Low Carb Diet Better Than Low Fat for Weight Loss and Heart

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
low carb diet.webp

For weight loss and for reducing cardiovascular risk, cutting down on carbs was a more effective strategy than limiting fat intake in a randomized trial, researchers found.

At 12 months, individuals on a low-carbohydrate diet had lost 5.3 kg (11.7 lb), while those on a low-fat diet with similar caloric value had lost 1.8 kg (3.9 lb), for a mean difference of -3.5 kg, or 7.7 lb (95% CI minus 5.6-minus 1.4, P=0.002), according to Lydia Bazzano, MD, PhD, of Tulane University in New Orleans, and colleagues.

They also had significantly greater increases in HDL cholesterol, with a mean difference of 7 mg/dL (95% CI 3-11, P<0.001), along with a greater decrease in the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol, with a mean difference of -0.44 (95% CI minus 0.71-minus 0.16, P=0.002), the researchers reported in the Sept. 2 Annals of Internal Medicine.

Previous studies on low-carbohydrate diets and cardiovascular risk have had conflicting results and were limited by a lack of population diversity and the inclusion primarily of patients with the metabolic syndrome or diabetes.


Effects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets: A Randomized Trial

Lydia A. Bazzano, et al
Ann Intern Med. 2014;161(5):309-318.

Background: Low-carbohydrate diets are popular for weight loss, but their cardiovascular effects have not been well-studied, particularly in diverse populations.

Objective: To examine the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet compared with a low-fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors.

Design: A randomized, parallel-group trial. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00609271)

Setting: A large academic medical center.

Participants: 148 men and women without clinical cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Intervention: A low-carbohydrate (<40 g/d) or low-fat (<30% of daily energy intake from total fat [<7% saturated fat]) diet. Both groups received dietary counseling at regular intervals throughout the trial.

Measurements: Data on weight, cardiovascular risk factors, and dietary composition were collected at 0, 3, 6, and 12 months.

Results: Sixty participants (82%) in the low-fat group and 59 (79%) in the low-carbohydrate group completed the intervention. At 12 months, participants on the low-carbohydrate diet had greater decreases in weight (mean difference in change, &#8722;3.5 kg [95% CI, &#8722;5.6 to &#8722;1.4 kg]; P = 0.002), fat mass (mean difference in change, &#8722;1.5% [CI, &#8722;2.6% to &#8722;0.4%]; P = 0.011), ratio of total&#8211;high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (mean difference in change, &#8722;0.44 [CI, &#8722;0.71 to &#8722;0.16]; P = 0.002), and triglyceride level (mean difference in change, &#8722;0.16 mmol/L [&#8722;14.1 mg/dL] [CI, &#8722;0.31 to &#8722;0.01 mmol/L {&#8722;27.4 to &#8722;0.8 mg/dL}]; P = 0.038) and greater increases in HDL cholesterol level (mean difference in change, 0.18 mmol/L [7.0 mg/dL] [CI, 0.08 to 0.28 mmol/L {3.0 to 11.0 mg/dL}]; P < 0.001) than those on the low-fat diet.

Limitation: Lack of clinical cardiovascular disease end points.

Conclusion: The low-carbohydrate diet was more effective for weight loss and cardiovascular risk factor reduction than the low-fat diet. Restricting carbohydrate may be an option for persons seeking to lose weight and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.

Primary Funding Source: National Institutes of Health.
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Protein, fiber, or fat will slow the absorption into the blood of glucose from carbohydrates, which helps to reduce the rise in blood sugar and insulin spikes. So, mixing carbohydrates with protein, fiber, and good fats is one way to reduce their problematic effect on blood sugar and insulin. Ensure that every meal and snack you consume has a mix of these three macronutrients. But what are the best fats, protein, and high-fiber carbohydrates sources out there?

