I have had enough. I have had the same testosterone proprionate prescription with Empower for a couple of years now. For some reason on this refill the tech decided the prescription did not contain "enough information" even though it has been the same for countless refills. My doctor can't contact them. I am on my fourth try this morning. I hung up after an hour when I ran out of time yesterday. I have been on hold for an hour and 40 minutes so far today. I am a normal guy with a family and a job. I don't have time for this. I think it is safe to say these people are effectively out of business. A long time refill should be a simple process with no phones required. I am frustrated and disgusted.
Does anyone know of a pharmacy that can fill a prescription for 100% testosterone proprionate? I am going to start by calling that New Mexico pharmacy. Thanks for the number.
Nelson - I think it is time to put the power of
Excel Male behind a pharmacy that takes better care of it's customers.