Low SHBG guys


New Member
Im a low SHBG guy (usually single digits).

Do you have muscle loss/weakness?
Fasciculations (muscle twitching)?
Raised triglycerides?
Heat intolerance?
Abdominal weight gain?
Shortness of Breath?
Exercise intolerance?

Any other symptoms?
My SHBG before TRT wasn't below the threshold (25 nmol) of what's considered low, but once I started TRT it dipped slightly below (18 nmol) that threshold. Ever since I started TRT I have had muscle twitching throughout my entire body (even though I wasn't deficient in anything), but mostly in my legs. At first the muscle twitching started out pretty intense and frequently, it became an annoyance and was distracting while just sitting in front of my computer. Now the twitching is starting to slow down a bit and the intensity is slowing as my muscle get harder and firmer. I also had a ton of muscle pain and weakness that is now mostly gone. I still have some moments of shortness of breath and some fatigue and just a couple months ago had horrible heat intolerance that seems to have improved quite a bit in the last month or two.

I am not down to the single digits low, but do have some of the symptoms you mentioned. The muscle twitching, heat intolerance (I work outside too), and the weight gain in the abdominal area. I cant blame the weight gain on SHBG alone, many factors are involved here.
I have low SHBG (fluctuate between single digits and low teens) my main symptom is basically next to no response to TRT overall. I am on a state of the art protocol with a great doctor and yet I feel like I did with Low T. Low to no libido along with an inability to gain muscle or loose fat. I would also take a nap every day if not for having to work.
I get muscle twitching in my legs but my SHBG is in the 20's.

Strange, I wonder if the connection is actually low SHBG/low bioavailable T? I had the muscle twitching after my natural T started plummeting, then when muscles were completely wasted it stopped. It began again once I started TRT and is continuing, but the frequency is starting to slow. I'm not deficient is anything.
Strange, I wonder if the connection is actually low SHBG/low bioavailable T? I had the muscle twitching after my natural T started plummeting, then when muscles were completely wasted it stopped. It began again once I started TRT and is continuing, but the frequency is starting to slow. I'm not deficient is anything.

I don't think there is a relationship between the two, muscle twitching has a wide variety of causes from dietary to stress/anxiety.
I have low SHBG (fluctuate between single digits and low teens) my main symptom is basically next to no response to TRT overall. I am on a state of the art protocol with a great doctor and yet I feel like I did with Low T. Low to no libido along with an inability to gain muscle or loose fat. I would also take a nap every day if not for having to work.

My symptoms are the same (my SHBG is 8-9 pre TRT) also i have constant brain fog, low energy and overall low T related symptoms, plus receding hairline since 18 yrs old (now i am 25) and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as hemorrhoids.
My symptoms are the same (my SHBG is 8-9 pre TRT) also i have constant brain fog, low energy and overall low T related symptoms, plus receding hairline since 18 yrs old (now i am 25) and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as hemorrhoids.

What is your current protocol?
I am off TRT at the moment, before i have tried all types of protocols daily, E3D, weekly, with different esters, AIs, but all feel like injecting water.
I am off TRT at the moment, before i have tried all types of protocols daily, E3D, weekly, with different esters, AIs, but all feel like injecting water.
I'm so sorry. My friend ERO, who is subscribed to this thread, has used very similar words to describe his TRT experience.
Yes i know, i have read probably all low shbg related posts out there on the internet :D Hopefully one of us will find the cure one day and share it with the others on these boards.
Re: muscle twitching fasciculations, electrolyte balance and response to glutamate can be problematic. A friend of mine tipped me off to MSG relationship. He had ongoing muscle twitching and fasciculation, went to numerous MD's endo, neuro, shrink, no relief. He found out about MSG and related high glutamate food additives and some high glutamate foods themselves can wreck havoc for some people, got off them,. and the problem resolved. In my own case the glutamate reactions are mostly debilitating headaches.
Yes i have had polysomnography done which showed some disturbance in the REM sleep phase, but not due to breathing, so sleep apnea was ruled out. No fatty liver as well, checked with MRI, A1C was a bit in the pre-diabetic at 5.7 but fasting glucose was normal. Also had slightly high LDL, dont remember the exact number now.
I am almost 6 years into TRT and I am thinking about stopping if I could get my HPTA axis to restart. I have very low SHBG and TRT does indeed feel like I am injecting water - as does HCG, and topical T feels like I am applying lotion. Thyroid meds seem to have no effect either.

I literally have no idea what injecting Test feels like because I have never felt anything. My life consists of low to no libido, seriously sh*tty recovery from exercise and a strong desire to take a nap every day after lunch even though I am otherwise healthy. Not obese, not diabetic, not depressed, no sleep apnea. Just tired of TRT doing next to nothing.
I had a GF to where thyroid meds do nothing at all, she's huge only in the gut and her skin is puffy to the point where it looks like it about ready to peel off the bones. Her receptors are desensitized unable to respond to much of anything. ERO it might be time for a restart, who know it might even wake up your receptors.
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I am almost 6 years into TRT and I am thinking about stopping if I could get my HPTA axis to restart. I have very low SHBG and TRT does indeed feel like I am injecting water - as does HCG, and topical T feels like I am applying lotion. Thyroid meds seem to have no effect either.

I literally have no idea what injecting Test feels like because I have never felt anything. My life consists of low to no libido, seriously sh*tty recovery from exercise and a strong desire to take a nap every day after lunch even though I am otherwise healthy. Not obese, not diabetic, not depressed, no sleep apnea. Just tired of TRT doing next to nothing.
do you take any supps/meds? try to minimize it to trt only if possible and it might start working.

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