Issues with Empower Pharmacy

Anyone else had trouble getting ahold of Empower pharmacy in the last few weeks. I’ve been trying to call in a rx refill and I just get put on hold no one’s picked up. They’ve been great up until now. Might have to switch pharmacies. Any recommendations in the US that ships to CA?
We decided at our office that we will now give our patients the phone number of the pharmacy to call when their orders are so late. We spend our entire day looking into late prescriptions! It’s unsustainable. They need to have the patients contacting them all day, instead of us. Then maybe they’ll stop selling semaglutide to new weight loss clinics who just popped up to sell semaglutide and focus on their bread and butter HRT clinics.
I posted somewhere the other day, I am still with Defy, but got fed up with their pharmacies, I pay a small fee and they send my prescriptions to HAAC in New Mexico, fast and efficient and always answer their phones, cheaper for me is their number 505-232-4222
Thanks for posting this.
I have had enough. I have had the same testosterone proprionate prescription with Empower for a couple of years now. For some reason on this refill the tech decided the prescription did not contain "enough information" even though it has been the same for countless refills. My doctor can't contact them. I am on my fourth try this morning. I hung up after an hour when I ran out of time yesterday. I have been on hold for an hour and 40 minutes so far today. I am a normal guy with a family and a job. I don't have time for this. I think it is safe to say these people are effectively out of business. A long time refill should be a simple process with no phones required. I am frustrated and disgusted.

Does anyone know of a pharmacy that can fill a prescription for 100% testosterone proprionate? I am going to start by calling that New Mexico pharmacy. Thanks for the number.

Nelson - I think it is time to put the power of Excel Male behind a pharmacy that takes better care of it's customers.
I finally spoke with an Empower operator after 2 hours and 15 minutes on hold. She told me that they still needed more information for the refill request from my doctor - for a years old unchanged prescription. Of course my doctor has tried to provide that and can't contact them either which I told her. She promised she would call them directly and then call me back. I am not holding my breathe. So after a two and a half hour ordeal I am no closer to getting this prescription filled - and this is a routine refill.
I finally spoke with an Empower operator after 2 hours and 15 minutes on hold. She told me that they still needed more information for the refill request from my doctor - for a years old unchanged prescription. Of course my doctor has tried to provide that and can't contact them either which I told her. She promised she would call them directly and then call me back. I am not holding my breathe. So after a two and a half hour ordeal I am no closer to getting this prescription filled - and this is a routine refill.
I hope when you get it, your proprionate is fresh. My latest received in March 2023, expiration date June 2023. I will start using it in another week or so, and at my dosage I will be using it for months after expiration.
The main reason for these delays is Semaglutide. The pharmacies have decided to take on all these new weight loss clinics that recently popped up to sell semaglutide. I told my contacts at Empower that they need to have two separate pathways for incoming prescriptions and ensure that HRT prescriptions are given priority. I also told them that if they take on all these new clinics just for semaglutide, it is short sighted as Novo Nordisk will certainly stop them from manufacturing and selling semaglutide as soon as they are back on track. As a result, they will lose their bread and butter HRT clinics for this short term gain with semaglutide. They have to do something. I have patients who are well over two weeks now, waiting for prescriptions. It’s hurting all of the clinics who have been with them.
I stopped using Empower way before the weight loss drug came about. I got fed up years and years ago, now this is going to really slow them up. I am happy with my other compounding pharm., unfortunately, they don't carry everything.
I I tried calling five times and never got through to them so trying out a new pharmacy in southern CA. Really nice customer service but they are telling me there’s a shortage on testosterone now so I’m on a waiting list to get my prescription now. Hopefully no more than a few weeks.
I’m in So Cal as well. What is the name of the Pharmacy. I would like to check them out as well.
I couldn't get ahold of Empower for over 2 weeks, sat on hold for over 45 minutes on 8 different occasions. They never answered my emails either. I just switched over to Revive RX Pharmacy, they are located in Houston,TX. Great response and pricing.
I have had enough. I have had the same testosterone proprionate prescription with Empower for a couple of years now. For some reason on this refill the tech decided the prescription did not contain "enough information" even though it has been the same for countless refills. My doctor can't contact them. I am on my fourth try this morning. I hung up after an hour when I ran out of time yesterday. I have been on hold for an hour and 40 minutes so far today. I am a normal guy with a family and a job. I don't have time for this. I think it is safe to say these people are effectively out of business. A long time refill should be a simple process with no phones required. I am frustrated and disgusted.

