My vitamin D requirements have doubled as I improved my health, lowered my A1C and lost weight, why is that the case?

I’m not an iguana, lol!
It kind of makes sense. Think of the options. 1. normal sunlight; 2. synthetic sunlight; and 3. synthetic hormones. You're doing #3, but SHOCKED that a person would do the second option. The problem with just supplementing D3 is that you're going for balance. It's not all upside. The following notes that excess Vitamin A can reduce the efficacy of Vitamin D supplementation, but if they're antagonists, then the reverse is true. Vitamin D supplementation can affect Vitamin A.
"It is important to note that since both vitamin A and vitamin D act through a similar type of receptor, it can cause a problem in their supplementation. Namely, the nuclear VDR heterodimerizes with nuclear receptors of the RXR family and binds to VDREs, or forms RXR-RXR homodimers which act as a specific receptor for 9 -cis-retinoic acid [15, 35]. Since RXR proteins are known as partners for some other nuclear receptors (thyroid hormone, liver X), it is possible that due to their common RXR nuclear binding partners, the ligands vitamins D and A antagonize each other’s effects when excess of vitamin A may make vitamin D supplementation less effective."

I'm not suggesting that sunlight doesn't have the same effect, but it is more evolutionarily consistent. I think that's why people say their Vitamin A needs are increased during summer / times of increased sun exposure. Anyway, supplementing D3 can produce the same imbalance.
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Now that my vitamin D levels are 30> I’m starting to lose weight. Imagine my surprise when today I stepped on the scale today and blew past my previous plateau I’ve been stuck at since starting the carnivore diet 8 months ago, 3 pounds lighter in only a short period of time.

My muscle mass increase and muscle tone is noticeably starting to show.

I’m even having to reduce my vitamin D dose as time goes on. Currently I’m at 1800 IU and at times I feel it’s quickly becoming too much. Eating food with iron seems to stall the increasing vitamin D levels, but not to the same degree as last week.

Soon I suspect I won’t need vitamin D supplements at all. My last ferritin measurement was 78, right after the blood donation. I figure I’ll need ferritin in the 40-50 range while on TRT, as my ferritin when not on TRT was 120.
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I got a blood phlebotomy and my ferritin results two days later is 78, 11 days later ferritin is 56 and dropping fast. With my ferritin at 56, my hemoglobin is 18.1 and hematocrit 54.6%.

I need my ferritin lower!

My erections are beginning to become more active here and there.
A vitamin D level at 34 is too much for me! I expected it to be way higher! Symptoms include, dehydration, bone pain, and burning sensations throughout my skin and sometimes red marks on skin.

The difference in symptoms between 33 and 34 is massive! Previously these symptoms disappear at 25 and this seems to be where my erections are their best.

My muscles are starting to get harder and toned.

My erections have taken a hit.

I’m taking vitamin D @1800 IU vitamin K @125 mcg and magnesium glycinate @600 mg.


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I just got a phlebotomy today and I feel even better than I did before. My ferritin levels was 56 a week ago with hemoglobin at 18.1 and hematocrit at 54.9.

I still feel like my ferritin and iron levels need to go down more.

I feel more nauseated, high feeling which is how I used to feel when I took too much vitamin D.

I was able to decrease the vitamin D from 1800 ->600 IU and still feel good. If I had attempted this before the phlebotomy, I wouldn’t feel good.
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how quickly do you FEEL vitamin D? if you can try and just up natural sources of vitamin D as there are several forms of vitamin D and as you prob know when come from food the chelation effect is stronger than a pill along with delaying absorption/break down.

have you tried CHRYSIN? may be worth a shot for conversion of extra cholesterol esp in context of hormones and vitamin D..

do you take high quality omegas?

what about a serum iron test? and other blood iron panel? this will help determine if iron is ACTUALLY the cause of the symptoms

have you considered taking fibre supplements to help your body feel better and get rid of waste from your liver? HUGE misnomer when hear people say "rest your gut" its actually dangerous to "rest your guts" also allows bile waste and biofilm build up.. only very specific situations would one want to rest the gut and even then for folks with colitis they actually eat mild/clean high fibre meals to allow an ulcer/flare up to heal.

