My journey so far with low testosterone.

You can have an apparent "normal" sensitive e2 number, say 30, but be out of ratio T/FT and still have an E problem...the total picture if you will. Hot flashes are one thing that I'm yet to beat...much less than previous and less bothersome, but I still have a flash or overly warm in bed at nite, the occasional sweating, despite the heat set at only 60degress in my house.

Interesting. How long have you been on TRT? Maybe this is something I will just have to live with. Mine hit me at all times of day but seem to be less of a problem at night.

ED the past couple of days has been terrible. The hot flashes and ED are the only linger problems I am having. I think the Cialis is going to be a non starter with me. Terrible sex headache and lingering headaches days later.
Took my 3rd EOD shot this morning. This is also my second week of my fresh mix of HCG.

Hot flashes have subsided some from last week. I had a nasty stomach thing going on last week that finally resolved on Saturday evening. So I am not sure if the hot flashes had something to do with it or not. So hard to tell with so many variables.

Past two days libido is higher then average again which is already pretty high.

Will be retesting in 5 weeks. This next set of tests will be everything I can test for. Thyroid, T, E, CBC, PSA etc. etc. Curious where my ferratin is too. Last test I was over 500. Will also see how the T is affecting my RBC/Hematicrit for the first time since starting.
Quick update after week #2 finished of 125iu (25mg) EOD t-cyp. Overall feeling good on this new protocol. Feeling wise, hot flashes have diminished but on ocassion I still have them but not at the frequency I was before. I seem to be having them on day after injections later in the day when they do hit.

One thing that I have noticed the past several evenings is improvement in late night and morning erections. I have not taken any tadalfil in about a week and half. I didn't really care for the feeling during climax like the back of my head was going to explode (14mg before sex) I may try it again if (when) needed with a slightly lower dose. Anyway, last night I was able to complete a session with what I would consider a good to excellent erection. Something that has eluded me for quite some time. Also sensitivity during was good (not great) til the end as well. And to top it off about an hour later had another rock hard one which before the new protocol and taking tadalafil was impossible. Hopefully this will continue to improve and remain at a steady state for my sanity. There is nothing like wanting to and not being able to. :(

So in about 4 weeks I will retest in the trof and see where the values are and if they have improved over the last test I will likely maintain course but perhaps slightly increase dosage (or decrease) to hopefully obtain optimal readings.

For those reading this and are struggling or on the fence about treatment. Keep the faith and push on. Getting this stuff dialed in can be a challenge.
Oh, one last thing. I have been walking a mile each evening for the past several weeks. Before starting TRT my leg muscles would kill me for days after I walked. As of now, I have no pain at all before, during or after (even the next day).
CSI007, that's great on the progress you have made!

Thank you!

I have to tell you. Since you were following my FBG thread. I am still taking the berberine but I just switched to another brand today. The results were not what I was looking for but I do see a definite improvement overall just not enough. Maybe I won't be able to get any better results don't know. There a lot of moving parts an I am changing a few at the same time which I don't really want to do but I feel like it's needed because of the blood sugar.

I also have come off my 4+ year low carb life style which may not be helping the numbers either but I want to see if it has an affect on the ED issues at all. Mind you, I am not going crazy with the carbs but I am keeping it under 100 instead of 10 to 20.
I also have hot flashes, red face and problems with excessive sweating. (I hate it sweating when it cold it´s sucks!) I think it has to do with a side effect of testo and less to do with E2. It´s like your body´s heat control is out of control. Just a guess though. So far I haven´t found any convincing read about this only speculations on high/low E2, high hematocrit far nothing. I would really like to now but...
Good luck with your 3,5 protocol!
I also have hot flashes, red face and problems with excessive sweating. (I hate it sweating when it cold it´s sucks!) I think it has to do with a side effect of testo and less to do with E2. It´s like your body´s heat control is out of control. Just a guess though. So far I haven´t found any convincing read about this only speculations on high/low E2, high hematocrit far nothing. I would really like to now but...
Good luck with your 3,5 protocol!

I am actually doing EOD now. E3.5 @ 100mg was not enough it seems and instead of increasing dosage I opted to increase frequency of the shots.

