Looking for a good thyroid forum

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Thank you very much for commenting guys.

I'll try to fill in the blanks:


I have been diabetic for approx 14 years. 2.5 years ago I fired most of my doctors and took control of my own health. My endo had me on 4 shots of insulin daily plus metformin. My A1C was 13. Today my A1C averages 6.7. Yes that is still high but much better than it was. My morning number is ALWAYS high. I believe I have dawn phenomenon but recently have discovered that high cortisol, which I have at night, will cause my sugar level to rise at night. I am therefore trying to concentrate on controlling that cortisol and hoping my numbers will come down further.

My diet is mostly on point. My cholesterol, triglycerides and everything is great. My LDL only rose slightly in that latest labwork....so I eat protein, good carbs and fats (except a cheat day or 2 here and there).

I have been in the gym for 2.5 years and lost (and keeping off) 100 lbs. When I was first hit with diabetes I was very active, not a couch potato. I gained 125 lbs in about a year and half, so ive managed to get 100 lbs back off and did this while I have been unknowingly hypothyroid.

Backtracking 1.5 years ago I started my trt with the popular clinic this forum speaks highly of that starts with a D.
For sake of saving a little typing I wont detail every change in protocol but ill outline.
I started with usual trt / hcg. After a while added test cream and that is when my dht when through the roof, prior to that it was non existent. Same type of thing with my dhea...added it and it went way up. I have stopped the dhea about 4 weeks ago.

I really never felt a lot better on trt...I would say I made a 20% improvement but at least I was better than I had been feeling with my very low T of 197 prior.
About 6 months before starting trt I had a 3 = 4 week period where for no reason I was superman. I've had chronic fatigue for 14 years (probably from hypothyroidism) but for no reason and not on any trt I was out doing yard work, planting trees, super happy, super libido, super morning, afternoon, night time wood, etc. That disappeared after 4 weeks and after I couldn't get that back I realized how bad I was, what I should be like, and I started with TRT.

So after months / or about a year on trt we started increasing dose and I thought I was feeling better so we kept that going. During the course of that my E2 went up a bit to about 65. We then increased my anastrozole and next labs my E2 was very low, I forget exactly but it was somewhere between an 8 and a 17 if I remember. As this was happening I decided that so far nothing has worked and I needed to try something different to figure this out, everyone is different and these minute protocol changes were wasting my time.
I started a 'blast' of 500mg test/week while still maintaining my 900iu of hcg / week and 2-3 clicks of test cream. You see those results in the labs I posted with high FT, TT and E2. We changed my AI to adex and I went back to my TRT dosing and thats what im in the middle of now.


Didn't discover I was hypothyroid until several months ago where I requested the proper labs to add to my RX. I was then started on NP Thyroid and protocols went from 1 grain daily to 2 to 3 and 4 then back to 2. During all this I was told my numbers didn't look bad (my RT3 was in the normal range still) yet I still feel like crap.
When we consulted and went over my labs about 3 weeks ago I was changed from np thyroid (which is t3 + t4) to Cytomel (Liothyronine)which is t3 only and started at 1/2 pill (12.5mcg) daily and now at 25mcg daily.
I have absolutely no energy and no drive. I get out of bed tired, and I want to get back in bed a couple hours later. It's as bad as it's ever been, like before TRT.
I'm hoping this is because of my high E2 but won't know unless I start feeling more energy as my E2 comes down, or maybe the change to Cytomel will help but it hasn't yet so I don't think it will.
I'm debating on what to do with those thyroid meds and if I should add back the np thyroid. I know not to jump around but thyroid meds should make a difference in just a few days. When I first started the np thyroid a few months ago I actually felt better and had more energy within 3 days. That lasted about 3 weeks then faded away also.

I know high RT3 is because it is not making it to my cells which is why I am so freaking tired.


4-5 months ago I was low on all the iron labs that you recommended. I took an iron supplement and everything came up to good levels by my next labs. I continued to take it but then was having symptoms of too much iron and the Dr said I could stop because once my iron levels came up they should stay there anyway unless there was another issue. Those levels have remained steady for a few months now with no supplementation.


To fill in what I haven't already:
Currently - 220 mg test cyp weekly / 900 iu HCG weekly both of those are total numbers but they are split up to 3x a week. Test cream 3 clicks daily. I inject m/w/f and I did my labs on Monday before I took anything. My current other meds are just Plavix and just started back on ramipril for high bp. Was not on any bp for several years but my top number is consistently around 145.


I agree. Diabetes bacame secondary because I got it from a 13 to a 6.6 so I was concentrating on the fatigue.


I have a myriad of supps. I kind of rotate them and most are for promoting and maintaining circulation along with vitamins and herbs like turmeric. Instead of listing everything, I'll just say I take nothing with iron and nothing with calcium within 4 hours of the thyroid meds, which I take and do not eat for an hour.

Ok guys, I hope that is enough info.

I realize I'm not the normal black and white case here I'm just hoping someone can shed light on anything I don't already know of or have tried. I don't know what else to do. Protocols from the Dr are not working and I don't want to start over with someone new because I feel like I'm just going to repeat the cycle again.
I know there has to be a solution somewhere because like I said earlier in this post there was a 3-4 week period that I felt like I was 20 again. If I can get halfway to that i'd be happy.

Thank you all again.

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