So is this common because I'm in a major crash and suspect I've gotten a bad batch of either test or nandrolone. Checking the nandrolone vial that I've been using just a couple of weeks and the discard by date is TODAY.
Hard to believe you are experiencing a major crash unless your T was bunk or you are running a very low T dose with a higher dose of ND and the ND is bunk.
Chances seem slim especially if you are dealing with a reputable compounding pharmacy.
The shelf life of the Xyosted (TE) auto-injector which is preservative free as it only contains testosterone enenthate in sesame oil is 2 years.
Unopened vials of various esterified T/ND formulations (ester, carrier oil, excipients) will have a shelf life of 3 years on average.
An unopened ampule/vial should still be okay to use past the expiration date as esterified testosterone is very stable, mind you there may be degradation in the potency/purity post-expiration date and no one can say with certainty to what degree.
I would tread lightly with an unopened multi-dose vial well beyond the 3 years especially when it comes to sterility.
I definitely would not touch an unopened 10-year-old vial!
The bottom line here is you need labs.
I would be testing TT using the most accurate assay (LC/MS-MS) and FT (Equilibrium Dialysis) to see where your trough TT/FT levels truly sit as the standard immunoassays would skew your results when using ND.
As another poster stated test your TT using the standard assay to see if your ND is legit as such assay will pick up the TT + ND and put your TT well beyond where it would truly sit.