Rock H. Johnson
Active Member
As with anything in life, one size does not fit all. So the following is anecdotal as in my subjective experience with Nandrolone Decanoate.
When in last December chatter on the forum started to become louder on people adding Nandrolone to their protocol, I decided to go to my local friendly pharmacist and order some for myself. I thought at least it would fix an old shoulder ache which is fine but with lifting heavier and heavier weights at 50 some painfull tightness was noticeable. So I got 4x 100mg/1ml ampuls which comes with syringes which could be used for spearfishing like 22G. So I emptied them out in an empty HCG vial and started adding 0.15ml(total 100mg/week) to my daily T shots which fluctuate but is on average just below 200mg a week and 10mg of Masteron, for the needed DHT. So T:N = 2:1.
In the first 2 weeks nothing worth mentioning but some water retention around the waste and ankles, slightly crampy painfull pumps while working out and a slow progression in plate weight.
After the second week I started to feel a slight numbness in my shaft and in my mind during sex. I became aware of a tension in the body which gave a thightess in the mind between 19:00 and 21:00 which could mean changes in BP. I bought a handheld BP meter and yes I had BP peaks about 12-14hours after my injections. I started to wake up from a full bladder and need to pee at 3:00.
Week 4 I had less hard erections and climaxing became more work and less explosive, less total, more of a localised effect. But as I have had this slightly before with extreme protocol fluctuations although those resolved before and felt different. After week 5 I got used to my new state and was not really bothered by it and I felt that the 100mg/W Nandro was not really doing anything for me. Although I felt good and lubricated. My night/morning wood was slightly suffering, I did not have those sleeping on a painfull leadpipe erections which wake you up any longer, but still good wood.
So I followed the old hallucigenics advise , no effect = double the dose.
I did 200mg/W (T:N=1:1) for about 8 weeks and besides some strength, waterweight and BP increases it did not really do much more positive for me. I did not feel much better, joints were allright, my right shoulder was healed. No more pains while benching or sleeping on it, but I was becoming aggresive in my thoughts and would have taken up a fight with any one as my body was ready to go at any moment.
The water retention and BP peaks were getting to me, I compensated that with a Beetroot/Citrulline/Arginine/Taurine/Ascorbic Acid, NitricOxide drink to facilitate vasodilation, which brought it back down. Strangely the cramping increased, I was getting really painful cramps, often waking me up at night, in my hamstrings and the part of the muscles close to the ligaments. Like my fore arm could get stuck to my bicep as the brachioradialis cramped up. There was this constant fear that anything could cramp up at any moment especially in the hamstrings which are terribly painfull and difficult to resolve. We live in South-India and its about 40-44C here, its like having a continous fever(is this why we have almost no COVID?) and a lot of sweating happens. So first suspect was the electrolytes ofc but I get enough of those in through my food and I take supplements. My beautiful wife is my libido, I can really only get it up from her, no one else does that, but now that was also becoming pretty difficult and climaxing was really a job. Hardly any satisfaction in it and almost no after relief.
Two weeks ago I had enough of it and the gym was closed so I didnt feel it was smart to keep it up. I brought the dosage down to first 100mg/W and the last 7 days it has been 10mg ED. The cramping is almost gone, water retention around the waiste(abs are clearly visible again) and ankles has seriously diminished. I do not look doughy anymore and the hardened grainy DHT look I always have started to return from the top down(gravity?) But maybe more important I get a real horny sex drive again and get solid easy erections when my wife activates them. There is a serious energy exchange between us and when I climax it rises fully through the spine up and I am launched out of my head into being, higher aware for hours until I slowly come out of orbit down again.
I am keeping the Nandro dose between 70-100mg for another couple of weeks and then I will change protocol again. If I will get stiff in my ligaments or have an injury I have the Nandrolone remedy in my toolbox but I will not go past 70-100mg again.
I cannot say beyond this I feel a need to try this Nandrolone as a base with pinch of Test protocol. My fluctuation Test protocol with added DHT makes such a difference in how I have been feeling over the last 4-5 years...lets see how long that lasts and when it changes I will adapt.
It is in my experience and the following research papers that I come to the assumption that for this body/mind organism, down regulation of dopamine, reduced activity of MAO-A&B and lowered bio-availability of NitricOxide in the endothelium for vasodilation has been the main cause of the above effects. Is it in combination or a confusion of low E2 effects? I do not think so because a couple of months before I crashed my E2 with a DHT(Stanozolol) experiment and had none of these negative libido and NO effecten but all my low E2 signals like stiff hands, painful knuckles, etc.
All these were resolved far before I started this new Nandro protocol.
Again this is my subjective experience, for this body in this moment in time.
Because of where we live and the lockdown I have not been able to do any bloodwork, before or during this protocol.
Edit: An observent member noticed this but when I wrote the post I did not think I mention it as it is another assumption, but the idea is as follows:
I use DHT derivatives with my Test as I obseved, I am not a good 5AR converter. I use them for a multitude of reasons which I explained in other posts. The assumption is that as DHT is a neurohormone it will have diminished the effects of Nandrolone in the brain. As DHT has a higher binding affinity to the AR then DHN it would have been a limiting factor on its effect also. So it could have been that on a T only protocol the sides i was experiencing from Nandrolone would have been more severe.
