Road to Recovering HPTA (So far so good!, I think)


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Road to Recovering HPTA after 8 years ON (So far so good!, I think)

Background: Started using steroids at 19. On and off on pro-hormones til 21. Blasted and cruised from 21 to 25. TRT from 25 to late 26. I don't know what my bloods were at 19, but I was a horny, happy and social kid, but too insecure about being skinny, so took the shortcut. I won't say I regret those times, only if I recover well. I didn't have low T problems/symptoms.

27 years old. Ectomorph (Lean). No medical problems.

Compounds: Cycles were Test, Tren mostly, Anavar, and tbol sometimes. Deca once at 500mg. Never actually used more than 1 Gram of steroids at a time. Cruise was 150mg of Testosterone.

If you think about it, I had been on for 8 years. At 25, I got tired of steroids, but I was too scared to come off so I tried TRT. TRT didn't really workout. Issue was low SHBG. It was just a pain in the ass. I tried every method by the way. Daily, EOD, SubQ, I'M... things just didn't feel right (Shit libido, bad mood). For almost two years, I was chasing that SWEET SPOT dose. It was March this year when I decided, you know what, **** THIS! lol. I'm going off.

My PCT (on March 10th):
10 days after my last shot, I started taking massive amounts of HCG. Never used HCG before this time. Pharma grade.

Week 1 - 3 --> 4,000ius of HCG E3D

Week 3 - 4 ---> BREAK

Week 4 - 5 ---> 100mg of Clomid, 20mg of Nolva

Week 5 - 8---> 50mg of Clomid, 20mg of Nolva

So it's been 4 months, and two months off, after PCT. God, there first two months were HORRIBLE!!! I don't wish that time for my enemy. After two months til now, things are getting better and better, but not 100% yet. I have to say I am happy so far, but hoping it'll improve even further. I have not got blood work done because I don't care about numbers when I'm feeling okay. Although, if I feel don't feel an improvement in the next 3 months, then I will get blood work done.

I'm gonna rate how much I have improved. 100% means I'm very happy with the result, satisfied and normal.

Mood: Great! Much more positive than on TRT. Honestly I'd say my mood is 85% recovered. I'm just like what I was at 19, happy for the most part. I feel down sometimes like everyone else but it's not bad at all.

Libido: Better than on TRT but not what I want it to be. Everytime I changed my dose on TRT, there'd be a few days when I was super horny, but only a few days tho. So if I can achieve that being OFF, then yea I'll take that. Compared to guys my age, not that horny. I don't have desire to watch porn and masturbate, but do like to have sex, but it's not like I'm hungry to have sex. Libido, I'd say 55% recovered.

Erection: So this is kind of weird and sorry if too much information. But I can only get erected 100% without viagra if I'm in a bed with a girl half naked, or naked and ready to go. If we are on the bed and she has clothes on, then nothing. if I'm by myself trying to masturbate or having naughty thoughts, maybe a 30-40% erection. I remember at 19, I'd slap him in the head and he'd wake up 100% no matter what. Maybe because I'm older? Erection 65% recovered.

Energy/strength/sleep: It's hard to get out of bed still when I wake up, I like to sleep a lot, more than usual. Some days I have fatigue and want to sleep even more. Sleep quality is good tho.
Strength wise, I'm not that far from TRT... the only problem is my muscles get exhausted faster and I get tired faster. Motivation to workout is coming back. It was literally 0 till the past 2 weeks, now I want to get back to working out. Energy 70%, Strength is 80%, sleep 85%.

Other things:
- I have a dry mouth constantly (I have a need for lots of water). It's getting better although.
- Skin is a bit on the dryer side. I use moisturizer
- Premature Ejaculation (Penis feels somewhat numb too? I think premature ejaculation is related to erectile dysfunction)
- Some days fatigue like mentioned
- Hot body temperature
- Nipples are a tiny bit puffy. no gyno. They feel numb?? I remember this happened when my E2 was low.
- Ballz have dropped, but I don't know if they have recovered 100% to their full size, I honestly have no idea how big they were before lol. It's been a longg time since I see them.

Overall, I think I'm actually doing great being off for 4 months (2 months PCT, 2 months OFF OFF). I am not 100% recovered but I expect to be in the next 4 months. I think high HCG doses might have helped, plus maybe good genetics and the fact that I never had low T issues before starting roids. Age too, early 27s. Hope they create a drug to boost SHBG honestly. I wasn't the first to struggle
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