My journey so far with low testosterone.

I think your numbers are fine man.

Donation at your level is recommended, but probably not essential, YET. Around 52 for HCT is where it gets more necessary.

Donate, your ferritin is fine, generally a donation drops you about 30 points.

T/E2 ratio is pretty good.

Your concern about free testosterone being too high is misguided at best, relying on free testosterone assays to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth is not really realistic.

Thanks for the input. Regarding the ferritin...I was pretty concerned about it up until this test. Last summer every test it kept rising and rising until it was over 500. I wish there was some concrete evidence why these things do what they do. Reading about the iron storing...It's either inflammation or cancer etc. There must be some kind of link between low T/E2 and ferritin.
Can someone tell me if the amount of T injected is proportional to the free T one gets on a blood test.

For instance,

If I increase my dosage from 25mg EOD to 30MG EOD and it successfully gets my number from 600 to say 800 or 900 (and I actually feel better) is the Free T LIKELY to increase as well?

I'm just curious of the relationship here.
Can someone tell me if the amount of T injected is proportional to the free T one gets on a blood test.

For instance,

If I increase my dosage from 25mg EOD to 30MG EOD and it successfully gets my number from 600 to say 800 or 900 (and I actually feel better) is the Free T LIKELY to increase as well?

I'm just curious of the relationship here.

Your SHBG level is going to play a significant factor in determining where your free testosterone lands, but, yes, if more testosterone is injected levels are going to rise. No matter what the lab value, the goal is to feel better.
As we increase testosterone dose, total and free T increase. However, when we go over 150 mg/week, higher T doses decrease sex hormone binding globulin. So the free T increase is not linear and proportional at higher T dose ranges.
Thanks for the additional input.

I am visiting with my Dr next week. We will discuss everything mentioned here. If my E2 continues to climb maybe I need to scale back on the HCG. Perhaps now, 1000iu each week is a bit too much.
I forgot to mention this for my journal here.

My weight has slowly been coming down now. Bit by bit and I have been off of the extremely low carb for about 2 1/2 months now. Still taking 1000mg Berberine daily but re-thinking this as my A1C has not changed. Strange because my testing at home seems to have shown improvements in this area.

Interesting observation. The pants that I have been wearing are getting looser and looser. They fit loose like this when I was about 15lbs lighter about 2 years ago. My belt size is also back down to the third hole in. I was unable to use that hole since I as about 12 lbs lighter. I feel like my body composition has changed. My forearm muscle is getting much more tone again an I have veins that are now visible too as if I ha been lifting a lot (which I have not)
I forgot to mention this for my journal here.

My weight has slowly been coming down now. Bit by bit and I have been off of the extremely low carb for about 2 1/2 months now. Still taking 1000mg Berberine daily but re-thinking this as my A1C has not changed. Strange because my testing at home seems to have shown improvements in this area.

Interesting observation. The pants that I have been wearing are getting looser and looser. They fit loose like this when I was about 15lbs lighter about 2 years ago. My belt size is also back down to the third hole in. I was unable to use that hole since I as about 12 lbs lighter. I feel like my body composition has changed. My forearm muscle is getting much more tone again an I have veins that are now visible too as if I ha been lifting a lot (which I have not)

That all sounds like excellent news!
I just realized that I have been on TRT for 6 months now.

Some quick points:

The Good

1) Raging libido. Something that has not been present for a very long time.
2) The process of injecting T is not a big deal. I thought for sure I would have trouble with it. SubQ has been nearly as easy as HCG.
3) Energy level has improved though I still think there is room for improvement.
4) Some hair is growing back on my scalp in places it disappeared over the past couple of years.
5) Mood much improved.

The Not So Good

1) ED is still an issue. Was hoping for more improvement in this area by now. Maybe if I increase the dose I will have better results.
2) Linked to above. Penile sensitivity is still not there. Some days are better then others.
3) Obviously my Hematocrit is rising slightly above normal even with a minimal approach. Hope this stabilizes and comes down over time.
4) Was hoping blood sugar would have had more of a positive impact. More time for that I guess.

