First question, if you make a change in your T dose can you get labs after 4 weeks?
I went from 140 mgs of cypionate to 100 mgs.
On 140 my level day before my next shot was 1380
On 120 my level pre shot was 1375
On 100 mgs it was 1361
Presently went down to 80 mgs third week but hevents tested.
I couldn't believe that it only dropped basically 20
Doctors wants my pre shot level to be "around" 800. I am 74 years old if that makes any difference.
And yes at those levels my E2 was up.
Any toughs as to why my levels haven't dropped a lot?
Thank you !!
In general you should give it 6 want to make sure your blood levels have stabilized before getting labs as anytime one increases/decreases T dose levels will be in FLUX during the following weeks leading up untils levels stabilize so testing too early is pointless as you will not be getting an accurate result.
You stated you started off on 140 mg than had labs done and your TT trough levels were high so you dropped the dose to 120 mg than had labs done and your levels barely dropped so you dropped the dose to 100 mg than had labs done and again your TT trough levels were only slightly lower than your TT trough levels when you were injecting 140 mg.....seems odd.
Did you wait the full 6 weeks between the dose reductions?
If you are only injecting once weekly whether 140--->100 mg of T than if the levels stated above are your true trough (labs 7 days after your previous injection) than not only are your trough levels really high.....your peak levels would be absurdly high as T levels will peak 24-36 hrs post injection.
What testing method was used for TT?
Exactly how long were you on each dose of cypionate as again if it was only 4 weeks than your levels would still be in flux.....let alone hard to believe you could truly gauge how you felt overall on each dose.
Even though it will take 6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize many tend to experience the honeymoon period during the weeks leading up until levels stabilize as not only are levels in flux but they are increasing which can affect people in different ways as some tend to feel amazing regarding mood/energy/libido/erectile function as oppose to others who may tend to experience ups/downs along the way.
Even than once levels stabilize one needs to give it a good 2-3 months for the body to adapt to those new levels.....let alone truly gauge how said protocol (T dose/injection frequency) makes them feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-T symptoms.
You state your doctor wants your TT trough around 800 ng/dL which is misleading because what truly matters is your free testosterone as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the beneficial effects.
Knowing your SHBG level is also critical as it will impact your FT level.....let alone what TT level you would be need to aim for to attain a healthy FT level.