Lack of Penis Sensitivity

Guys. I’ve struggled with this also. When I spoke with my doctor about this he prescribed me an extremely low dose cream 5mg per .1 ml and I apply it to my penis twice a day, like a scrotal cream. It comes in a little pen type bottle. I swear to God it’s like being a teenager again and the dose is low enough that it has not affected my overall numbers at all. I think it has something to do with DHT conversion in the skin maybe but all I know is that it works and hasn’t increased my DHT or anything out of proportion. Oh and I tried adjusting everything from hCG trying to play with my estrogen, etc. 10 years on TRT and this is the only thing that brought sensitivity back to the way it was when I was young.

This comes from Healthy Choice compounding pharmacy in Elmsford New York.
DHT is directly correlated with libido.
To the shaft mainly and around the bottom of the head. For me it was pretty quick, within a week. I do it twice daily and notice a bit more fullness it’s the sensitivity that changed not a big difference in firmness but it’s alwaus not full when not erect. I don’t use a condom, it’s low enough that my wife hadn’t had any issues... may even help that she gets a bit of it ;) I am trying the head this week so I’ll report back.

Anything to report yet J?
Oh yes, forgot to update! It does help a lot! Haven’t had any issues at all. Very happy I started the protocol!

So the cream just increased sensitivity? Did it do anything for erection response or quality or duration? Did the sensitivity increase effect your timing? I'm going to give it a try! I'll report back. I do have some other to you PM on here, I'm new to the site. Thanks.
Don't get too caught up in the whole "sensitive" E2 testing issue. You have what's available to you - immunoassay - snd that's more than good enough (I've had ~30 tests in London over the last 20 years and have found the E2 results to be both consistent and instructive).

My strong advice, as others have said, is don't take any AIs based on your Labs and an apparent lack of sensitivity.
Overall you've got quite high levels of all the sex hormones, which is fine as long as all are in balance.
Your FT is >2% of TT which is great news.

Your most recent E2 number is high(ish) and the most noticeable change from your earlier Labs is that then your E2 was ~0.2% of your TT and now it's ~0.4% of TT, which is high.
Some of that difference could be explained by inconsistencies but it's a big swing. Did you increase hCG or introduce anything new between the two draws.

The other two issues with sexual function, from a hormone perspective, are DHT and prolactin. DHT doesn't appear on the Labs you posted; many panels don't include DHT (but should in my view).
Healthy eugonadal men convert T to DHT at ~10% which would indicate for you a DHT level of around 4.2 nmol/L (120 ng/dl). That will be "above range", as are your other hormones, and would balance well your high(ish) E2.

Last, but not least, Sex. Is your new g/f practicing Kegels and really using it during intercourse.
Overcomes "lack of sensitivity", helps you get off and most women really like the sensation too.
Guys. I’ve struggled with this also. When I spoke with my doctor about this he prescribed me an extremely low dose cream 5mg per .1 ml and I apply it to my penis twice a day, like a scrotal cream. It comes in a little pen type bottle. I swear to God it’s like being a teenager again and the dose is low enough that it has not affected my overall numbers at all. I think it has something to do with DHT conversion in the skin maybe but all I know is that it works and hasn’t increased my DHT or anything out of proportion. Oh and I tried adjusting everything from hCG trying to play with my estrogen, etc. 10 years on TRT and this is the only thing that brought sensitivity back to the way it was when I was young.