Still Questions about.

1) Hot flashes come and go still though not as bad as before.
2) Memory is not all that great still. As I am typing this I am looking for a word to describe the next item and I can't quite find it!
3) Motivation to get things done comes and goes.
Another quick update. I met with my Doctor after my labs (I am also having a colonscopy in a few weeks so I needed a physical for that as well) We discussed the latest results and we both agreed that I should boost the T up a bit and see if we can see some additional improvements. So I am now doing 30mg EOD so that should get me just above where I wanted to be when I switched to EOD (106mg/week) The 25mg dose kept me at around 86mg per week.

We also discussed the Hematicrit at length and he assured me that he is not concerned until I pull labs near 55. I expressed my concern about what I have read here and other place but he was not concerned in the least because of my iron counts and the hemoglobin levels. I will retest in 6 weeks on the new protocol.

Also, reduced my HCG to 400mg twice per week.

Tomorrow is my third EOD dose of 30mg.

I spent the past week on a camping trip and I really have been breaking out on my chest and shoulders. I am not sure if this is the T levels and E2 increasing or the trip. I was showering every day so....
Another quick update. I met with my Doctor after my labs (I am also having a colonscopy in a few weeks so I needed a physical for that as well) We discussed the latest results and we both agreed that I should boost the T up a bit and see if we can see some additional improvements. So I am now doing 30mg EOD so that should get me just above where I wanted to be when I switched to EOD (106mg/week) 25mg dose kept me at around 86mg per week.

We also discussed the Hematicrit at length and he assured me that he is not concerned until I pull labs near 55. I expressed my concern about what I have read here and other place but he was not concerned in the least because of my iron counts and the hemoglobin levels. I will retest in 6 weeks on the new protocol.

Also, reduced my HCG to 400mg twice per week.

Tomorrow is my third EOD dose of 30mg.

I spent the past week on a camping trip and I really have been breaking out on my chest and shoulders. I am not sure if this is the T levels and E2 increasing or the trip. I was showering every day .

Man, thanks for sharing! Just started TRT 2.5 weeks ago and can relate a lot to your backstory (failed hcg mono, failed clomid) and am really wanting to feel great. I'm currently on 100mg once weekly and I'm doing 250 hcg 2 and 1 days before test shot. Keep up the posts!
Thank you for the post. Sounds like you are on a good starting protocol though if you are anything like me once a week may not be enough frequency for you as time goes on.

So far this new protocol I am on (About a month in now. Man time flies by), the most significant things I have noticed are once again my Libido. It's through the roof. Energy is ticking up a little bit more. Memory a tad bit better, hot flashes are gone. Feel pretty good overall. Not fantastic but a solid good.
is once a week enough?

For some it is but most find they feel better splitting dose twice weekly ( every 3.5 days ) to smooth out the peaks/valleys. I also started trt with once weekly injections for the first 8 weeks and found I felt ok for the first 2-3 days than crashed. After that split up dose twice/weekly and also needed a dosage increase 2 months in to get my levels up and am now 20 weeks in and have never looked back feel 100% better injecting every 3.5 days!
For some it is but most find they feel better splitting dose twice weekly ( every 3.5 days ) to smooth out the peaks/valleys. I also started trt with once weekly injections for the first 8 weeks and found I felt ok for the first 2-3 days than crashed. After that split up dose twice/weekly and also needed a dosage increase 2 months in to get my levels up and am now 20 weeks in and have never looked back feel 100% better injecting every 3.5 days!
This is a perfect summary of how almost all who inject come to feel about multiple weekly shots. Whether it's on an every 3.5 days basis as Madman follows, every other day, or even daily, the use of smaller amount of testosterone multiple times a week is frequently the key to a successful protocol.
Coming up on 6 weeks since the latest protocol change. I will get blood drawn next week (Wednesday perhaps?)