Does anyone know of a pharmacy that can fill a prescription for 100% testosterone proprionate? I am going to start by calling that New Mexico pharmacy. Thanks for the number.

Nelson - I think it is time to put the power of Excel Male behind a pharmacy that takes better care of it's customers.
Try Revive RX Pharmacy in Houston.
Ok guys. I'm now in the group of people waiting on who knows what for empower to get their crap together.

Can we just call Defy, get our money back, have them call in a prescription to a local pharmacy, use our insurance and get our testosterone that way?
Ok guys. I'm now in the group of people waiting on who knows what for empower to get their crap together.

Can we just call Defy, get our money back, have them call in a prescription to a local pharmacy, use our insurance and get our testosterone that way?
I don’t think defy cares, all these pharmacies are making tons selling ozempic now. I was told from another pharmacy there was 1000 scripts ahead of me but I paid 15 to get to the head of the line. But I got my stuff from Taylor made pharmacy in Kentucky. They actually answer their phones!

I was on hold with revive for 30 mins and hung up
I'm now dealing with empower delays. Apparently they are out of one my medications and unfortunately no one from Defy let me know till 12 days after I ordered it. I've been a happy Defy customer for years now, but the rep I spoke to today was argumentative, which was a weird experience. I'm pretty much out of my test cyp, so hopefully they ship soon. Their new shopping cart system is so much worse. You literally have to call to have every controlled medication prescribed to you unlocked. This includes any changes in volume. If you normally order a 5ml vial of test cyp and try to order a 10ml, you can't without calling in. Ugh. Not good changes by management.
My local TRT doc just dumped Empower due to late deliveries and customer service issues. Good thing I had a little stash, or I would be out of T at this point. Just got confirmation today my order has shipped from Olympia RX. We will see if they are better. Sad!
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My TRT provider (Matrix Hormones) used to go through ReviveRx and Empower. The last four months of meds have been only ReviveRx. I'm glad they've stayed on top of availability issues.
Yes, same here. Been going on for several months. They definitely need more employees to answer calls. And once you do get a request they always have shipping delays….
They definitely need to improve before they loose a lot of customers….
Haven't had anything compounded for about a year but when I email them with a question, I usually receive a reply within 1 or 2 days.
My local TRT doc just dumped Empower due to late deliveries and customer service issues. Good thing I had a little stash, or I would be out of T at this point. Just got confirmation today my order has shipped from Olympia RX. We will see if they are better. Sad!
Olympia is pricey. They're local for me(I'm in Cape Canaveral). My urologist has used Empower for years but maybe he has another compounding pharmacy as back up.
I am in the same sinking boat. Same dr for years.... Empower for years.... Using TD test cream for years... New script was sent in a week or so ago and down the rabbit hole I went... MSG left on my office answering machine that additional info was needed. I tried calling and got the "Your number 55 in line" response! Tried a few more times over a few days and same msg #55...#45...#51... I finally bit the bullet and sat in front of my computer as the phone msg SLOWLY counted down to 1!!! Talked to a person that could not find my script and transferred me to someone else who found that my script was entered with my first and last names listed backwards! He identified that the script was missing a diagnosis code and date of last dr visit? NEVER had ANY issues with the way the script was written until now. Said to have my dr call and provided that. I called my drs off and let them know what info was needed. It appears that even dr offices are getting that "You are #56 in line msg" as I called empower a bit ago to see if that missing info had been provided. Nope!!!. At least this time the rep made a simple suggestion ..... "Have your dr. send in a NEW script from scratch, with all the info". I will call my dr in the A.M. and ask them to send a NEW script in and will see if that works. I will give Empower one more chance to get it right before I look for another provider! I may have a days worth of TD cream left!. The silver lining is that I will be able to run some labs and see where my testosterone levels are at naturally without meds :)

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