Hello all,
I have seen this idea thrown around on trt and steroids forums that low SHBG causes high free E2 and that the use of DHT derivatives like Proviron, Anavar can cause gyno by lowering shbg = > high free Test => more aromatization.
But as per this
study SHBG preferentially binds to DHT with affinity 5 times more than Testosterone and 20 times more than Estradiol. So if a person has low SHBG they should have way more free DHT available than free E2 (ratio is 20:1 as per the affinities) which implies that the balance of DHT to E2 is skewed towards DHT and the said user should be feeling low E2 sides even when the blood work shows normal E2 levels.
Is this plausible or am I missing something. Anyone can shed light on this, that would be great.