1) Hot flashes gone.
2) Libido still excellent.
3) Penile sensitivity comes and goes. Though recently better. Orgasms are much better.
4) I think I have dialed in the Cialis. 7mg EOD. Erections are very good to excellent. Morning wood every day. Climaxes are happening without too much effort again.
5) Cialis may be causing acid reflux issues...So I may go off for a bit.
6) FBG about the same.
7) I have raging acne now on my chest, neck and face (not as bad on the face but I had 6 zits last week - unheard of for me)
Once the labs come back. Congratulations, I have Hashimotos disease. Rare among men. Along with possibly several other autoimmune disorders.

By this point in time, the clomid is affecting my eyes. I was having sharp shooting pain and the Doctor told me to stop immediately which I did. Once it's cleared out we start on 500iu HCG twice per week. After discussion decided to also add in T3 5mg twice per day.

These tests were taken about 6 weeks later on March 31, 2016.

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As you can see the HCG manages to get my T into the Mid 500s. I am feeling pretty good at this point in time with improving ED symptoms, mood and overall feelings. Less dizziness, hot flashes gone etc.

Will continue on dosage and test in 6 months.

August 2016. Feeling crappy again. Doctor orders more tests as I am running low on HCG. Have difficulty with my compounding pharmacy because of FDA rules. Empower comes through and I get HCG a few days after I take my last shot. I wait a week and test.

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Testosterone levels dropped. We increase my HCG dosage to 400iu EOD and test again in a month.

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Increasing to 400iu and EOD from 500iu every 3.5 days did not help. Increase dosage to 400iu ED and retest in a month.

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No appreciable increase in T after increase in HCG. Recommend TRT as last resort. HCG Mono-therapy failed.

I was on HCG monotherapy in the past, 400iu's is far too low of a dose. The lowest I ever went was 800iu one point early on when I just started I was doing 1500iu's EOD. I know you have some health issues so it might not have made a difference but I've never heard of such a low dose like that without pairing it with testosterone.
For some it is but most find they feel better splitting dose twice weekly ( every 3.5 days ) to smooth out the peaks/valleys. I also started trt with once weekly injections for the first 8 weeks and found I felt ok for the first 2-3 days than crashed. After that split up dose twice/weekly and also needed a dosage increase 2 months in to get my levels up and am now 20 weeks in and have never looked back feel 100% better injecting every 3.5 days!

Do you happen to have a thread with recent labs and what's your protocol if you don't mind me asking? I'm just looking for some insight on what seems to work.
I was on HCG monotherapy in the past, 400iu's is far too low of a dose. The lowest I ever went was 800iu one point early on when I just started I was doing 1500iu's EOD. I know you have some health issues so it might not have made a difference but I've never heard of such a low dose like that without pairing it with testosterone.

Initially the 500iu E3.5 days got me up to almost 600. But then it fell flat on it's face another 3 months later. That's all water under the bridge now though. I guess that doing 800 EOD would have bankrupted me too (not really). That would be about 100/month just for HCG.
Initially the 500iu E3.5 days got me up to almost 600. But then it fell flat on it's face another 3 months later. That's all water under the bridge now though. I guess that doing 800 EOD would have bankrupted me too (not really). That would be about 100/month just for HCG.

At the time I had my insurance covering the HCG. There was a little known thing about HCG and the insurance company at the time. If your doctor called it HCG on the prescription the insurance would deny it but if they used the generic name listed on the insurance companies list it would get approved. It worked for me and at one point when I was just starting out I was doing 1500iu EOD. Which was waaaaay too much, my test and e2 were off the charts.
Everything has been out of pocket for me except the clomid (first thing I tried). The HCG was costing about 50 for 11000iu At your doses I would have required at least two to three bottles a month. I guess doable. I guess in the end, I still produce my own, my testicles are OK size wise (was really going to bother me if they shrunk up) The libido is simply the best I have felt since I was in my 20s an before Chemo. I love it. I feel pretty damn good now. I feel like just this past week that some more penile sensitivity has returned too.

After reading some people here that have reduced cialis after about year has me hopeful I wont be dependent on it at some point but for the time being it seems to be doing the job @ 7mg EOD or 14mg a few hours before hand. Seems to work the best the day after for me.

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