for me, the more fibre i eat and if can have 2 poops a day of proper consistency thats when i feel better.. sleep better, feel lighter, think quicker.

do you think some of this is partially in your head? i have ferritin of 400-450 when i give blood i FEEL different/better a few hours later, but i think its more from endorphins of dropping that much blood and after glow like normal endorphin rush of 1-3 days (like chiro, acupuncture etc).thats just me... as extra ferritin is actually more PROTEIN in the blood and not an instant available iron source its unlikely to notice a change in any sort of way over short term(of course if borderline anemic and remove protein bound iron stores you are likey to notice symptoms increasing.

what does it FEEL like to have low vitamin D or iron? and have you been testing at a frequency that can actually know if thats what your feeling? it may be something health wise that is causing decrease in ALL absorption so may be feeling a systemic inflammation thats stopping absorbtion vs directly feeling lowered vitamins.. there are alot of decent enzyme and taking multi probiotic prebiotic that help your body naturally absorb more nutrients (of course they come from plants if thats ok with you).

have you monitored electrolytes? I know people who get electrolytes out of wack or lack of fibre so have less water stored in there gut and have half a cup of real electrolytes and feel looser/less stiff, lighter more energy..

again, with being SOO sensative to ferritin even when its in range when you think about what a little extra iron stores do is pretty minor and if that puts inflammation over the edge Its likely not a vitamin issue but a liver/inflammation issue. how are your inflammatory markers? cortisol? as transient changed in vitamin D isnt something folks typically can notice. ie you dont FEEL anything from a few days of extra vitamin D nor do you feel the pulse of vitamin D on a sunny day, vitamin B shots you can feel, but vitamin D not so much but of course over MONTHS you would develop symptoms. of course if getting sick or some sort of stress your vitamin D will go down, but that doesnt mean lower vitamin D CAUSED the sickness. anyway, rambling on about stuff u know..

keep track of when you feel nauseated and what your MACROs were that day, when my liver is taxed and eat high fat or sugar meal it makes me a little sick to my stomach. may be part of the extra vitamin D and liver function. heck even alot of vitamins when my liver isn't doing great gives me a little nausea.

anyway, ya get a serum iron test forsure and binding capacity of transferritin so you REALLY get a better idea of whats going on as ferritin is just 1 thing. as my liver DR said my ferritin is high(not crazy high) but ur iron is good therefore your not in super danger, increase veggies and nuts and decrease red meat and loose weight as your not in HEAVY iron overload.. basically just means there is a disfunction in one aspect of clearing the protein/metabolism but not in crazy danger of iron overload problems.
how quickly do you FEEL vitamin D?
Whether taking 600 units of vitamin D or eating six eggs, I feel it within 10-15 minutes. If I forget to take my vitamin D supplement in the morning, I feel the effects within 2 to 4 hours.

I cannot handle a vitamin D level over 25 without side effects. Nausea, bone pain, headaches, jaw pain and glands under neck hurt. When I was a prediabetic, my vitamin D levels was 25.

Yesterday I took 600 IU and then midday took another 600 IU and got instant erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and feeling tired.

My last vitamin D result was 34 last week.

have you considered taking fibre supplements to help your body feel better and get rid of waste from your liver?
I’m on the carnivore diet.

again, with being SOO sensative to ferritin even when its in range when you think about what a little extra iron stores do is pretty minor and if that puts inflammation over the edge Its likely not a vitamin issue but a liver/inflammation issue.
On TRT I feel better with ferritin in the 30 to 40 range. I just had a phlebotomy two days ago and a week prior my ferritin was 56. I feel so much better!

I think this is my body‘s way of regulating the hemoglobin and hematocrit on TRT, by dropping the ferritin. My pre-TRT ferritin was 120.
Whether taking 600 units of vitamin D or eating six eggs, I feel it within 10-15 minutes. If I forget to take my vitamin D supplement in the morning, I feel the effects within 2 to 4 hours.