The Science of Healthy Eating

Nelson's Top Tricks for Fat Loss
i have been experimenting with lower carb intake, since i am not super physically active now. I log my food everyday in my fitness pal and had my carbs set at 20%. How does one gauge how much carbs they need? I had one dr tell me to get down to 25grams a day of carbs.. i am not sure what he was meaning. i like this topic..thanks for posting it Nelson!
If you’re overweight and want some help losing weight, start eating foods high in fiber. Dietary fiber is not a magic weight loss weapon, but it has the power to help fill you up without filling you out.

Here’s why: One of the most effective ways to lose those extra pounds is to control hunger, the dieter’s Achilles heel. Hunger is affected by many things, including when you eat, and the composition of your meals -- the amount of fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and water content

A healthy diet should include a wide variety of nutritious foods for sufficient intake of all nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Foods to include are breads, pastas, lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet can help you maintain a healthy body weight and decrease your risk of many diet-related chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancers
Another advantage of low carb (higher fat) diet? Lowered sex hormone binding globulin.


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jcem-64-5-1083

The effect of dietary lipid consumption on plasma levels of sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), free testosterone and cholesterol was studied in 6 normal men. After consuming a diet with a high fat content (>100g fat/day) for two weeks, the mean plasma cholesterol level increased (p<0.02) while the mean SHBG level decreased (p<0.02). Changing the diet from one with a high fat to low fat content (<20g fat/day) for a further two week period resulted in a significant reduction in mean plasma cholesterol level (p<0.001) while the mean SHBG level increased (p<0.01). The increase in plasma SHBG was associated with a significant decrease in the free testosterone fraction and free testosterone concentration. No significant changes were detected in plasma samples obtained from the same men during a control period.
The results from this study demonstrate that dietary lipid intake is an additional factor involved in the regulation of plasma levels of SHBG.
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Another study showing that removing fat and animal protein may not be best for men's sex hormone binding globulin.

Testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, calculated free testosterone, and oestradiol in male vegans and omnivores

British Journal of Nutrition / Volume 64 / Issue 01 / July 1990, pp 111-119
Timothy J. A. Key[SUP]a1[/SUP], Liane Roe[SUP]a2[/SUP], Margaret Thorogood[SUP]a2[/SUP], John W. Moore[SUP]a3[/SUP], Graham M. G. Clark[SUP]a3[/SUP] and Dennis Y. Wang[SUP]a3[/SUP]

[SUP]a1 [/SUP]Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Gibson Building, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford OX2 6HE
[SUP]a2 [/SUP]General Practice Research Group, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Department of Community Medicine & General Practice, Gibson Building, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford OX2 6HE
[SUP]a3 [/SUP]Clinical Endocrinology Laboratory, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, PO Box 123, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX


Total testosterone (T), total oestradiol (E2) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations were measured in plasma samples from fifty-one male vegans and fifty-seven omnivores of similar age. Free T concentration was estimated by calculation, in comparison with the omnivores, the vegans had 7% higher total T (P = 0.250), 23% higher SHBG (P = 0.001), 3% lower free T (P = 0.580), and 11% higher E2 (P = 0.194). In a subset of eighteen vegans and twenty-two omnivores for whom 4 d diet records were available, there were statistically significant correlations between T and polyunsaturated fatty acids (r 0.37), SHBG and fat (r 0.43 for total fat, 0.46 for saturated fatty acids and 0.33 for polyunsaturated fatty acids), and SHBG and alcohol (r&#8211;0.39). It is concluded that a vegan diet causes a substantial increase in SHBG but has little effect on total or free T or on E2.
LCHF dietIf you have been looking for a diet that enables you to eat almost as much as you want and at the same time make you loose weight while also improving your health then perhaps the LCHF diet is the correct diet for you. LCHF stands for Low Carb, High Fat) and the LCHF diet is a method that actually has been used for over 150 years.
The basics of the LCHF diet is that you eat less carbohydrates and more protein and especially more fat. It is important to reduce the amount of sugar and starches that you eat every day. Instead your meals should be focused on eating food like fish, eggs, meat and natural fat (like butter and oliveoil). While doing this you will get full, never be hungry and still beeing able to loose weight.
Most people who eat according to the LCHF diet do not count the amount of calories that they eat every day. In general since you always get full and never are hungry you do not need to count. However sometimes it can be good to count your calories to get an overview of how much your daily intake is and how your fat, protein and carbohydrate ratio is.
For the LCHF diet there lately have been many studies and scientific papers that have proven over and over again that LCHF diet is a very good way to reduce in weight.
[h=2]LCHF Diet Food[/b]In general this is the types of food you can eat when following the LCHF diet:
Fish and different types of Shellfish: Fat fish like salmon, mackerel are good. Do not eat fish that have breading on the outside.
Meat: Basically you can eat any type of meat, like beef, pork, chicken, game meat and so on. It is even advised to eat both the fat and skin on the chicken. You should here also avoid meat that has breading on the outside. If possible, choose organic or grass fed animals over non-grass fed.
Eggs: Eggs are the perfect food, and it can be cooked in so many forms also. Enjoy eggs in all different forms and types, like boiled, fried, omelettes, poached or other ways to cook your eggs.
Fat: Butter and cream as a part of your cooking is really nice and really brings out the flavors in the other food. Try different fat sauces or simply make some garlic butter together with your meat. Butter is the best option but coconut oil and olive oil are also good alternatives. Avoid corn based oils.
Dairy products: Butter has already been mentioned but there is also other dairy products that are good to eat. High fat cheese, cream (40%+) and yoghurt are good food. Avoid all low fat dairy products like milk.
A general rule that you could use as a guideline when selecting food for the LCHF diet is that for every 100 grams of food there can maximum be 5 grams of carbohydrates. If there is more in the ingredient, then try to skip it or replace it with something else.
[h=2]Things to drink with LCHF diet[/b]The best things to drink when using LCHF diet are drinks that do not contain any carbohydrates or a very low amount of carbohydrates. Examples are water (perfect for everything), coffee or tea. If you feel it gets too booring with water I suggest to e.g. add a small piece of lemon into the water to give it some taste.
You have to stay away from all kinds of soda, no matter if it is sugar free or not. Sugar free soda contains sugar replacement that might trick your body to think it is actually getting sugar. If you previously drank beer you now should try to switch to either a red or dry white wine or other non-sugar alcohol drinks as whiskey or vodka. We however recommend to stay away from alcohol as much as possible since it might slow down your weight loss a little.
[h=2]Summary about LCHF diet[/b]If you follow these simple guidelines and ensure that you do not cheat by sometimes eating some candy or having a soda you will see dramatic results. The people that have tried this have seen weight loss around 5-10kg in the first month of using strict LCHF diet. The following months you could see similar weight loss. Please consider that weight loss is very different from person to person and you have to try your own way.
I eat Keto with the exception of having a Saturday cheat every often. Some refer to this as TKD or Targeted Ketogenic Diet. I was at 320 at one point and now sit on 240 at 6'1. The TKD was really made popular years ago by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. Here is his latest Bio I am not sure he's still a TKD guy or not:


Lyle McDonald also talked it up a bit at one time but I really don't keep up with him. I think another one was Dan Duchaine. Recently Tim Ferris made it popular again with his "Slo-Carb" Diet.

Tim Ferris has a 1 hour 30 minute interview with Dr. Peter Attia who formed the NUSI with Taubes. I don't really follow any play I just don't eat carbs as a rule except whatever Veggies come with Dinner or if I go out for lunch and a salad is part of the meal.

Also I will sometimes have berries. Blackberries I love. Strawberries are only one net carb so eating a few of those never hurts. If my wife cuts up a peach I'll have a 1/4 sliver, but grapes and bananas are a no no. On a cheat day I will eat a damn bag of grapes the idea behind a cheat day is to trip up the body a bit, and you also get the benefit of storing up some glycogen in the muscle for the workouts that week.

