Losartan & High BP



Looks like I’m in need of some advice… I am not currently on TRT (tried it previously) but I know from reading on here that a lot of you are very experienced in all kinds of issues like I’m having so hope some of you can help to explain why I’m having the results I am.

For reference, here is my current situation…

I just turned 44 and over these past several months of COVID lock-downs I have become increasingly sluggish, blood pressure is consistently high, put on weight, had some anxiety, body seems cold, cholesterol is back up, stopped working out, etc. All symptoms I’ve had previously that taking T3 to clear my RT3 seemed to solve - at least temporarily about 2-3 years ago.

So I decided to start digging back in with some self-ordered blood work to see what is going on and made an appointment with my GP doctor.

The doctor just put me on high blood pressure medication less than a couple weeks ago. I was running BP in the 135-150 / 87-100 range consistently.

Initially, I was prescribed Lisinopril at 20mg daily and I started off taking only 10mg (1/2 a pill). The Lisinopril did begin to drop my BP the first day which was a Friday (117/79 and then 108/74 by the third day) but as I did research I found that Lisinopril raises SHBG and lowers Free Testosterone - which I’m not a fan of as my levels aren’t that high to begin with.

So on that following Monday I requested my doctor switch me to Losartan - which he did no problem; he prescribed 100mg Losartan pills but he said to start at 50mg daily and I started that this last Tuesday.

However I’ve been on Losartan 50mg for 6 days now and my BP has been back up around 125-140 / 85-90 consistently. I dunno if this is normal while my body transitions the medications, if there is some weird conflict since I switched from one to the other after only a few days or perhaps Losartan just takes longer to “kick in”?

Based off what I have read on here and every other site I can find, it appears as if Losartan should be an equally effective BP medication without the negative issues but I am just not seeing that. If you have any wisdom here I’d greatly appreciate it!

In terms of my blood work results, they should be attached to this post.

I had ordered a “Free T3” test and they gave me a “T3 Antibody” by mistake. They have an extra vial of blood (they drew too much I guess) so are supposed to run the test now but I have no way of tracking it since it doesn’t show up in my account as “ordered” so who knows if I’ll get it.

This my first time ordering blood work through this particular online company and they use Quest Diagnostics and I’m not sure if this issue is the website or Quest but they made this mistake and they were very slow in getting my results to me so it’ll be my last using them. I’ll be going back to LabCorp even though it’s a further drive to have the blood drawn.

Sorry for rambling but I’d really like to hear what your thoughts on the BP medication first and foremost but I am also considering taking T3 to get my RT3 levels down but is it OK to take T3 and BP meds? Both in the morning? Is it OK to take them together at all? My intention was to start with 12.5mg (half of my 25mg pill) per day and hopefully that will start to get my elevated RT3 going down.

I look forward to your feedback and really appreciate all you do to help others!


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I don't have too many specific answers for you, but have generally had good results with Lisinopril as my primary BP med. I was doing better when I was on combo pill, Lisinopril plus a diuretic. However, the sides from the water pill drove me crazy. I have never heard about the connection between Lisinopril and SHBG. It has never affected mine. I am going to have to tweak my protocol since I have crept back up to 130-35/80 range. Not bad, but could be better.

So, you might want to give Lisinopril another shot if it helped your BP as you indicated. Bottom line, there are dozens of hypertension meds. That is a great thread on this site posted by Madman that outlines the best ones for erectile/sexual health. Find the one that works for you, or as indicate, see if there is underlying cause first. (There was not for me. Genetics)
Thank you very much for the thoughtful reply!

Like you, genetics definitely play a role for me as well; on my father's side there has been a long, long history of heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure, etc. and my BP has always ran on the high(er) side. Now I think I have compounded the issue by gaining weight, not eating as I should and just getting older doesn't help.

Obviously, I need to get my diet and exercise in order but I also know that it may take me a while to get to that point so I'd rather avoid the "wear and tear" on my body in the meantime and I can always come off of the meds later - if possible.

I'm glad to hear that Lisinopril doesn't have those negative effects on everyone as I may end up back on it once I give the Losartan a chance to work.

Here is a study on the Lisinopril for anyone who is curious: Lisinopril decreases plasma free testosterone in male hypertensive patients and increases sex hormone binding globulin in female hypertensive patients - PubMed
Your family sounds like mine! Tons of heart related issues on my father's side, and almost none with my mom (who is now 80). Although both had high Bp. If it makes you feel any better, I am former marathoner that still runs about 20 miles a week and I follow a pretty clean diet (Age 53). In my case, the genetics outweigh my controllable factors. My BP issues didn't start until my mid 40's.

There is still a lot you can do of course. You may be able reduce your needs for meds as your lifestyle improves. This pandemic has caused many health related issues for folks far beyond the coronavirus.

Regarding the study, I am on TRT so somewhat control my levels of hormones. So, not sure it would apply to me.
I’m reading that Losartan can take 3-6 weeks to reach maximum effect...how long did it take for Losartan to work on all of you? Was it gradual or did it work right away?
That is a great thread on this site posted by Madman that outlines the best ones for erectile/sexual health. Find the one that works for you, or as indicate, see if there is underlying cause first. (There was not for me. Genetics)

Can someone please post this Madman thread for me?
You may want to look into telmisartan/micardis as well. It's not as popular in the US for some reason, but there's plenty of studies showing it to be as effective or more so than lisinopril, and it has the added benefit of helping you burn off visceral fat and now it looks like it helps prevent Alzheimer's as well. Good luck!
I’ve had great success with Valsartan (similar to losartin) with a low dose (5mg) Bystolic. Bystolic is a unique B blocker that is very cardio selective has NO2 releasing effects (actually improves sexual function) and for most no exercise limitations.
Currently I am waiting on insurance pre-approval to begin Telmisartan. Hopefully it will work because the Losartan @ 100mg/daily isn't doing much.

One thing I am curious about is: I've read that Losartan does a bit of myostatin inhibiting - is this the case with Telmisartan (all ARBs) as well?

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