I had hot flashes for years before I started TRT. My E2 was in the tank at the time as was my T. About 2 to 3 weeks into TRT shots the hot flashes faded. and were pretty much gone then about another 6 weeks later they started to come back. Now since switching to EOD they seem better now though not 100% gone just yet.
I have to tell you. Since you were following my FBG thread. I am still taking the berberine but I just switched to another brand today. The results were not what I was looking for but I do see a definite improvement overall just not enough. Maybe I won't be able to get any better results don't know. There a lot of moving parts an I am changing a few at the same time which I don't really want to do but I feel like it's needed because of the blood sugar.

I also have come off my 4+ year low carb life style which may not be helping the numbers either but I want to see if it has an affect on the ED issues at all. Mind you, I am not going crazy with the carbs but I am keeping it under 100 instead of 10 to 20.

Thanks for the update!

I'm still taking berberine but like you the effect is small. However I recently had several days in a row with a fasting glocose level around 90 so I'm going to stick with my current regimen. That's 2000 mg of Metformin daily + 500 mg Berberine and usually < 20 carbs.

I'll be interested to hear how things go for you as you make new changes.
Thanks for the update!

I'm still taking berberine but like you the effect is small. However I recently had several days in a row with a fasting glocose level around 90 so I'm going to stick with my current regimen. That's 2000 mg of Metformin daily + 500 mg Berberine and usually < 20 carbs.

I'll be interested to hear how things go for you as you make new changes.

`That's great news! My FBG has generally been below 115 most days. Today it was 102. I had a couple at 98. But what I have noticed is my random sampling after meals appear to be down maybe in the long run it's helping kick the A1C down. I will know in about 5 weeks.

Also, I have read that various brands of berberine have different effects on the same people. That's why I switched brands. This one (Thorne) seems to be the go to brand but it's more expensive. I will give the bottle a chance. If it's no better then the cheaper brand I will switch back.
Just a quick update. The end of this week will be 4 weeks into the EOD protocol. After speaking with my Doctor we noticed that the 120.5IU EOD is actually under 100mg per week. I think it's just under 90mg/week if my math is correct. We discussed/agreed increasing the dosage to about 35mg EOD (approx 122mg/week) if my values have not risen to reasonable values and I am not feeling better.

In any case, I have definitely noticed some positives these past three weeks. It's hard to say if they are all T protocol related because I am continuing the berberine for blood sugar and I have increased my carb intake but the changes are obvious and REAL. First and foremost is my ED. I have gone from almost no performance capability without Cialis to near 100% capability without it. Erections are strong and lasting again and I have achieved more sensitivity then I have had since this whole mess began. I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am for this. Libido is still very strong. It's been like this pretty much since starting the injections. Energy is still not where I would like it but it's not like it was a year ago.

Hot flashes are diminished and I am getting them less frequently. two nights ago I felt pretty hot most of the night then yesterday I was cold most of the night.

Weight....So finally something has given...I am starting to lose the weight I gained when starting T-cyp. This surprised me because of the increase in carbs.

So in closing, so far the last physical part of the puzzle was the ED and that appears to be greatly improved since starting the EOD protocol. That's about all I have to report at the moment. I will be aiming to get blood work in the middle of April which will also be the first test since last year to include A1C, Hematicrit, PSA etc. Hopefully no big changes (negative) in those areas.
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Here are my latest tests. I am a bit confused about the direction to go in. I have good days and bad days still. Past two days, feeling pretty good. Late last week not so good. I feel boxed in based on these blood tests. Even after switching to EOD and actually decreasing the dose ever so slightly per week my total is up slightly but my Free almost doubled!! And my E2 has risen slightly since the last test!!! :( (I still think this is because of the needle size but won't know til the next test with all 1/2" needles again)




My Doctor is not concerned about the RBC and Hematocrit. Also, the REALLY odd thing is my Ferratin has fallen sharply since getting on TRT (This is a plus I think considering I was really worried about the Hodgkins and this number. Maybe it was inflammation caused by low T and low E2?)

Also, My Thyroid function continues to improve and my T3 looks like it's almost optimal now.

Would love to get more feed back from everyone here. Thanks again for all of the help and support! This is a rollercoaster I can't seem to get off of or control of....Yet.
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Any comments on this? My body is so screwy. I basically reduce my weekly amount by about 10mg my T and FT increase but so does my E2.

