time that it was the wrong thing to do.

I ate one piece of bacon 30 minutes ago and I started getting the cramping, had I had the whole lot of bacon. It would’ve been more intense. I noticed the symptoms started right after I was eating my meals.

When I was deficient, I had a lot of cramping in the legs. So I thought it was low iron.

I do need more vitamin D though, as these symptoms are unmistakable as low vitamin D, taking 1200 and I feel better already.
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I quit Jatenzo today! No big crash all day. Jatenzo is absolutely responsible for my sensitivity to vitamin D, and also my sensitivity to iron.

It as if vitamin D in my body is way more potent than it used to be! These two minerals share a pathway.

I took 1200 IU today and after stopping Jatenzo it’s as if I took a mega dose of vitamin D, holy sh**!!

My plan -> restart my HPTA, carnivore diet, gym 7 days per week, Vitamin D at 600-800 IU, Vitamin C drops @ 90 mg, Potassium @ 500 mg, Creatine @ 5 grams 3-4 x per week and Possibility 5 mg daily Cialis.

The creatine and daily Cialis alone will lower A1C at least 3%. Together with the carnivore diet and gym, I stand a pretty good chance at correcting things naturally.
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