This comes from Healthy Choice compounding pharmacy in Elmsford New York.
so you
I second the kegel advice. My wife has been doing them for years and it is amazing what it does for sensitivity during intercourse. It literally tips you and squeezes you while you thrust. Great for he and, I think, even better for you. Get your woman to do it. You won’t be sorry.
guys are missing the point of op ... dude complains about sensitivity and they ignore it and say tell the wife to do a better job... lolll
How/where do you use it? Does it improve erections quality/duration? Can you rub on your balls as well?
You can rub it anywhere but I already said it helps with sensitivity have not noticed anything else, but is good for the skin. So you could try with aging lesions, dry areas, etc. C60 is the current anti aging miracle supplement making the rounds. It is generally taken orally dissolved in olive oil as per the link I provided. It is also found in some dermatologic products.
You can rub it anywhere but I already said it helps with sensitivity have not noticed anything else, but is good for the skin. So you could try with aging lesions, dry areas, etc. C60 is the current anti aging miracle supplement making the rounds. It is generally taken orally dissolved in olive oil as per the link I provided. It is also found in some dermatologic products.
Oh so it’s not just oil it’s the c60.. ok
I relate this to give hope to anyone with some lost sensitivity: In the process of switching from EOD enanthate to ED propionate I temporarily regained sensitivity like I haven't had in 25 years. I just wish I could tell you exactly what did it, but unfortunately I was not bothering to isolate all the variables. I also wish the effect were permanent, but it only lasted a couple weeks. At least it was a very pleasant two weeks! Things that might have contributed:

For one thing, at the start of the transition I'd been trying the low-dose penile cream protocol described in the first couple pages of this thread. I only did this for a few days, as I didn't see any improvement and actually thought things were getting worse. But we have to keep open the possibility of a delayed reaction, or a reaction to loading and stopping.

The next thing is that I was trying to keep hormone levels fairly stable in the transition from enanthate to propionate, so I ramped up the propionate over several days after stopping enanthate. This might have been overcompensation, and hormone levels could have dropped and rebounded in this period.

Another confounding factor is that the protocol change led to less total testosterone than I had been taking—from 6.5 mg pure T per day down to 5 mg, for complicated reasons. But I neglected to reduce the dose of anastrozole, which remained at 35 mcg ED. So average estradiol is almost certainly lower, and if testosterone dipped further in the transition then estradiol could temporarily have been lower still.

While it's frustrating to not know exactly what caused the surge in sensitively, it's very heartening to think that the sensitivity is not lost for good, and with further experimentation it may be possible to recreate the experience, and hopefully for a longer or even indefinite period.
What if what you really need do is manage your E2 as a PEAK number, and not a trough.
I think this possibility should definitely be considered. The modeling work I've done suggests that low-frequency variations in serum testosterone result in higher estradiol peaks than high-frequency variations, even when average testosterone and estradiol are the same. It would answer the puzzle of why substantial diurnal variations are ok and normal, but similar weekly cycles may not be.
What if what you really need do is manage your E2 as a PEAK number, and not a trough.
I forgot to mention another point: in determining normal hormone levels in males the measurements are usually going to be made near the peaks. This is the opposite of what we typically do in TRT. It should lower our reference frame; although the maximum average male estradiol is about 30 pg/mL—occurring in 20-30 year-olds, their trough values are more like 10% below that.
The further I get away from my last injection (as my levels drop) the better my labido and mood has become. I am now a true believer of less is more.

I had a couple days where I felt sick, after a couple of weeks of tiredness and fatigue. After my slight illness evaporated I woke up and felt better than I have in months or years. No clue what that was all about.

I also took someoens suggestion and applied some of the cream to the shaft and head of the penis and that helped a ton.

I have about 1-2 weeks before the cypionate leaves my body and my levels should be much better then.

What’s odd is that I usually feel much better about 1-2 hours after I apply cream. Not a buzz.. jsut relief.. ahhhhh I’m ready...

Can’t wait till I’m 100%. At this time all I can say is progress. I’m moving along towards the goal of being healthy again.
... I also took someoens suggestion and applied some of the cream to the shaft and head of the penis and that helped a ton.

Let me tell you that C60 olive oil recommendation I made was no joke. I was using it primarily orally and then found out it helped improved skin. So just curious I rubbed some on the old pecker. Wow I cannot remember if it was the next day or a few days later... the sensitivity improvement was totally unexpected and remarkable.

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