I cannot handle a vitamin D level over 25 without side effects. Nausea, bone pain, headaches, jaw pain and glands under neck hurt. When I was a prediabetic, my vitamin D levels was 25.

Yesterday I took 600 IU and then midday took another 600 IU and got instant erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and feeling tired.

My last vitamin D result was 34 last week.

I’m on the carnivore diet.

On TRT I feel better with ferritin in the 30 to 40 range. I just had a phlebotomy two days ago and a week prior my ferritin was 56. I feel so much better!

I think this is my body‘s way of regulating the hemoglobin and hematocrit on TRT, by dropping the ferritin. My pre-TRT ferritin was 120.
so ou haven't had serum iron checked? you should, as well help get an idea if IRON is the actual issue. ferritin again is just protein. should also check out transferretin and binding capacity etc to figure out if its actually iron thats the issue or some other disfunction.

ya ferritin will get lower as its used up making blood as you know.

do you feel crappy when are outside alot aswell? ie when your body produces vitamin D?

what about inflammatory markers? liver enzymes? just a feeling but seems like body is having a hard time regulating itself. so perhaps not a vitamin issue but a liver/inflammatory/immune issue.. just a thought.

VERY strange to be able to feel vitamin D so quickly and likely something is going on.. have you talked to several drs that you can feel vitamin D within minutes?

have you taken K2 with yoru vitamin D? if so does that help you tolerate it more?


if taking vitamin D makes you feel crappy why do you take it?
so ou haven't had serum iron checked?
I had supplemented a large dose of iron for three years, then learning the days I forgot to take it I felt better. I stopped iron supplementation 10 weeks ago.

I’ve had four phlebotomies in the last couple of months, the last one two days ago and my ferritin a week prior was 56. I’m waiting for my iron to stabilize at its new level.

I feel better with ferritin in the 30 to 40 range on TRT, prior to TRT ferritin was 120.
VERY strange to be able to feel vitamin D so quickly and likely something is going on.. have you talked to several drs that you can feel vitamin D within minutes?
None of them have any explanation, they’re all at a complete loss.

have you taken K2 with yoru vitamin D? if so does that help you tolerate it more?
I’m currently taking 125 mcg vitamin K and 600 mg of magnesium glycinate, no change in my sensitivity to vitamin D, nor can I tolerate higher doses.

I have top rate erectile function with vitamin D @25, above this I lose penal sensitivity and get soft erections.

The lower my ferritin, the more easily I can feel the vitamin D rise after eating something with vitamin D in it or taking a supplement.

In other words, the sensitivity to taking vitamin D is higher with ferritin lower, I had to overdose vitamin D at 10,000 IU to feel minimal effects of vitamin D when my ferritin was higher.

Each time I’ve gone through a bloodletting session, within hours, I feel the effects of too much vitamin D.

When I first went on TRT back in 2017, I didn’t have the sensitivities to vitamin D, and I didn’t need supplementation for it to remain elevated.

That all changed after I started supplementing iron.

The vitamin D deficiency was discovered after starting iron supplementation.
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None of them have any explanation, they’re all at a complete loss.

I’m currently taking 125 mcg vitamin K and 600 mg of magnesium glycinate, no change in my sensitivity to vitamin D, nor can I tolerate higher doses.

I have top rate erectile function with vitamin D @25, above this I lose penal sensitivity and get soft erections.

The lower my ferritin, the more easily I can feel the vitamin D rise after eating something with vitamin D in it or taking a supplement.

In other words, the sensitivity to taking vitamin D is higher with ferritin lower, I had to overdose vitamin D at 10,000 IU to feel minimal effects of vitamin D when my ferritin was higher.

Each time I’ve gone through a bloodletting session, within hours, I feel the effects of too much vitamin D.

When I first went on TRT back in 2017, I didn’t have the sensitivities to vitamin D, and I didn’t need supplementation for it to remain elevated.