I do trust my doctor but everything I read says that once hematocrit is above 50 and your RBC is above normal it's time to start donating. Am I safe without donating at these levels?

And what should I be shooting for now with my total T at only 600 and my free is above normal? I feel like I am boxed in. Add more T, increase E2, increase free T (above normal - perhaps a lot) increase hematocrit etc.

If I lower my weekly T anymore I run the risk of getting the total T and free T too low again.
I would donate. My doctor mandates it when h&h/rbc slip over the line. It's a non-negotiable. That said, there some who don't hold to that position, but they are a minority. You are worrying about a free testosterone increase??
Thanks. My Doctor said that the values I have are clinically insignificant. I guess I could do it on my own.

With regards to T. Is there a limit on how how the free T should get? I mean I could increase until I get my total up into the 800s again but obviously there is more to wory about then simply increasing the total T.

When I started this and responded so well so quickly with my E2 still lowish I thought I was golden. LOL
Thanks. My Doctor said that the values I have are clinically insignificant. I guess I could do it on my own.

With regards to T. Is there a limit on how how the free T should get? I mean I could increase until I get my total up into the 800s again but obviously there is more to wory about then simply increasing the total T.

When I started this and responded so well so quickly with my E2 still lowish I thought I was golden. LOL

If you try to manage your protocol with free testosterone as a guide you'll continue to go down the rabbit hole. I don't dispute the importance of healthy levels...what is your concern if your free-T climbs?
I don't have any concerns about the free T. I just thought we should shoot for high normal for optimal health. I guess I should consider an increase to get my total t up. Maybe it will help with what we discussed earlier in the week together.

Maybe I am looking at this with too rigid thoughts towards values.
I don't have any concerns about the free T. I just thought we should shoot for high normal for optimal health. I guess I should consider an increase to get my total t up. Maybe it will help with what we discussed earlier in the week together.

Maybe I am looking at this with too rigid thoughts towards values.

You seem very focused on your numbers. Lab tests are crucial, but they are there to help you interpret your subjective response. How you feel comes first - then use your results to understand why you feel that way and determine if a change would help.
You seem very focused on your numbers. Lab tests are crucial, but they are there to help you interpret your subjective response. How you feel comes first - then use your results to understand why you feel that way and determine if a change would help.

Not so much focused on the numbers. I think I still have a mindset of keeping things in clinical test range. When I see something outside range it's a red flag to me that's all. My E2 has been creeping up but I don't think I am seeing symptoms of it unless the ED coming back is a factor.

All I know is I felt my best when I was around 800 total T and E2 was in the upper teens and my free T was at the top of normal range. Again, just an observation. Whats so hard about all of this stuff is the fact that pinning down how you feel based on test numbers seems to me to be a very difficult thing to do.

My goal since starting all of this is to feel good with the least amount of external intervention and try to avoid any possible side effects by starting slow. It seems that even at around 90mg per week I have already achieved at least one side affect (elevated hematocrit) so I might as well shoot for the higher total T and perhaps feel a bit better (or a lot) then I am now.
Not so much focused on the numbers. I think I still have a mindset of keeping things in clinical test range. When I see something outside range it's a red flag to me that's all. My E2 has been creeping up but I don't think I am seeing symptoms of it unless the ED coming back is a factor.

All I know is I felt my best when I was around 800 total T and E2 was in the upper teens and my free T was at the top of normal range. Again, just an observation. Whats so hard about all of this stuff is the fact that pinning down how you feel based on test numbers seems to me to be a very difficult thing to do.

My goal since starting all of this is to feel good with the least amount of external intervention and try to avoid any possible side effects by starting slow. It seems that even at around 90mg per week I have already achieved at least one side affect (elevated hematocrit) so I might as well shoot for the higher total T and perhaps feel a bit better (or a lot) then I am now.

I think your numbers are fine man.

Donation at your level is recommended, but probably not essential, YET. Around 52 for HCT is where it gets more necessary.

Donate, your ferritin is fine, generally a donation drops you about 30 points.

T/E2 ratio is pretty good.

Your concern about free testosterone being too high is misguided at best, relying on free testosterone assays to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth is not really realistic.

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