I don't push my way of eating on anyone I merely defend it. I am not sure for instance that all Type 2 Diabetics benefit. Ironically some do very well, but as you see with SoCalSurfer it didn't do much for him.

Technically speaking Paleo is probably a better choice than low-carb however many Paleo advocates are also Keto Advocates they just want you to cut dairy and eat grass-fed animals and animal products (butter, eggs, etc.).

I feel more alert, and in a much better mood when I am in Ketosis. I don't use Ketostix since my carb count is so low.

I will reiterate this from Dr. Peter Attia and I don't remember what video from his site he mentioned this and no he didn't cuss. If you decide to "low-carb" don't **** around with it if you are highly highly active I'd say no more than 50g per day and if you don't lose fat keep lowering it. The body wants to use carbs for energy it's the least common denominator. If you eat just enough carbs to stay out of Ketosis, then your body is not running on Ketones. That means Carbs are still the primary energy source. Well if you are eating 80-100 carb grams I don't think that is enough to fuel your brain plus all the work you do as well as workouts. Look at this way if you DIDN'T low carb you'd probably want more like 250-300g of Carb grams per day. So by eating just enough carbs where you stay out of Ketosis you are short changing your energy source. Low-Carb to me is all in or nothing not something you just toy with.

One other thing. Fat is the only macronutrient that does NOT produce an insulin spike. For that reason a lot of folks experiment with intermittent fasting. As I've advised people Protein will cause an insulin surge and we want to limit those which is why we are low-carb in the first place. That's why a Rib-Eye steak is probably better than a chicken breast for a low carber.

If you are following a standard diet which is more low-fat, then a chicken breast is a much better choice as a protein source.
Vince Gironda famous Steak and Eggs:

[h=3]Here are the rules for the steak and egg diet:[/b]You eat twice per day, either at breakfast and dinner or lunch and dinner
Each meal is to be the same
Each meal should contain 0.75 &#8211; 1.5lbs of steak and between 3 and 6 eggs
Your eggs can be prepared in whatever fashion you enjoy most (I like to poach mine)
Use as much or as little butter and seasoning (salt/pepper) as you wish on your steak
Every 5th day is cheat day &#8211; eat whatever you want
That's it.
Note steak is raw weight u can also substitute other meats...Vince liked steak because it stays with u and takes longer to digest...
Ketosis is good against glycemia,since it lowers insulin resistance.Also as prevention against cancer,due to the fact it lowers inflammatory insulin and somatomedin C.Moreover,as a fat burning diet,because insulin is low and glucagon,somatropin are high.The body is adapted since glycogen is missing and beta oxidation is the primary energy source.However,it slows down brain function,as ketosomes are alternative fuels.
Ketosis makes difficult the anaerobic oxidation process,since carbs are required for it.ATP-CP are the primary fuels for high intensity exercise,such as sprinting and weight lifting.
If UFAs (MUFAs-PUFAs) are used for fat,then CVD is out of the question.Some stick animal protein with SFAs in the absence of carbs and atheromatic plaque formation gradualy occurs (atherogenesis in arterial endothelium).
SFAs increase insulin's resistance apart from coronary heart disease.Same valids for hydrogenated fatty acids,or trans fats.
Ketosis leads to metabolic acidosis and lungs have to hyperventilate,as a compensatory mechanism.Urine becomes acidic and kidney stones formation are more likely to happen.Renal function is stressed,and glomeruli specificly from protein over consumption.Ketogenic diets dehydrate and have to be well hydrated.
I'd be curious if atheromatic plaque formation would occur for those of us taking a Nitric Oxide stack along with our TRT/Low-Carb Diets?

My recollection is that the dilation that occurs in blood vessels not only helps prevent plaque from forming but in fact might help wash out old plaque you might have built-up before you started boosting Nitric Oxide.

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