That all changed after I started supplementing iron.
how many times have you tested above 25? was it random bloodwork or got it for specific reason.

i have a theory, as ferritin levels is a blood protein often linked to liver function (esp with no data on actual blood levels of iron that one could "feel") you liver function/inflammation may be high and eating "high vit D" foods are often rich and fatty and therefore can cause strain on ones liver. this would explain the speed at which you feel symptoms. as shouldnt feel vitamin D levels low or high that quickly, nor would u feel ferritin for that matter (if low iron yes but we dont know that).

testosterone of course has effects on immune system, usually lowering it (sometimes can be good sometimes bad).

I get your connecting dots from data you have but truly get MORE blood work as doesn't seem to make any sense and there is obviously something else going on besides vitamins here.

imagine got your prolactin checked too?

possible an autoimmune condition ? but I would start with getting full iron panel, inflammatory markers tested (when feel crappy and when feel ok). just seems liek when put ur body out of stasis its having an over reactive immune response.

have you worked with metals? or any reason may of been in contact with alot of heavy metals? fence post preservatives pesticides etc? what about radiation? long shot but the bone and neck thing made me think of that.

did it get worse a month or 2 after had a viral infection?
I had supplemented a large dose of iron for three years, then learning the days I forgot to take it I felt better. I stopped iron supplementation 10 weeks ago.

I’ve had four phlebotomies in the last couple of months

SOO sometimes phlebotomy makes u feel better and sometimes worse? again, your iron could be low but ferritin high or normal. or vis versa.. chances are if eating carnivor your iron is fine.. BUT, again, seems like your correlating things that aren't there as causing opposite things (both vitamin d or iron). again, just get a proper iron panel as just guessing with ferritin and either feeling worse or better after phlebotomy isnt really telling us much.

my guess is some elevated liver enzymes and inflammatory markers if got those tested. any family history of type 1 diabetes alopeciea arthritis or other autoimmune diseases?

have you taken any peptides prior to issue starting? BPC or TB? these can really mess with immune system aswell as brain function(cause mood disorder).

anyway, again, get proper tests done so can determine IF your feeling iron for example or if something else is going on.. ie response to taking the vitaminns or rich foods that have vitamin D rather than actually the vitamins.
SOO sometimes phlebotomy makes u feel better and sometimes worse?
A phlebotomy always makes me feel better. I remember when I was taking iron supplements and getting regular monthly phlebotomies, the day of the phlebotomy I would get better erections and then lose them days later.

Now that my ferritin levels are lower, my erections are happening all the time.

I wonder if this could be the reason why some have ED while on TRT, where their ferritin levels don’t decline.
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A phlebotomy always makes me feel better. I remember when I was taking iron supplements and getting regular monthly phlebotomies, the day of the phlebotomy I would get better erections and then lose them days later.

Now that my ferritin levels are lower, my erections are happening all the time.

I wonder if this could be the reason why some have ED while on TRT, where their ferritin levels don’t decline.
ahh ok thought you said you felt crappy after phlebotomy the last time. and weird that supplementing made you feel better but also lowering it..

i imagine more to do with other proteins in the blood like SHBG.. but ya could be several things! perhaps more to do with other liver function type things..I dont know if ferritin often increases when shbg increases.
ahh ok thought you said you felt crappy after phlebotomy the last time. and weird that supplementing made you feel better but also lowering it..
The strange thing I noticed is when I went from five capsules of iron to one I felt worse. It felt as if I was getting more iron rather than less, it felt like a dosage increase. I think that has to do with the more iron you take the lower your absorption rate.

If you take 1000 mg of calcium your absorption rate goes down then if you take 500 mg twice a day.
how many times have you tested above 25? was it random bloodwork or got it for specific reason.
I’m back not being able to handle more than 600 IU per day, just like before. If I take 1200 IU tomorrow, it causes instant sexual dysfunction and my penis head pulls inside of itself and shrivels up.

My glucose level spike high and now I’m suffering from dehydration. Calcium levels would be normal.

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