When in last December chatter on the forum started to become louder on people adding Nandrolone to their protocol, I decided to go to my local friendly pharmacist and order some for myself. I thought at least it would fix an old shoulder ache which is fine but with lifting heavier and heavier weights at 50 some painfull tightness was noticeable. So I got 4x 100mg/1ml ampuls which comes with syringes which could be used for spearfishing like 22G. So I emptied them out in an empty HCG vial and started adding 0.15ml(total 100mg/week) to my daily T shots which fluctuate but is on average just below 200mg a week and 10mg of Masteron, for the needed DHT. So T:N = 2:1.
In the first 2 weeks nothing worth mentioning but some water retention around the waste and ankles, slightly crampy painfull pumps while working out and a slow progression in plate weight.
After the second week I started to feel a slight numbness in my shaft and in my mind during sex. I became aware of a tension in the body which gave a thightess in the mind between 19:00 and 21:00 which could mean changes in BP. I bought a handheld BP meter and yes I had BP peaks about 12-14hours after my injections. I started to wake up from a full bladder and need to pee at 3:00.
Week 4 I had less hard erections and climaxing became more work and less explosive, less total, more of a localised effect. But as I have had this slightly before with extreme protocol fluctuations although those resolved before and felt different. After week 5 I got used to my new state and was not really bothered by it and I felt that the 100mg/W Nandro was not really doing anything for me. Although I felt good and lubricated. My night/morning wood was slightly suffering, I did not have those sleeping on a painfull leadpipe erections which wake you up any longer, but still good wood.
So I followed the old hallucigenics advise , no effect = double the dose.
I did 200mg/W (T:N=1:1) for about 8 weeks and besides some strength, waterweight and BP increases it did not really do much more positive for me. I did not feel much better, joints were allright, my right shoulder was healed. No more pains while benching or sleeping on it, but I was becoming aggresive in my thoughts and would have taken up a fight with any one as my body was ready to go at any moment.
The water retention and BP peaks were getting to me, I compensated that with a Beetroot/Citrulline/Arginine/Taurine/Ascorbic Acid, NitricOxide drink to facilitate vasodilation, which brought it back down. Strangely the cramping increased, I was getting really painful cramps, often waking me up at night, in my hamstrings and the part of the muscles close to the ligaments. Like my fore arm could get stuck to my bicep as the brachioradialis cramped up. There was this constant fear that anything could cramp up at any moment especially in the hamstrings which are terribly painfull and difficult to resolve. We live in South-India and its about 40-44C here, its like having a continous fever(is this why we have almost no COVID?) and a lot of sweating happens. So first suspect was the electrolytes ofc but I get enough of those in through my food and I take supplements. My beautiful wife is my libido, I can really only get it up from her, no one else does that, but now that was also becoming pretty difficult and climaxing was really a job. Hardly any satisfaction in it and almost no after relief.
Two weeks ago I had enough of it and the gym was closed so I didnt feel it was smart to keep it up. I brought the dosage down to first 100mg/W and the last 7 days it has been 10mg ED. The cramping is almost gone, water retention around the waiste(abs are clearly visible again) and ankles has seriously diminished. I do not look doughy anymore and the hardened grainy DHT look I always have started to return from the top down(gravity?) But maybe more important I get a real horny sex drive again and get solid easy erections when my wife activates them. There is a serious energy exchange between us and when I climax it rises fully through the spine up and I am launched out of my head into being, higher aware for hours until I slowly come out of orbit down again.
I am keeping the Nandro dose between 70-100mg for another couple of weeks and then I will change protocol again. If I will get stiff in my ligaments or have an injury I have the Nandrolone remedy in my toolbox but I will not go past 70-100mg again.
I cannot say beyond this I feel a need to try this Nandrolone as a base with pinch of Test protocol. My fluctuation Test protocol with added DHT makes such a difference in how I have been feeling over the last 4-5 years...lets see how long that lasts and when it changes I will adapt.
It is in my experience and the following research papers that I come to the assumption that for this body/mind organism, down regulation of dopamine, reduced activity of MAO-A&B and lowered bio-availability of NitricOxide in the endothelium for vasodilation has been the main cause of the above effects. Is it in combination or a confusion of low E2 effects? I do not think so because a couple of months before I crashed my E2 with a DHT(Stanozolol) experiment and had none of these negative libido and NO effecten but all my low E2 signals like stiff hands, painful knuckles, etc.
All these were resolved far before I started this new Nandro protocol.
Again this is my subjective experience, for this body in this moment in time.
Because of where we live and the lockdown I have not been able to do any bloodwork, before or during this protocol.
Edit: An observent member noticed this but when I wrote the post I did not think I mention it as it is another assumption, but the idea is as follows:
I use DHT derivatives with my Test as I obseved, I am not a good 5AR converter. I use them for a multitude of reasons which I explained in other posts. The assumption is that as DHT is a neurohormone it will have diminished the effects of Nandrolone in the brain. As DHT has a higher binding affinity to the AR then DHN it would have been a limiting factor on its effect also. So it could have been that on a T only protocol the sides i was experiencing from Nandrolone would have been more severe.
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